The southern Oregon Bootleg Fire is approaching 100, 000 acres. Now at 85K acres+ with zed containment AND UNPRECEDENTED RATES OF SPREAD. For you flatlanders and East Coast bangers, Get this.

Now hold on to your Netflix mush brains... here's some simple (promise) math.

1 section = 640 acres. A section (like Township, Range, Section) = 1 square mile. 90,000 acres (for example) divided by 640 acres = 141. There are 141 sections in this Holocaust Inferno. 141 Sections. This is the largest fire on the Fremont Winema NF in history. By far.

This is the result of 20 years of active aerosoling over southern Oregon. Aerosoled metallic nano particles are fucking THERMITE.

If a hurricane approaches Mar Largo, oh my dear Lord, it is all over every news outlet, fake and otherwise. But when the West is burning up in July? Mostly Crickets.

President Reagan built the fucking Gakona, Alaska ionospheric heater (no balls after being shot). And every single President ever since has turned a blind eye to weather control. EVERY SINGLE ONE. When Senator Kucinich began to go public in the 2000's he "lost" a younger brother (2007) and a younger sister (2008). Now, what ARE the chances? Guess who shut up about weather control and geoengineering during the entire Obama Presidency? No other topic will get you wacked faster than outing geo-engineering.

Oh, and northern CA just broke a fire. Big column. 15:00 hours, 7/10/2021

Please for the sake of the land and SACRED Life and the American West, PLEASE stop donating to folks who give only lip service to the global crime of GEOENGINEERING. Where are the voices of our leaders? Unfortunately complicit. Yes, complicit. Ionospheric heaters are WEAPONS. And much more deadly that any atomic bomb and every major world leader and military has access to one.

Stop donating to the big platforms no matter what good you "think" they are doing. This includes Simon Parkes. Stop donations to Charlie Ward and Robert David Steele. Mute X22 - after almost 6 years of daily listening it's literally the same spiel anyway. And We Know seems to forget that Creator God made all Life and it is all sacred so him too. Sacha Stone will run back to the soft life of Bali - him too

Please do not donate to anyone who will not engage in at least a robust public debate. Do not donate to President Trump (and I have been a fan since the 1980's with your first book, Sir) or anyone he endorses for the reason defined above. If you live in the West tune out all Trump rallies. He never visited us anyway. Shun those who turn a blind eye to the Holocaust (which literally means "fire") happening to ALL life in the West. Shun them until they grow a pair.

Oh and General Flynn, when you stated that "there will be casualties in this war" did you mean the entire American West? Just wonderin'...

Still waiting. WWG1WGA

President Trump, Sir, again, If you lose the West, you will lose it all.


We are experiencing a 38,000 acre fire right now in Klamath County, Oregon which has unprecedented rates of spread under record setting fire indices with no containment in sight.

People are being evacuated and beautiful forest land is going up like a drought stricken torch. This is directly a result of geo-engineered weather over the course of 20 years. President Trump never stopped the fucking spray planes and in fact the worst drought years on record before 2021 were 2018 and 2019, both under your watch, Sir.

The silence concerning this manufactured drought is deafening. Apartment dwellers in the so-called 'heartland" and the East Coast have no clue about the intensity of the war being waged in the West. Nor, I fear do they care.

Frankly, I don't fucking care about election integrity, or giving the people back their stupid Twitter accounts. Folks in the WEST CANNOT GROW FOOD. WELLS ARE GOING DRY. 200+ year old creeks and rivers are DRY.

So I hope you all get on board with plastic meat, bugs, and ground up bone broth. President Trump, all those who are on tour with Arise, Dave on X22, General Flynn, Simon Parkes, Sacha Stone - aren't saying shit, or not enough shit. Not by a long shot. They will just retreat from landscapes from hell if necessary. Meanwhile springs, rivers, meadows and beautiful old growth stands are evaporating in this demonic war.

If you let evil continue you contribute to evil - all of you. People are fucking asleep and if the horrendous drought and off the charts fires do not wake them up, nothing will. They will remain asleep until they pass away. Welcome Agenda 2030.

Please speak out, whole wild populations are dying, the land is under assault and if the Lord's Hand is not on the weather then by all that is HOLY, neither is that Loving Hand on the Earth.

