SamytheRat 1 point ago +1 / -0

This article is mostly a lie. Crimea historically belonged to Russia just like current "Separatist" region. It was given to Ukrainian USSR only during the USSR times for the ease of administration. People living in these both places are over 99% Russians. Crimea was specifically a huge USSR military compound (surprise of why USA is crying about it a lot!). While leaving Crimea to Western NATO and USA was absolutely NOT an option, it was reclaimed. Meanwhile people of Donbass and Luhansk had their own referendum to rejoin Russia and passed with over 97% of votes. Putin did NOT reclaim them even after this vote just to avoid further international scandal. Now, for over a decade Ukraine has been genociding Russians (that is all of the population of the area) living in this region to the point of mass murders. Today when Putin announced that he is recognizing area as independent, there were fireworks, music, hugs, and dances in the street of the area. It is long overdue for the local people. Most of them felt abandoned for so long when Putin did not recognize them over a decade ago.

SamytheRat 2 points ago +2 / -0

The region has had referendum to rejoin Russia more than a decade ago. They voted over 97% to join but Putin has refused to incorporate them to avoid further international scandal. All this time Ukraine has been genociding local Russians in the region to the point of mass murders. Putin should have done it long time ago. Long overdue for the people living in there.

SamytheRat 3 points ago +3 / -0

yes, it is true. Peacekeeping mission will be there due to the region's plea to have it there before Foreign Ministers decide on the level of diplomatic relations and support. My parents living in Eastern Europe Ukrainians by origin have been witnessing fireworks, music, and celebration in the independent region. It has 99,9% Russian speaking Russians + historically region always belonged to Russia.

SamytheRat 2 points ago +2 / -0

one must remember that the facts that we read today are provided to us by the same people now in power. The winner decides what the history was. As far as I'm concerned Roman Empire only fell geographically. Mentality of Bread and Circuses, Divide and Conquer, Elite vs Plebes, including ceremonial magic of the initiated in Vatican has never changed since Sumeria. Slavery was never abolished, just reformed to cover everyone. But yes, everything happens in cycles.

SamytheRat 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is not conflation, these are parallel belief systems that are corresponding to each other in the same manner because they all came from the same source. When I mentioned Mars - I actually meant planet. Mars the god, Tiu or Tyr and many other named gods in different belief systems are different symbolic representations of Mars the planet.

SamytheRat 5 points ago +6 / -1

several Eastern cities (including Luhansk) on the border with Russia have more than 99% Russian speaking people. Ukraine indeed is committing genocide against them with the support of USA. These cities had referendum to join Russia and voted 97% for joining Russia (for that they started to be called separatists) but Putin dropped them for the sake of not escalating international tensions with Russia. People in there indeed are completely abandoned and dying out under Kyev genocide.

SamytheRat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Indeed Tiw and Tiu are Norse Tyr counterparts (also Ziu, Tiwaz, and Tyz) first and foremost god of WAR (then sky, law, etc) = Mars. Not Thor. Thor is Thursday or Jupiter.

SamytheRat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Food for more thought: in Astrology 02.22.2022 is also official first Pluto return (full circle back) for USA birthday. Pluto makes a long approximately 248 year circle around the sun. Pluto's other symbolism is Hades (god of underworld), and Phoenix - as regeneration from ashes.

On top of that, Pluto's return is in the 2nd house of the wheel that is indicating inner resources and values of the native (USA as a country in this case).

In English, it means that USA expects complete regeneration in the area of values (resources whether monetary, material, spiritual or health, etc).

Since Pluto is the slowest moving planet, it will be crossing the point several times going back and forth over it - so, it will take at least several years (already happening). That was all the good news. haha

The bad news is that Pluto or Hades makes the changes quite painful by dragging things underground and or cutting them out without the regard for anyone's worldly suffering. We already can see this happening.

Now you know why empires rise and fall every 250, 500, 750 or in 1000 cycles. Our turn to see if we are going to survive.

