Perfect analysis
Alberta should join the US
just put it on. thanks for the reminder
Or he’s totally leveraged personally
Light this clown up
Learning module. Lmao
Then everyone started smoking
He killed Epstein?
yeah for sure. make the dentist feel the pain
Israeli rates are destroying it
You are watching a movie
This is a meme for the newbies. I’m giving it a test run on Zuckbook to see the reactions
I feel Taliban 2.0 has been molded by our People
More than 9/11 (tis the season)
It will be glorious when proven true
Like Russell Crowe in the Insider
Stocking up on emergency supplies
You would be a fan of Scaphism.
Then they dance like everyone is watching
Circles = Gun scopes in 2021
MSM has oddly enough started reporting things that contradict their narrative. NBC including a statement that new covid spreads faster now vaccinated
It’s a face paced world. Sound like the search doesn’t work as intended