The bumblebee population has crashed, the wild crossbill population is diseased - many dead birds. Fruit blossoms are not being pollinated. Wakey Wakey sleepyheads; if you think you are immune to this weather holocaust, YOU ARE NOT. Remember, WWG1WGA. As above, so below. Who the fuck IS IN CHARGE?

Question everything, follow NO ONE BLINDLY, not even President Trump until he proves his INTEGRITY by stopping most heinous scourge against all LIFE.



Wakey Wakey or the Chyna spike and vaXX will be the least of your worries. WATER WARS IS BEING FOUGHT RIGHT NOW in southern Oregon and will spread across the entire WEST. We have Fucking aerosol capping every day - NO wetting precip since early spring. The fucking ranchers are FEEDING their beef cattle dried up hay because they are being PROHIBITED from even RESPONSIBLE IRRIGATION of pasture.

You like lab meat? Cause that's what the OverLords will be feeding you - like we now feed vegan cattle. You will become docile and grown for harvest. Responsible ranching and farming can easily feed a nation with the Lord's hand on the weather RIGHT NOW.

But what is Derivative Biden's government paying farmers to grow?


So for the city peeps who don't know what a cover crop is... it's like sorghum, vetch, annual rye, buckwheat and clover. None of which is considered to be a stand alone nutritious food crop. So why is Derivative Biden not paying farmers TO GROW FOOD? = Agenda 21 (30). And unfortunately the farmers will grow what they will be paid to grow, which again IS NOT FOOD.

Also notice that is being marginalized and labeled as an unsafe site which in my experience has been a pretty reliable indication that someone is over TARGET.

President Trump you have a whole lot of shit to fix at this point. Pull us out of this tailspin before correction is impossible. May the Lord's GLORY be manifest in the sky as it once was. IJNA



6/2/2021 1728 hours. East side of the Cascades. T-cells building in the NE, 4 planes so far laying down the cap to the SW. Light spray at 5 minute intervals.

Cap will drift to the NE heading for the developing t-cells. First the cloud build will slow, then stop. Let's see what happens over sovereign nation ancestral lands. Let's see what happens to our fine beef and potatoes.

If you are in southern Oregon, watch for capping spray planes. This is how they thieve the rain.



Otherwise suck it up and push back HARD.

OREGON is the front line of this fucking war. After 20+ years of manufactured weather, unimaginable drought and water theft of Pacific Ocean systems, we are lean and ready for battle. Soros bought Oregon long ago, but make no mistake, we ain't going down EVER. The DOJ and FBI now have a hard presence in southern Oregon, just ask Sheriff Kaber in Klamath County. Water wars brought to us by God knows who... CCP? Deep State arm of the US military?

Go to Florida if you want it easy. Play your fucking golf on well-watered manicured courses while Oregon farmers are being forced out of business due to manufactured drought which President Trump and General Flynn turned a blind eye to as much as anyone else. And sorry for calling out the Alliance, but it seems they are cutting loose the Far West which is full of angry Patriots I might add, who have been fucked up to the eyeballs with geoengineered water theft, thermite driven wild fire, masks and vaXXX, wanton destruction of the City of the Roses, and fucking Soros puppet Kate Brown and her Antifa Army.

How does eating golf turf sound to you softies? Because if you don't wake up to the plight of western AGRICULTURE, that's exactly what you will be putting in the stew pot. Stop THE SILENCE about geoengineering - all of them are guilty, soft and pampered politicians and sons and daughters of the privileged. CRICKETS.

You really want revolution? Keep ignoring the volatile Far West. Keep putting us down and painting us blue.

And President Trump, Sir, as I have said ever since Calm before the Storm and Great Awakening on Reddit (and VOAT):



If the Loving Hand of Creator is not on our weather, then Sir, neither is that Loving Hand guiding the affairs of humanity on earth. You cannot have one and not the other,

And if Infinite Love is not visibly manifest in the sky, then what is?

Throw the RING of WEATHER CONTROL into the Crack of Doom.

Pro Tip Corollary: Gollum may not be around to help you.


