I think you're right on, but most importantly, he made it clear that it should be an individual choice. That's all we need to hear. We never needed a president to tell us how to think. We needed a president who allowed us to think for ourselves. His pro-vaccine statements used to bug me until I realized that his supporters are able to still support him and still make up their own mind.
Two fold, in my opinion.
First, the more innocuous: Do for Covid testing what CVS and Walgreens did for doctor visits. Make it crazy cheap, fast, and available all over the world. Lots of money to be made on that alone, hedging that the entire world will use this for anything ranging from allowing an employee with sniffles back to work to permitting people to eat at a restaurant, attend an event, fly, etc. Prove you don't have the Rona or no admittance for you.
Second, with covid testing being used in a similar way as the vaccine passport (possibly even replacing it if it can't be forced on the people), the test results can determine what you can do. Positive for the CCP virus? No travel for you. But who controls the test results? It quickly becomes: Oh, your social media indicates you don't support Hollywood degeneracy, CRT, sexual deviance, child sacrifice, etc? Looks like you're positive for "long covid." Better quarantine for the next year.
Can't have your life threatened if you're dead.
It says the spike cell protein can enter the brain, which is what the "vaccine" causes your body to produce.
What great questions. Keep asking them!
My opinion: Look at Jesus. Not as a man, but as He is. Here is a plan:
Pick a good bible translation that you are willing to read. It should be closer to a word by word translation for accuracy. I like New King James. I hear NASB is good. The English Standard Version is good. If you struggle with those, the New International Version is not bad.
Read the book of John. Focus on who Jesus is. John had a very unique relationship with Jesus and, in my opinion, saw and experienced Jesus' love the way no other disciple did. John also focuses on Jesus' divinity.
Read the other Gospels. Matthew focuses in on the old testament prophecies that Jesus fulfills and accounting for miracles. Luke attempts to present information the other Gospel accounts did not include, and presents it to a gentile (non-Jewish) friend.
Study and pray. Jesus presented the biggest red pill through all history when He demonstrated many who believe they were holy were evil.
The retraction is VERY old, but nobody reported it. And yes, he was right. I’ve seen it personally more than once.
Looks like basic advertisement campaign tracking so they can identify the text message and the contact that clicked on the link. Helps identify customers interested in an offer and the level of success of an ad campaign.
No clue. Found this though:
1980 Rona Barrett interview (Bottom of page 7): https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-stat/graphics/politics/trump-archive/docs/rona-barrett-1980-interview-of-donald-trump.pdf
1980 Rona Barrett interview (Bottom of page 7): https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-stat/graphics/politics/trump-archive/docs/rona-barrett-1980-interview-of-donald-trump.pdf
He said the same think in the 1980 Rona Barrett interview (Bottom of page 7): https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-stat/graphics/politics/trump-archive/docs/rona-barrett-1980-interview-of-donald-trump.pdf
Alzheimers makes you overly emotional. Causes angry outburst as well as crying over things you wouldn't have cried about before.
I bet no other rickrole in all of history enraged so many people so badly. Well done.
I always thought it more a troll for those that hate him. I'm with you though. Blaspheme is blaspheme, even if done in humor.
Subtracting the two times resolves to 113.
May be relevant: Anonymous ID: FAkr+Yka No.148185905 �
Nov 5 2017 23:53:46 (EST)
Social media platforms.
Top 10 shareholders of Facebook?
Top 10 shareholders of Twitter?
Top 10 shareholders of Reddit?
Why is SA relevant?
Controlling stakes in NBC/MSNBC?
Controlling stakes in ABC?
Controlling stakes in CBS?
Controlling stakes in CNN?
Investor(s) in Fox News?
Why is this relevant?
What is Operation Mockingbird?
Who is A Cooper?
What is A Cooper's background?
Why is this relevant?
Snow White.
Godfather III.
Of course. That's why I watch this place. To see speculation I hadn't thought of.
Wow. Thanks for that. If that was the plan, it would seem to reason the police opening the barriers and putting up very little resistance was POTUS doing and not the other guys.
