Yes, he is literally doing that.
I don't know why people assume there will always be a happy ending. Look at history. It's a never-ending tragedy.
Fuckin insurrectionists should be shot.
What is happening?
3 C-130's currently on the way to DC from Minneapolis, too.
This guy is coo-coo for coco puffs.
They likely have all sorts of contingencies prepped for ahead of time. Imagine we had to go to war. This would be something they'd need to do in order to secure DC from any sleeper cell attacks or civil disorder.
So these fences and logistical plans have existed for quite a while, long before Trump. That's not to say they couldn't be used for "the plan", though, as that's essentially the same threat.
Not just that. If he fails to act, he renders ALL of our oaths void, because the US will cease to be a nation of laws and will cease to be guided by the Constitution. Can't support and defend something that carries no weight.
Brilliant title OP. Solid giggle.
This is HARDLY new. We called that shit out as an obvious false flag since the stupid commie poster came out.
Shit seems pretty successful to me...
Biden is a low-IQ sociopath. I kinda doubt the cabal would actually want him in their club because he's such a moron that he'd be a liability more than anything else. I think he goes along with whatever he's told to do because he wants to feel important and liked, but I don't think he has the mental faculties to effectively take part in any serious conspiracy as he'd be too liable to spill the beans.
No, this is highly normal NK stuff. A scare even from them would be something like shelling an SK island, launching an ICBM over Japan, or something worse. But they aren't part of this whole plan and they're just waiting to see what happens. If Biden takes office then they know they're fucked, so they might do something big in order to make Biden their bitch, which is what they've done in the past to new presidents.
They typically make mockups of their larger stuff for logistical reasons. Doesn't make sense to haul a massive missile all the way to Pyeongyang just to parade it around when you can easily just make a fake that looks close enough. People think that that means they don't actually have those weapons, but that's simply not true. They have a shoe-string budget and fuel is expensive. Now, that doesn't mean they don't embellish certain things. Their new tanks, for example, are certainly real and certainly new. However the armor on them makes them look more protected than they really are.
They've likely retro-fitted older subs to be able to carry a very small number of these things, since they're so fucking huge.
They DO make pregnancy OCP's though... just sayin'! ;)
Challenge coins. Pretty common to give out for higher ranking people. They're like little "thank you's" or "pats on the back". Sometimes you get them for doing something cool, sometimes you get them just for talking to someone.
Do basic research.
Now go to a translator and type in from arabic to English "hezbollah", "hizbollah", "hezballah", and "hizballah". It will give you the same thing: "his party", or more literally, "party of god".
It's also not the first time the State Dept used the other spelling.
Shit, they won't stop there. They'll come after anyone in the military who ever supported Trump.
What does this mean and what did it change?
"It's not going to happening like you THINK it's going to happen!"
I love how he kept saying that, like he knew what was going to happen. He hasn't known shit from the start.
Seriously? It's very often spelled Hizballah.
lol! Too busy sucking dicks to read it, I see. Why don't you whinge somewhere else?
Try reading what I wrote you dumb faggot.
Kinda torpedoes their credibility when nothing they say comes true.