Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

C-19 theater has destroyed the integrity of all medical facilities.

Well, it certainly PROVED they have no integrity, and not even much common human decency.

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

So interesting - eggs can still be had so cheaply and they're so nutritious. This is excellent advice for folks that can't go buy a thousand bucks worth of MREs.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks! :) Sounded kinda weird....just leaving eggs soaking in water that way.

Rubieroo 9 points ago +9 / -0

Exactly. We've all been fished out of "stupid" and we all learned. These dopes died before they had a chance to learn. That's just tragic.

Rubieroo 19 points ago +19 / -0

I always have hopes that people will eventually recover from Cabal-induced retardation. Sadly, it does not surprise me that reddit is leading the charge of unrecoverable retards.

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

A friend of mine used to put a whole uncooked egg in the soil and plant tomatoes on top - and she had GREAT tomatoes!

We found out the hard way that those eggs might remain intact for several months, and when you go to replant you will be in for a nasty surprise D:

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting! I bet there are a lot of ways to do this....

I know you can use chlorine dioxide or a few tiny specks of pool shock (calcium hypochlorite kind, not ANY other kind) to rinse veggies, fruits, and even meat. The veggies last WAY longer after a bit of a bath in either. The calcium hypochlorite in water turns to hypochlorous acid, which is the foundation of your immune system - basically nascent oxygen. So it's bio-compatible with humans. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/chemistry/calcium-hypochlorite

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay, I'm not quite getting this - do you keep them in water that has lime added? Or put them in the lime water, remove, let the dry, and store at room temp?

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not even once did Q ever refer to Q as "Qanon", nor did Q ever refer to anons as "Qanon".

The Q posts containing that moniker were all referencing other's use of the word or contained in URLs created by others. Q only used it in quotes that pointed back to uses by the media, congress, the tech giants and social media controllers who all said "Qanon". And at the appropriate time, Q finally said there is no "Qanon". A nice slap at the Deep State, who always tries to control lingo.


Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Indeed - and I actually do believe that if Obama ran to Kenya their govt would hand him over on a silver platter the second President Trump asks them to do so.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah, it means he'd try and go to Kenya and hide there. Doesn't mean he escapes justice. What would Kenya do if they (and the world) saw video evidence of Obama doing to kids what we all suspect he was doing? Kenya would not harbor them. Trump already spoke to Kenya....I really do not think they would fight Obama's extradition if it came to it.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

My guess is that by claiming to be a citizen of Kenya he can hide there and avoid extradition. That's why every time he goes to Kenya we all watch and wonder if he's gonna bolt.

Rubieroo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes. FakeBiden cannot stop what is happening. He has no authority to do so.

Someone the other day said "By destroying these bioweapon facilities, Russia is SAVING the world". I thought that was very well put.

Rubieroo 20 points ago +20 / -0

Extra bonus point side note for OP: years ago (was it 2018?) on 8chan (this was before 8chan was attacked and knocked offline) the anons requested President Trump use the words "tippy top" in his speech before Easter. And President Trump did exactly that. He is Q+

Rubieroo 21 points ago +21 / -0

Side note for OP: as per Q, there is Q and there are anons. There IS no such thing as "Qanon", so when you hear this invoked by the media? Fake news. You will have noticed that they are still obsessed with Q, but they cannot backtrack from their lingo.

by BQnita
Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also Tooosh B

by BQnita
Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0


Rubieroo 15 points ago +15 / -0

A favorite!

And when President Trump pushed his way past the Cabal minions to stand at the front of the group of world leaders :D

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