An elite research board? And you're the only one deciding what is elite? Some of the stickies and hot posts I see are so ridiculous that they make Flat Earth look like Vaccine Injury 😂 You better step up your ban game if you're trying to make this an "elite research board".
Dropping something like this to normies is just as damaging to the cause if not more so than randoms talking about flat earth. But FE nerds are the problem... okay.
Personally, I don't think any theory should be disregarded unless proven false beyond all belief. And I don't think it's right to look down on others for their beliefs or inquiries. Nobody on this board has been to space so there's that.. I would be willing to bet a fair share of money that the earth is round, but I have heard some compelling arguments from intelligent people on the other side. It's almost like a religion here, like you can believe these conspiracy theories over here, but if you believe any of those conspiracies over there then you are banned and shunned. Just weird to me.
This is it! No wonder the vaccine uses gene manipulation techniques, they're just trying to help us become round-up ready! They really are making us GMOs! 🤣
I will continue to come back until this discussion no longer entertains me lol I can give you studies showing all of the truths regarding covid and the vaccines but you will not give me studies on THC induced brain damage. Like I said, it doesn't matter how many kids, even one is too many. Here is an article containing research from somebody at Yale since you value an article from Harvard: “In 2021, fentanyl was responsible for the deaths of 40 infants and 93 children aged 1 to 4 years.” - Here is the paper referenced: I agree that normalization of drugs is a problem. And that I believe it stems from alcohol, which is completely accepted by society but continues to be one of the most dangerous and harmful drugs in existence. To be honest, no I am not a drug addict. I've smoked cannabis and opened my mind with psilocybin multiple times in my life and I have no shame in that but, I have fortunately never had any type of substance problem.
I told myself I wasn't going to continue this interaction but I admit it is mildly entertaining lol. I don't want to watch a video, I would be interested in reading some studies though (nowhere did i say "government studies" anywhere?). It's news to me if studies are proving thc causes brain damage. Yeah I do attack mainstream sources.. for obvious reasons.. they tell us Q anon this Q anon that.. vaccine this covid that etc. But I will read some legitimate studies. Kids dying from fentanyl is pretty well known, would you like me to provide sources? I'm sure there are numbers i could come up with but it really doesn't matter. Unless you live under a rock it's hard to miss. I know good people that have lost children to the drug. Did anyone force them? No. But that's not really the issue. The globalists are purposely flooding our streets with fentanyl and it is unacceptable. If you believe those that get hooked on opiates and end up dead from fentanyl deserve their plight somehow, then you are no different than the enemy. I assume you drink, as most do. And most of them, such as yourself, consider cannabis users to be somehow "less than" alcohol users despite alcohol being far more harmful. You assume I'm a brain damaged drug addict why? For defending myself and standing up for my belief that fentanyl is a real problem in this country? My assumption that you are a brain damaged drinker is much more likely statistically haha and your counters are becoming more and more dissociated from my text, suggesting some form of cognitive decline. I assume alcohol induced due to your belief that cannabis causes brain damage and drug users deserve death for playing the "stupid game".
I think it's intentional.. they want us sick!
It doesn't kill the plants, because they have all been genetically modified to be "roundup ready". So it only kills the weeds. I believe alot of Europe does this as well. I know Italy might have banned it, and in Russia its a felony to possess genetically modified food stuffs.. and then don't forget that the federal government signed a deal in 1993 requiring all of our grains to be sprayed with folic acid.. which around half of people are unable to methylate into folic acid, causing all sorts of issues.
All of our grains are dusted with the glyphosate as well.. multiple times per year.. and then sprayed with folic acid that about half of people cannot methylate into methyl folate, causing various issues in itself.
Most people don't understand that all of our fields are being dusted with this exact shit multiple times per year. What about all of my neighbors that have died of lymphoma and other cancers over the years due to living in an area completely surrounded by corn fields? Literally drinking and bathing in glyphosate straight from the well.