SamytheRat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Monday = Moon's day, Tuesday = Mars day (Primarily WAR god, secondary as law and justice), Wednesday = Mercury day, Thursday= Thor's day (or Jupiter's day), Friday = Frigg's day (Venus day), Saturday = Saturn's day, Sunday = Sun's

SamytheRat 2 points ago +2 / -0

we live in the same dystopian movie in our CA town. While Im online, I think people wake up and then I just look out the window and see all is lost scenario.

SamytheRat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have no doubt. It is a simple way of laying the grounds for illegalizing herbal and other alternative medical establishment. Has been going on for a while.

SamytheRat 6 points ago +6 / -0

Peaceful MASS CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE is the only way. We have to behave the way like they do NOT have any power over our GOD GIVEN RIGHTS.

SamytheRat 4 points ago +4 / -0

By asking or protesting against mandates we do nothing more or less than AFFIRM that they have the power to impose them. By celebrating the end of lockdowns and mask tyranny, we AFFIRM that they had the right to impose them. By letting it slide and forgetting about it, we have AFFIRMED that they have done the right thing and ALLOWED it to happen again in the future with our children. It has happened before and it will happen again. Because we are good obedient slaves that raise our kids to be good and obedient children since the day they were born.

SamytheRat 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm with you on this. My heart is bleeding when I see parents IN MASKS bawling their eyes out while telling School Board that their daughter with speech impediment in elementary school is being bullied to the point of suicide because in mask even less people understand her. All I see is a slave begging the owner to give him something. By doing this, they actually AFFIRM that the slave owners have the right to do this in the first place.

SamytheRat 2 points ago +2 / -0

as I said - they could not care less about the money. Money is all theirs and always has been. They tell you what money is to begin with.

SamytheRat 3 points ago +3 / -0

not to worry, when the trend for specific template is over, they will just rearrange it. the point is - the trendsetters are coming from above. And they will end the "trend" when THEY decide to end it. Hollywood movie ratings are dying for decades - it does not stop anyone from swapping genders, races, and push political propaganda. Billions are at stake and noone above cares. All else is marketing theory.

SamytheRat 4 points ago +4 / -0

its not about the money It is about narrative and propaganda They will only stop when they think we had enough NOT because market will demand difference.

SamytheRat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Depopulation part is true but I would not believe the statistics that is coming from the same people that manipulate with our every step. Europe is in minuses for a few decades, USA is in minuses. 50% of Africans can't have children and China had one child policy for decades. I really would not believe their statistics.

SamytheRat 4 points ago +5 / -1

yes, it seem to be the creating of the first generation of biorobots (whoever survives and successfully integrates the software that is). Experiment beyond everyone's imagination. All the dystopian movies we have ever seen combined.

SamytheRat 2 points ago +3 / -1

Russian alternative media is full of details on this. That is why Russians do not take even their own developed vaccine. I believe they have one of the lowest stats in the world with freely available vaccines to use and the Russian govt and media is panicking on air every day.

SamytheRat 2 points ago +3 / -1

there is a theory already that the vaccine makes us paramagnetic thus making us virtually into antenna. This antenna is not only receptive but also transmitting. Here, as you can imagine, 5G plays important role in passing certain info waves. Now, not all people will be able to become perfect antennas for the purpose, that is why there are several and even multigenerational vaccines necessary for the improvement of the method. While it is great to have as much coverage as possible, I've heard from specialists that only 30% or so necessary to work well to basically put 100% of the population under the 100% control.

SamytheRat -1 points ago +2 / -3

well then, nothing stops a person to find out that mass milk and meat industry has been known to ruin our health since the inception. There are literally hundreds of studies that show that animal products are exceptionally detrimental to human health from cancer development, bone fractures to lower testosterone levels. The only ones that have found the benefits, have been funded by the named industries themselves. It is hard not to recognize the same pattern of lies and deception that is going on in all other areas of our lives such as education, healthcare, etc... Unless one wants to feed their own biases and hear good news about their bad habits, the information is out there just like the info on Gates and his depopulation agenda. Good luck.

deleted 0 points ago +2 / -2
SamytheRat 4 points ago +5 / -1

1910 Flexner Report was the catalyst for the takeover of our medicine.

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