SilentDeplorable 3 points ago +3 / -0

I haven't had any sort of margarine since the 1990s Began the low carb lifestyle in `99 and learned a lot about cholesterol. All my blood work is good, high-ish LDLs (They keep changing the low number) Ratio is excellent.

SilentDeplorable 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've always been Hypo, but no real "symptoms" that I'm aware of -- except troubles losing weight. I'm on a low-ish dose of Lyvothyroxine and had my gland removed 12 years ago. I'd love to find a natural way to keep my "numbers" in line. It's the only medication I take. I refuse statins.

SilentDeplorable 1 point ago +1 / -0

Since I've had my thyroid removed, would iodine or a combination of herbs help? I am not concerned about cholesterol as my numbers are decent.

SilentDeplorable 2 points ago +2 / -0

I watched the video link regarding fats; We used to fry with peanut but will stop that. I love cooking with bacon fat and coconut oil, assuming the coconut is fine. What about Flax? I do not use the oil anymore but i use a lot of flax meal. and also just bought a new bottle of Toasted Sesame oil, which I see is also a polyunsaturated. Hope that is OK in moderation? ~ thanks for your original post, very eye opening.

SilentDeplorable 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly what the Elitists/Cabal wants... Depopulation of the world. Put a dent in the senior (users) population and prevent the younger generation from having children .... yes, that will cause major problems decades from now.

SilentDeplorable 1 point ago +1 / -0

I cannot be the only one out there that does not care 1 iota about the "Royal Family". Zip, nadda, nothing. I just don't care. I did care however when Diana passed (If she actually did) though she only married into that family.

by BQnita
SilentDeplorable 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is NV = no vote?

SilentDeplorable 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry, I don't have any sauce. Did not save the link, it was months ago so I do not even recall where I stumbled upon it. I think it was about a 20 min recording/video, and I got thru about 4 min. I had heard enough.

SilentDeplorable 3 points ago +3 / -0

Months back, I "briefly" watched a video of a man who stated he saw the "insurance policy" he also mentioned, like you stated - those who saw it couldn't sleep and it made them physically ill, and said some of the men "mysteriously" died. (I cannot verify any of this, but i believe it) I only could get thru a few minutes of listening, and i had to turn it off. I heard enough and took days to get those images out of my head. I for one, would never want it to be viewed, but I would not mind seeing her execution for crimes against children.

SilentDeplorable 3 points ago +3 / -0

This was my assumption, that they would refuse to see the case. This only shows their corruption, to those who are paying attention.

While I was hoping there are a few uncorrupted Justices, I'm seeing that is not the case.

SilentDeplorable 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lake county is very conservative.

SilentDeplorable 1 point ago +1 / -0

I read a bunch tomorrow, on the 19th.

SilentDeplorable 3 points ago +3 / -0

Absolutely. With Covid, most children are at home, borders closed - for the most part and yes, with the human trafficking getting shut down, the "drug" supply is cut off. Hopefully most of these Hollyweird Pedos are getting rounded up and possibly executed for crimes against humanity.

SilentDeplorable 2 points ago +2 / -0

they sure have been busy the past few days that I've been watching.

SilentDeplorable 5 points ago +5 / -0

Pence did his job by doing nothing, like he was supposed to.

I'd like to believe he is one of the good guys, but getting the envelope (though that could have been to throw everyone off, but I doubt it) I do not see how he was not aware of the human trafficking ring in Indy being the governor. Makes me think he is dirty. And not to mention the connection to Paul Ryan. penceryan2016.com

SilentDeplorable 1 point ago +1 / -0

Playing chess as a youngin', I flipped the board a few times. My brother was better than I was.

Excellent video, btw. getting close to check mate if we haven't hit it already.

SilentDeplorable 1 point ago +1 / -0

That may come out when he declass's GHW Bush admin. It does need to come out who was responsible.

SilentDeplorable 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't see why, if convicted of terrorism (brutal murders, etc) they get life instead of capitol punishment. It's my guess that all those listed in that indictment are not even US citizens. So they rot in prison on the tax payers nickel?? (It was stated that they give commands to other gang members to commit more crimes/murders. so if they are still alive, that can/will continue) Am I wrong?

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