SaltyFlorida 2 points ago +2 / -0

I always did think Sarah Jessica Parker saying “let’s hang him on a hook and let me play with him” was a little weird, but never thought more into it until you mentioned it

SaltyFlorida 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’ve been finding that you’re better off saying you think there is a plan behind the scenes working, but leave out the whole Q part. Too many people have been brainwashed to immediately brush off what you’re saying when you bring up what the news has been calling a conspiracy theory. I have been luck just bringing up what they know to be true... all the executive orders, the space force, all the pedo arrests, etc. Then ask “do you really think someone like trump just walked away so quietly knowing the election was stolen from him without a plan in place... do you really believe that?”

SaltyFlorida 2 points ago +2 / -0

I keep reminding people here that we were only 30k votes away from Andrew Gillum being governor through all this. We would have been locked down with mask mandates while he was having meth fueled gay orgies.

SaltyFlorida 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kinda jealous of you... not gonna lie

SaltyFlorida 1 point ago +1 / -0

The meme is about 10 months old

SaltyFlorida 2 points ago +2 / -0

The last Q drop is 4953. There is no 8672

SaltyFlorida 4 points ago +4 / -0

He’s still my favorite comedian. I’m not sure what I think if he’s controlled oppo or not. What I can say is when he was talking about Anthony Bourdain, yo me he basically confirmed what I already thought... he didn’t kill himself. The whole bit about this man having the absolute best job in the world, traveling and eating great food, and he kills himself? Sorry I don’t buy it. I feel like Dave indirectly pointing that out

SaltyFlorida 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nope... he needs to be on there. I’d probably get rid of Coolidge

SaltyFlorida 2 points ago +3 / -1

This must be one of those hankies they use to catch the semen, blood, and fecal matter from abused kids

SaltyFlorida 7 points ago +7 / -0

JFK needs to be on this meme

SaltyFlorida 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think it’s shills acting like morons so they can say hey look at those morons. False flag in a sense

SaltyFlorida 1 point ago +1 / -0

If a site is about truth, it will never silence any speech, even if we don't like it. Free Speech is the cornerstone to truth. With that comes speech we may not like. We are on the same team. God wins.

SaltyFlorida 7 points ago +7 / -0

It is not about using words in a way that helps the truth. Its about being able to use whatever words you want to. I don't like that choice of words, but if people want to use them, thats their right. You apparently dont believe in freedom. your idea of freedom comes with an asterisk. Once you start being ok with banning words, you're no better than twitter. faggot.

SaltyFlorida 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is 'we' all the MODs? When I see words I don't like, I just keep scrolling. I may not always like what other people have to say, but I will always fight for their right to say it. That is what free speech is all about. All your comments are downVoted. You're not right on this. Your heart is in the right place though (fuck racism), so kudos there.

SaltyFlorida 54 points ago +57 / -3

Slippery slope. I’m not a fan of the word and I don’t use it, but banning people is censoring free speech. That’s what I appreciate about these boards, it’s the last bastion of free speech. On the other hand, allowing it gives ammo to the other side, ‘those people are bigots’. Tough call, I get both sides of the argument, but I tend to side with free speech

SaltyFlorida 2 points ago +2 / -0

What I like most about this is the shots go everywhere they are deserved. The shots at our president are absolutely justified. I hear a lot from my conservative friends (echoing their wives) “I like his policies but he’s so decisive”. I am not bothered by his mean tweets, I actually enjoy it. But he couldn’t have been less decisive and brought more into his camp. Still love the guy. Just my thought

SaltyFlorida 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was 2018 when I realized why I just learned what a deepfake is. I knew right out the gate it had to do with Epstein’s videos

SaltyFlorida 17 points ago +17 / -0

Were about to see how corrupt the SC really is. If they will disregard the constitution there is no constitution

SaltyFlorida 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’m to the point i question everything and think almost everything is a lie. I even question if he really was a POW. Makes for a good sorrow story when you’re going into politics on behalf of the DS

SaltyFlorida 5 points ago +5 / -0

You’re never going to find someone that is 100% on the same page as you. Listening to everybody and make up your own mind on what to believe

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