COVID IS NOT MADE UP. This is the new hustle, that SARS-CoV2 resulting the symptoms called COVID-19 AND in thousands of nursing home deaths (AT THE VERY LEAST) was made up, that it was not manufactured in a Wuhan lab with the funding and full complicity of the US virology community and the government. I had COVID, it was like nothing I have EVER had. I was in peak health, able to do strenuous botanical surveys for 8 hours / day. I eat organic (including red meat) as much as is possible, never do fast food, no drugs, little alcohol... I also have a Master's degree in Herbology. I was sick with a disease that did not feel organic like catching a cold does.

The dark haired mean faced woman with the odd slitted eyes is a limited hangout. Pay particular attention to around 26:00 minutes on. She identifies herself in a mumble, Uses a lot of hand gestures which is often used in spell casting. Her room background is vanilla and she is the type of witchy woman that other women instinctively distrust while cucked guys for some mommie need fall for.

So bitch, don't tell me that I didn't have something which was totally manufactured in a lab. I don't care what you call it, but it was not my body trying to "detox" and you are a liar. I wish I could debate you. You would be ko'ed in under 3.

What degree do you have? How many years of clinical practice in alternative healing do you possess? She works for those dark forces that are trying to "absolve" Fauchi and Gates and the CCP with this bullshite that COVID never existed and is just the body ridding itself of toxins and are using alternative healing philosophy to do so. She is telling you that the jab is not deadly or transhumanistic.This woman is dangerous, she mixes truth with absolute lies. Shaman Starseed on Bitchute has also exhibited signs of being a **Fifth Columnist in the past- be careful!

(ShamanStarseed took down the video!) at 26 minutes

**A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack. Clandestine fifth column activities can involve acts of sabotage, disinformation, or espionage executed within defense lines by secret sympathizers with an external force.


When you spray over developing thunderstorms as has happened in southern Oregon 14 May 2021, you stop or \severely impact the amount of rain delivery to the holocaust of drought that is being maintained over the Far West. This weather modification process is called "CAPPING" or "CAPPING IT OFF".

Sir, I don't mean to impugn your knowledge or experience or that you may lack INTEGRITY, but you obviously know very little about how drought is manufactured and maintained. Or Sir, is it that you know WAY TOO MUCH.

When you spray over developing t-storms, you stabilize the upper atmosphere. Thunderstorm clouds need altitude to reach the cold air moisture and gather it. Surely General, you have heard the phrase, "those clouds are pregnant with rain". When the upper atmosphere is aerosoled, the potential t-storm clouds never reach the point of gathering moisture - the gathering of which is created by God. The clouds start pregnant but then get - wait for it - ABORTED. Geoengineering DROUGHT is the ABORTION OF PRECIPITATION by well understood mechanical and chemical means. Climate fucking change is real you boobs, and is called GEOENGINEERING and is an abomination to ALL LIFE.

Saint Micha'el, Prince of the Heavenly Army, please take them very, very soon. We know some in the Alliance will be revealed for their support of the MANUFACTURED ABOMINATION OF DROUGHT. They will have excuses. They will claim ignorance. They will lie for they are of their Father. Look up and pray.


The Lord has designed a beautiful immune system and wonderful food, air and water to keep it that way. Air is under assault, water is under assault, food is under assault. WTFU.


Only one of these can be True:

A) The Patriots are in control and continue to dry up all storms (like today. May 8, 2021) while maintaining the DROUGHT APOCALYPSE over geoengineered Ground Zero in southern Oregon and northern California. For whatever fucking reason...


B) The Patriots are NOT IN CONTROL and our military does NOT have the capability of stopping Deep State directed weather modification over the continental United States.

There is dissent in the ranks, Sir. Time to address the fucking obvious.


The cast of the currently playing COVID lock-down movie in SOROS-run OREGON doesn't get any more PC.

So you got Bukhosi Dube, the Zimbabwe immigrant who not surprisingly was awarded a $300K "grant" to finish medical school after studying MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND was also able to land a very influential job in the Soros run state of Oregon.

Oh, and Bukhosi? Not only did I not grown up with a pool in my middle class American backyard, but as a cradle Catholic, weekday mass is NEVER packed as you tell us - giving the lie to your whole story.

