Mr Fink needs to screw over the Clintons
He’s a Hotard
The have to show them
comin again to save the muthafking day ya
He will be Scranton's congressman. Birthplace of the resident
Way too small a body frame. I met the guy
Free Agent Christian
We we fortunate enough to be deprogrammed. That started for me when I was 12 with a blockbuster VHS of “JFK” many years ago. Seeds were planted. As I grew older I was privy to be in close proximity but never part of secret societies in college. Certainly an oddity at the time. Never truly understanding the sociopathy of the need for control over others. If the past is prologue, I’m truly blessed to be a part of this awakening. I don’t want doxx myself but I was the sole campaign employee of one of our greatest citizen heroes of 2020. I can rest easy knowing I played a pivotal role in saving our Republic. There are no coincidences. Each one of us has been chosen for our talents. Don’t feel bad for the sheep. Be the shepherd with a gentle touch. Or the dog that protects the flock with every ounce of sheer will. As Q said “it won’t be clean”. If that’s the sacrifice lord knows how truly bad the evil is the must be uprooted.
great redpill moment
Bet he was vaxxed
My one buddy with a masters degree is real sluggish.
Sound like Jon Taffer
Winning the Clottery
Very informative. Reinforced some things I already knew
Fair enough. No delta just the terminology.
I've always loved the 40,000 feet reference, the extra cabin announcement is pointing towards the happiest part of the flight
Ever fly the friendly skies. Oblique reference to things you might hear on a flight. PILOTS have to power to bring the mandate madness in for a landing
Delta not important. Think airline lingo
Teddy Daniels might pivot to a Lt Governor run to boost him.