The same sources telling you what to believe about vaccines... really? Did you even read these articles? There's nothing even remotely convincing in these propaganda pieces suggesting that I've suffered from thc induced brain damage.. The best you can do is argue that it could have induced schizophrenia if I was already predisposed. Please link the studies suggesting that recreational cannabis use causes brain damage.
My whole point of commenting on your comment of the OP was to bring light to the fact that fentanyl isn't only affecting fentanyl/heroin addicts. I didn't say it happens all the time, but I don't think it's right and this stuff is flooding into our country. I don't think it's right that there are kids dying every single day by the truckload because of this, whether they got hooked on drugs or not.
Now go back to that bottle on your night stand. That's where your real and proven brain damage is coming from. But you should drink right? That's not a "stupid game" to earn a "stupid prize" right? Because your beloved government condones that as opposed to cannabis correct? Although my interaction ends here, I look forward to your rebuttal.
Tell me you're ignorant as hell without telling me you're ignorant as hell. What's this magical thinking you're obsessed with? It's magical thinking to point out that fentanyl is killing people in random public places due to its extreme potency?
The weed I smoked had consequences how? By being more educated on the subject than you? You're so ridiculously ignorant that you still believe the Marijuana hysteria from 50 years ago. News flash: cannabis doesn't make you stupid.
I shouldn't have been smoking weed? Why? The government told me it's bad? I did my own research and realized it's basically fucking harmless. You're a disgrace to other anons here with your ignorance, incompetence and lack of research skills. It's actually disturbing that there are members on this board such as yourself that believe kids smoking pot that's been laced with fentanyl should just die.. cuz durr.. play stupid games.. durr.. stfu and go back to you ignorant fuck.
Yeah you can literally die by touching fentanyl residue and it happens in public places. Durrr magic thinking durr. Educate yourself moron.
Nobody made me or any of my 50 friends in highschool buy any weed. But none of us died because it was just that..weed. Should we all have died because we wanted to smoke some cannabis? Is that what you're saying? Fucking jackwagon.
It's a bigger problem when a kid buys a dime sack of weed and dies of a fentanyl overdose. Or you walk in the grocery store and wipe your face with the fentanyl that was on the shopping cart and die of an overdose. Yeah it's a big deal.
Are you aware of the differences between 4g and 5g? It's pretty big and costly but yet the performance difference is negligible so why the big push? I simply shared the first file I came across I had. This is a research board after all and I'm not going to share link after link like I'm arguing with a lefty on Twitter. I'm just saying, there is a plethora of research out there and the link I shared may have been a bad example. You're free to draw your own conclusions obviously, but personally I'm very leary of the use of 5g in cellphones on a global scale.
First source I pull out of my files. There's plenty out there. This is early 4g mind you. Seriously look into this if you're going to counter it.
Have you done any research other that using the tech? There are people that can't even be around small amounts of EMR without side effects, were you aware of that? Also, when you're in contact with something harmful you aren't always going to feel or notice anything wrong especially in the short term ie: heads exploding. So you're siding with the same mainstream doctors and scientists that promote most of the poison today? And not the "fringe" doctors and scientists that have the balls to speak up?
Using Google to research that or what? You not know how many doctors and scientists signed petitions when 4g came out?
I live in a town of fewer people... with far more sex offenders. It's not uncommon, they get released after a slap on the wrist and then reoffend.
Very nice write up thank you! I admit I haven't watched the videos yet or looked much further than this comment but, can you give me an explanation for what seems to be apparent transmission? Ie: chickenpox parties, coworkers/families having near identical symptoms etc. Thanks again for the info.
Can you sauce me? Hear this over and over here about viruses not existing and whatnot etc. It's very interesting but whenever I ask nobody gives me any sauce or anywhere to turn?
Ethylene glycol is NOT in vape cigarettes and it IS harmful and fuck "food grade" labels. Edit: propylene glycol is in e-cigs it's very different.
Just a tip - high ph water will not raise your body's ph. The best water to drink is actually hydrogen rich water; there are a bunch of studies indicating such.