For future reference, there can’t possibly be tone in text without it being inferred. I am autistic so I just ask questions without frill, I thought saying the “honestly” part would convey that I’m just honestly curious.
Oregano essential oil is just oregano oil. “Oil of oregano” is a diluted oregano oil. Essential oil just means it’s only that oil.
Why are you so hostile calling me a rude dumb fuck?? Seriously. All I did is ask a simply question. Holy shit.
Never said it was a gimmick. I don’t think you understand what oil is.
I literally got a one day ban for criticizing this community and then another day ban for attempting to appeal it. This place has been compromised. And just the other day Catsfive makes a sticky post repeating the same exact concerns I got banned for saying.
Essential oil is just a marketing term. It means nothing and is just a fancy way of saying oil.
Ivermectin is still ivermectin whether it’s a pill, powder, paste, or gel. It’s very hard to go outside of the dosage window. Half an inch of paste no matter what your body weight is and you’ll be just as well off as anyone trying to get the exact “official” dose in a pill.
Only pussies don’t eat the horse paste. Shit even tastes good.
Do you have any idea how many hits come up when you search “kill box video”? Do you mind being a little more helpful and informative here?
Yea I’m trying to share proof with normies here, they don’t really care whatever Trump says.
It definitely seems like he has very mild autism with how he points his hands. Doesn’t come across as awkward to me but genuine though.
I actually don’t think you understand at all what the comic is portraying because you think that two different entities are being setup when it is clear to even the victim that it is all the same entity and that there is nothing they can do about it. But it seems like you’re on an ego thing and can’t be reasoned with so good luck with that.
Except the example is not even a false flag though. The letter via brick is openly the cause. How in the world are you assuming the example is a false flag and controlled opposition or an attempt to deceive without being open?? Are you aware of what you’re saying?
Controlled opposition is absolutely not what you are claiming it is.
Controlled opposition would be when something is posed as part of the opposition when it is in fact not part of that opposition.
The comic illustrates absolutely none of the above.
Controlled opposition is wolves in sheep’s clothing, not a wolf causing an issue and then offering a solution to their own caused issue. The two are completely different.
Garbage slide post. Absolutely 0 value.
Consumption tax is a tax having to do with sales though. A carbon tax would be an emissions tax and would be completely different because the carbon isn’t being consumed by a buyer. This fear from this bill is completely irrational.
Yea “believing in Q” would make you part of a cult/religion. I don’t believe in Q, I only follow the posts and only believe in Jesus.
Who said that, that you are quoting?
I downvoted you in case you wanted to know who the “shills” downvoting you were. Lol.
Well shoot, accuse me of trafficking and that will be my biggest evidence too.
Is that how accusations work in your mind, that you need negative evidence to dispute the claim instead of positive evidence to assert the claim?
Nice, now Tate’s getting the Jone’s treatment with completely baseless accusations about being Mossad.
I was going to contend with you and list places that they could possibly run too, but I was about to list Ukraine and realized that may be the exact reason Russia has been invading Ukraine. I was also about to list South America because of Hitler but then realized all of the political upheaval going on down there. China might be an option but I've always been at odds with determining what's going on with China. Perhaps Antarctica was the final plan Z but now I'm wondering if Space Force has something to do with rendering that option unviable as well.
I'm thinking Ukraine was probably originally their best bet before Russia made their move.
Thank you so much, this really brightened me up! There’s nothing more pleasing than seeing this reaction from someone. I am so glad we found a great common ground, despite however insignificant we may seem to each other! Much love and Grace to you as well!