I used TD Ameritrade, which accommodates "novice" settings for new investors such as myself. But YMMV. Stay far away from advanced trading options- they can cause you to lose money that you don't even have...literally overnight. If you buy stock, just put some cash from your bank into the brokerage and use that to purchase. DO NOT risk any more money than you can stand to lose. Think of it as a lottery ticket, you might win or you might lose. I am not knowledgeable on the subject...whatever you do, it would be a good idea to call up the brokerage that you select and have them walk you through stock purchases step-by-step. Explain exactly what you are willing to risk to them and let them help you figure out how to do it. This is not financial advice, nor am I qualified to offer financial advice.
IMO, we should focus on one thing at a time. That they (and the media) are so desperately trying to manipulate the story and misdirect people to silver...by outright lying about "what the WSB people say as the next big thing..." (esp. when we HAVE NOT claimed any such thing.)
The Short Squeeze has not Squoze yet in regard to GME/AMC. Still plenty of time to get in.
Think whatever you want and buy whatever you want. Zero fucks given on my end...but GME/AMC are where all the pressure is being put on our Globalist Puppetmasters right now. It's wrecking them like nothing else ever has.
They have now realized their mistake in trying to crash GME/AMC's worth and will do ANYTHING to take that pressure off of them. "Anything" includes using the Media to distort/misdirect the truth and steer people into buying silver stock rather than GME/AMC. They're even shilling at WallStreetBets trying to sway popular opinion there, too. Fuck them, these diamond hands are holding...
Melvin Capital- the hedge fund that is being outright destroyed by crowd-sourced GME/AMC stock purchases- is one of the world's biggest Silver investors. Buying Silver stock only helps them to recover their losses. They are sending shill assets all over the internet and instructing media to promote some fake news story about WallStreetBets (the subreddit this all ORIGINATED from) "switching over to silver" so people will think it's the next big thing. It's not true. NOBODY there is recommending silver stock purchases. If you buy silver, buy PHYSICAL silver from your preferred local sources.
None of this is financial advice. I'm just a retard and I like the stonks. If you buy stock, you probably want to buy GME or AMC stock instead of getting misdirected by the fucking media. Keep the pain on those hedge funds. HOLD until those stocks reach the lunar surface- because every day that we hold, the banksters suffer an incalculable financial loss. GME doesn't appear to have any "limit" on how much it's worth can increase, so long as people involved with this HOLD.
Speaking of hedge funds, I read that WallStreetBets is now pretty much the world's largest decentralized hedgefund. Isn't it crazy what people can accomplish when they work together? :)
Melvin Capital- the hedge fund that is being outright destroyed by crowd-sourced GME/AMC stock purchases- is one of the world's biggest Silver investors. Buying Silver stock only helps them to recover their losses. They are sending shill assets all over the internet and instructing media to promote some fake news story about WallStreetBets (the subreddit this all ORIGINATED from) "switching over to silver" so people will think it's the next big thing. It's not true. NOBODY there is recommending silver stock purchases. If you buy silver, buy PHYSICAL silver.
None of this is financial advice. I'm just a retard and I like the stonks. If you buy stock, you probably want to buy GME or AMC stock instead of getting misdirected by the fucking media. Keep the pain on those hedge funds. HOLD until those stocks reach the lunar surface- because every day that we hold, the banksters suffer an incalculable financial loss. GME doesn't appear to have any "limit" on how much it's worth can increase, so long as people involved with this HOLD.
Speaking of hedge funds, I read that WallStreetBets is now pretty much the world's largest decentralized hedgefund. Isn't it crazy what people can accomplish when they work together? :)
I have black family members. I love them dearly and anything that affects them, also affects me. Their lives matter and so does mine- as well, all of yours. Every life on this fucking planet matters. We will no longer fight each other nor bicker over petty differences...the time is coming when Humanity will unite under one banner, in the interests of one singular purpose. And the Globalists won't have a damn thing to do with it. From there we move forward into a better world.
Now is the time to put our differences aside. The core of BLM's movement wants the same thing that we do. I'm talking about the regular people who joined believing that they were fighting for the recognition of human rights- not the Soros-funded arsonists and paid agitators. They can get fucked- and they do not represent the ideals of most Black Americans who latched onto the movement....anymore than False Flag "Q Supporters" represent our interests.
Insert "The Only Thing The Establishment Truly Fears" meme...
I used TD Ameritrade, but CashApp is probably simpler. Only invest what you can afford to lose. Think of it as a lottery ticket that you have slightly more control over. The calls and puts options have bankrupted some people, so stay far the fuck away from advanced trading options unless you really know what the fuck you're doing. I, for example, have no idea what I'm doing...but YOLO
If you missed out on being able to afford Gamestop, AMC is next in line. I bought in to AMC...but put your big boy pants on and don't gamble what you can't afford to lose. If you can stomach the experience of browsing anything on (barf) r*ddit, /r/wallstreetbets is where you can keep up with happenings- straight from the Horse's mouth, as they say.
Some can be vaccinated. For still others, prophylaxis is an ideological option.
Interesting side point: If I hadn't been vaccinated against rabies via prophylaxis measures, I'd have suffered a very slow and painful death. Without a doubt. What kinda luck do I have, you might ask? You might not want to know the answer...
Gonna take some time for the ultra-brainwashed and psychologically enslaved folks to see things from our perspective. I think some of them are already waking up....whereas others of them would still scream "Biben twunny twunny!" if they saw an asteroid burning through Earth's Atmosphere. There is more to this than allowing every Liberal to regret their Liberal voting preferences...I think the White Hats are using this moment for something more practical.
CIA = keyboard jockeys in megaskinnyjeans, thusly restricting bloodflow to the male reproductive organs. They have to outsource all their operational fun. It must suck not to know the difference between genuine American 1/2x28 threading and metric eurofag.
And oh so appropriate considering the context.
The most hilarious memory I have of Feds is when I watched them (and some local yokels) execute a Controlled Delivery Operation... while driving a white "Federal Express" truck. They spent hours putting the decals on a plain white delivery vehicle. Not FedEx...."Federal Express."
Way too much time and effort, I'm sure it made for a hell of a Facebook post on some 1811's timeline. lol
The movement? It's crawling with them. Probably have a comparatively large team of analysts parsing online posts and profiling as many of us as they can. Partly for the extremely unique opportunity to "research" the emergence and development of something so unique as our Movement (nothing like this has ever existed) -and also in practical terms to develop a "threat assessment" in order to determine what we're capable of, what our motives are. This all being simply to satisfy their own institutional curiosity (they don't like information "voids" and unpredictable socio-political factors) as well as to answer their own questions about us. I'm sure we are a treasure trove of data and psychological study. And that's not even touching the number of "reports" they receive about individuals in our movement- the bedwetting idiots who notice a Q decal on a minivan and call the "see something say something" line.
There are also what you may describe as third-party "Watchers" who are looking to single out and deter the next best leaders of our Conservative movement. They look for the best and brightest, the shining stars that can gain a large following and/or demonstrate the ability to write/speak/present in a persuasive and elegant manner. And when I say "third party," think very large, very powerful organizations that are NOT Government Entities...the type of factions that actually control those aforementioned Agencies.
But Q-Group, itself? I don't think they have a snowflake's chance in hell.