Then you have Mr. Bow tie, Dean Sidelinger, who is like a pure tablespoon of fructose injected directly into the brain. Both he and his husband began their practice as.... wait for it,,, pediatricians.

And finally, the HIGH PRIEST OF SPELL-CASTING Deaf interpreter Alex R. I lost count of how many times he mimed jabbing his arm.

Why is it that libs ALWAYS have this pandering and mesmerizing addition to their presentations? Because gesture has the potential to change how students, patients, witnesses, etc., THINK about a problem and, as a result, ALTER the course of learning, therapy, or an interchange.

In other words, Alex R is driving home what Dean and Bukhosi are saying on a very subconscious level. The use of gesture has been used in the casting of spells for millennia. NO WEAPON IS SPARED TO CONTROL THE PEOPLE.

Pray for Oregon, the West has always been the prize for the Deep State.


Some of us have been fighting this obscene war for far too long. Those of us with limited material resources are falling behind. Our boots have holes while our leaders still ride horses.

Do not give up. In WAR it has always been thus.

Take courage:


Seven pages on Start-page with the same exact Chauvin trial story. This whole bullshit trial IS A SHOW. The whole thing is a show. Chauvin and George, the Patron Saint of drug use KNEW each other.

Stop identifying with either one. Both are actors. Chauvin is a made-up name like, uh chauvinism?? The whole thing is a chimped out train wreck designed to further split us in America.

Hoo-white folks! WTFU. Chauvin ain't real, George is a bought and paid for slave addicted to drugs - don't matter which high - any and all. He had multiple funerals and NO ONE SAW A BODY. Is he even dead? Honestly, stop knee-jerk caring about either one. They are both DEEP STATE assets.

Wattle-neck Max Waters is an actor. Probably masked-up version 2.0 since I think the original is long gone. Stop believing what they want you to believe.

Stop buying tickets to their sick Broadway musicals. When are you EVER going to learn?

Don't give any emotional cred to Saint George and Chauvanism. IT FUCKING AIN'T REAL. IT'S. A. SHOW.


I am recovering from the illness named COVID or more appropriately SARS-COV2.

First and foremost I want to express GRATITUDE to America's FrontLline Doc's for STANDING STRONG and for HCQ and clinical levels of Vit D and zinc which got me through this, especially since I live in a state where the "RIGHT TO TRY" law is totally disregarded and my constitutional right to make my own medical decisions is non-existent. I was dreadfully ill for about 20 days with an O2 Sat of my normal 99% dropping to 68-70, a total loss of my sense of smell, fever, headache, a tight band across my chest and a mental inability to engage in anything including watching podcasts. Getting up to urinate was a major challenge, walking any distance in my home was dreaded and I lost 12 pounds because eating was of no interest. Brain fog is real when you cannot remember from second to second why you had to get up.

I want you all to fully understand that the increasing frequent propaganda that what is called "COVID" is just another flu is DEAD wrong.

I am a flu expert. As a kid, I had asthma, 2 bouts with pneumonia and was sick for 3-4 days with a flu variant including the swine flu (which was no fucking fun) every season until I think I developed immunity because of my 20 or so seasonal exposures.

This illness was like NONE OF THOSE. I felt stretched thin like I had been wounded with a dark morgul sickness straight from the Laboratory of Satan. I don't fucking care about "what happened to the flu in 2020".

I am telling you that THEY now want us to believe that the SARS-COV2 infection IS just another flu to take the eyes of the ever willing to believe anything they are told public off CRISPR technology and the true genetically modified nature of SARS, EBOLA and HIV infections that were made in a lab and distributed to the general human guinea pig population world-wide.

SARS-COV2 does not produce just "another flu". And the spike protein which is being replicated in those poor souls who got the "Fauci ouchie" and which is causing abnormal blood coagulation BY ITSELF can cause genomic and systemic damage. How do you think they came out with a "vaccine" in record time never mind the efficacy? BECAUSE THEY MANUFACTURED THE INFECTIVE AGENT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!

The Black Magicians NEVER craft a spell (or illness) that they think they cannot counter.

Please look closely at those alternative news casters who are INCREASINGLY promulgating the lie that "COVID" is just another flu. Ask traitorous Lieber who helped set up the lab in Wuhan, ask Fauch, ask George Webb.