Thanks for the effort. I usually just keep my mouth shut and passively watch. Easy to miss the details when EVERYTHING is a detail.
It seems like destruction of data. That is the opposite of what Trump actually needs.
I can't for the life of me find it on their web page, but CISA released an alert that has great information. The media reporting on it is absolute garbage in the form of complete misinformation or oversimplification. Link to the report: https://us-cert.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/AA20-352A-APT_Compromise_of_Government_Agencies%2C_Critical%20Infrastructure%2C_and_Private_Sector_Organizations.pdf
1 - If I remember, one of the alphabet agencies announced a few systems hacked. I think FireEye (contracted by the gov) may have been the first to mention SolarWinds. Hard to piece together with all the media saturation.
2 - Few that I see. Some IT things like CNET that oversimplify it. The severity and impact really isn't being made known by the media, but it's huge.
3 - The stock sell of was from the SolarWind execs. Were there others? If it was just SolarWinds, it sounds like someone found the exploit floating around in their source and they buried it a few days to sell of the stock. Maybe a SolarWinds employee tipped of the gov. Who knows. Maybe the other way around.
4 - This is one of the most important things to figure out.
5 - Yes. Dominion claims they do not use the infected "Orion" product and were not affected. The CISA report clearly states they are almost certain Orion is not the only vector of attack and there may be others. That could mean other SolarWinds software like what Dominion DOES use. It could mean a completely different company.
I have a feeling the hack and Dominion are unrelated. SolarWinds has so many customers, it isn't much of a coincidence that Dominion (who runs everything on Windows) would use them.
Other important part to note is that no government agency so far has claimed Russia as the source. FireEye said is smells like Russia based on methods, but that means very little. The media has decided Russia is the source the same way they decided Biden is president elect. It makes Trump look bad (because half the world is paying no attention and STILL believed the Russian collusion garbage).
I would be curious to see if anyone on that 2 million CCP list recently changed their employment history on LinkedIn to no longer reflect SolarWinds.
I put 10:00 because it looks closer to the 2 and I was again, assuming a "close enough." I get that every detail counts, but what are the odds of just the right image with just the right small details being available to use?
I could certainly be wrong and will be more than happy to eat my words if so. Looks like we'll find out in a few weeks.
John Brennan is 12 sets of 4.
Being that this is a stock photo, there are probably many unintentional details that don't mean anything. I bet the 8 red lines representing the alarm have no meaning. More likely to have meaning is the fact it is a clock and 10-2 or 10-10.
Great beak down! Thank you!!!
This is a very interesting thread. The mention of the classification of the keystone compared to the map and legend is off though. HOWEVER, it triggers a very interesting thought that I'm sure someone else had already.
Legend and map are unclassified. Keystone is (I think) unclassified. Put them together (legend and map with the keystone joining them like an actual keystone) and they become classified.
This is known as "Derivative Classification," where unclassified information, aggregated or assembled in a way that produced Classified information, even though classified information was not used to do it, make the assembled information, in fact, Classified.
It seems like an indication that the information and key to putting it together is all public information.
Don't be mad at God. Be mad at the cowards charged with saving lives who did nothing out of fear of losing their jobs. Better yet, be mad at the enemy of this world, filling it with the lies that lead them astray. God does not change. We do. Our circumstances do.
I can tell you that despite the horror and pain, God is doing something amazing with it, but realistically, you may never know what that is. That makes it hard, but you can trust in faith. It is easy to trust God when things are well, but hard when things are not. That is why we were able to see Job's character only through what he endured.
I cannot relate to your experience, honestly. My heart breaks for you though. I CAN related to the "Peace that surpasses understanding," however. At the darkest times in my life, honest faith and prayer to God in spite of the situation resulted in a peace in my soul I could not explain. I learned this week that the author of the hymn "It is Well with My Soul" wrote it after his family died and his church burned to the ground.
I am sorry for your loss. My spirit mourns with you, and I pray the Lord will give you the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, that you may say that it is well with your soul.