I like the true story of a guy that would address his coworker as “My highly esteemed colleague” at work to get around the pronoun nonsense.
The Israelites are God’s chosen people. What were they chosen to do? They were chosen to protect and pass down the Word of God so that the rest of the world would know who God is. They are a microcosm example for the rest of us. The study of God’s Word through Scripture allows us to have an intimate relationship with our Father in Heaven. The Israelites were not special at all. They are like the rest of us. God could have chosen any group of people for His will.
I expect him to be on amphetamines.
Your children need you to be alive. Period.
👆Voice of Reason.
Wouldn’t it be great if one of us opened up a COVID Museam that focused on their vitriol behavior towards us? NEVER FORGET!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are the true heroes! We were the ones trying to save their lives!!! We were the one’s praying for them! And we received hatred for it.
True, but most people refused to do their research on it after being warned by people like us. I would have more sympathy if he took it to keep his job….but a volleyball game? That is like taking it to get a free hamburger.
I just looked at the NM distance…it is 90nm. So, 10,000 is what I would choose if there were no clouds or turbulence.
I think the main reason they do it is to give their nasal tissue a break and to avoid tracks on their arms. Listening again to this…blond gal was a little confusing as she was using jargon of an addict, but I think that drugs have slightly different affects depending how it is administered and they definitely have a different time that you would feel the high.
Funny how they portray this as “safe.” I foresee colon cancer in their future if they survive long enough.
Move the decimal point and that is how high to go. Example - 125 miles would be 12,500. But they are flying under IFR rules, so you can’t do the 500’. And flying westbound has to be an even number. So the optimal altitude would be 12,000’ or 14,000’. Going up to 16,000 wouldn’t be horrible, especially to get over some cumulus clouds.
More examples-
400 miles = 40,000’
50 miles = 5,000’
Note- Mileage is in Nautical Miles, not Statute Miles.
I have played many different sports in my youth. Soccer, for me, was the most cardio workout. More than basketball and even track.
But…. He did take it “voluntarily” to see a freaking volleyball game!
Try Jerusalem Artichokes. See my post above on them.
Some people love grow bags. I hate trying to keep the moisture content at a decent level. My grow bags in the past drained too well and the hot summer sun would dry them out quickly, so I suppose it depends on what kind of grow bag you are using. I have a huge garden, so I only use grow bags to experiment with and have a little fun with stuff that I wouldn’t normally grow.
One of the best survival foods is called the “Jerusalem Artichoke.” It has the same caloric value as a potato and will grow like weeds in any soil and zone (but prefers colder zones.). They have more nutrition than potatoes as well. Downside is that if you dig them up, they will only last a few days. You can just keep them in the ground and harvest them on-demand. They are highly prolific and spread, so grow in a contained area is preferred. I just purchased some tubers and planted them in some grow bags. If the shit hits the fan, I plan on sectioning off half of my garden to grow them.
Interesting history as well. When Hitler invaded Europe, his troops stole most of the potatoes. France survived on Jerusalem Artichokes as the Germans didn’t know they were there.
It does. It refers to him as a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.” All versions.
I avoid JFK Jr being alive. Even my based wife rolls her eyes at me.
Holds folded 2.5” X 2.5 inch folded bill above a fabric seat cushion.
Pretends to turn it over while bending over away from the seat and holding a 1.75 X 3.5” business card above the floor carpet.
Is everything they do deceptive?
She keeps her diaphragm in a pizza box.
As much as I enjoy when the left fights each other, this video is just plain sad to me. Gays are getting more and more violent and out of control as God has given them over to their reprobate minds. This is a sign of the end times.
Feminism has come full-circle.
To be fair, most drag queens wear diapers for bad sphincter control.
With the use of AI, it would be easy to mimic her voice to call home to say she is fine but not coming home.
My impression of her is that she is an entitled bitch seeking sympathy points. No crew member wants to kick a passenger off the airplane unless they have to. There is too much paperwork involved with it. Nobody wants the drama. If this woman was so concerned about her medication, then she should be spending her time figuring out how to get her hands on some and not making videos.