It is demonic CRISPR technology straight from the TRANSHUMAN Hell of clinically INSANE men and women.

Oh and by the way, I became mortally sick in March 2021 after over a year of excellent health within 10 days of 4 co-workers receiving their second jab and deciding they did not need to take precautions anymore. Five of us who were not vaccinated got sick and another volunteer who worked closely with one of the vaxxed DIED.

Cannot prove a correlation. YET. Being a brutally objective person, I am waiting for more evidence so the jury is still out. Just sayin'.


Really Kate? We KNOW George the BLACK Soros is a major documented funder to your stolen election and that the signatures on your TWO recall attempts were not INDEPENDENTLY VALIDATED. You are a fraud and your re-election was stolen.

Bring it. This witch trial will only reveal the TRUTH. We have evolved past dunking chairs - and you may get clemency from a compassionate man like President Donald John Trump, if you go quietly into your dark night or...

You may not. It won't be long now.


Gary Balcerzak.

Aside from the incredibly cringe-worth name of this non-profit foundation which was formally headed up by the now arrested on child pornography charges, Brett Blome, you may be asking why the name Balcerzak is suspicious?

Born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Gary Balcerzak appears to be a typical high roller with fingers in SE Wisconsin monied charities and higher education? Okay - no obvious problem.

Here is another Balcerzak "coincidentally" from the exact same part of Milwaukee, Wisconsin who is now living comfortably on his police pension far from this ugly scandal of 1991:

Now I ain't saying that there is any sort of provable connection between Gary and John. But if these two fellows are more than distant cousins, then the cover-up of of the death of Konerak perped by suspected CIA operative Jeffery Dahmer (gone bad) has some implications which could rise like...


to the top of this foundation. Oh yes, and why return a 19 year old "lover" back to Dahmer with an obvious HOLE DRILLED IN THE VICTIM'S SKULL!!? Why was Dahmer in Milwaukee? Was John his handler? Does Gary know more about this than he hopes will ever come out? Time will tell.


That fully 1/3 of our military generals are FORESWORN OATH BREAKERS. I'm taking wagers on which branch of the Military is most infected with the scumbags...

My educated guess?

The United States Air Force.

See the weather warfare. See the abomination of drought creation and the manipulation of the Pacific Ocean jet stream. See these "LEADERS" for who they are: satanic worshipers of the self serving left hand path of DARKNESS That is why these traitorous Generals don't care about who they are making sick with their aerosoling ops, about the millions of acres of beautiful forested lands and critical watersheds that they have prepped and continue to prep to burn in catastrophic WILDFIRE.

They ain't never going to stop unless they are MADE TO CEASE AND DESIST BY WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY. Their reverence and allegiance to their creed of the primacy of the SELF is strong and committed. Do not for a minute underestimate the goals of these people and the lengths they will go to achieve them, even to "eating their own" if necessary. They are knowingly leading our military men and women and all Americans into the pit of hell. The strong will be celebrated, the weak will be sacked.

Merciful Lord, please guide and protect all our Patriots and Anons, President Trump and all those who stand in the Shield Wall for us all. And if any of you TRAITOROUS rat-bastard generals happen to lurk here, Archangel Micha'el COMES FOR YOU and the Sword of Righteous TRUTH IS hard upon your throat.



I spent 3 hours last night on researching the potential long-term detrimental effects of the SARS-COV-2 vaccine popularly know as the COVID vaccine. After more than 60 pages of oscar award-winning pro-mRNA vaccine testimonials across 3 engines, I only have my robust biochemical background to fall back on and the following video by a very brave doctor.

If you got the vaccine I am praying for you. The science behind GM organisms is God-less. Available therapeutics which Trump talked about are being intentionally withheld from the public. Not only is GENETIC MODIFICATION delivered through biochemical introduction satanic, it is absolutely Ahrimanic.

It is shocking that Steiner in the 1920's warned humanity about Ahriman and actually carved a bust of the evil entity - back in the 1920's!!

Anyone see a resemblance? The human body is designed by Creator to apprehend, appreciate and LOVE God. Modifying the human genome has the ability to remove the physical part of being human so that our very souls are muted to Creator. This vaccine is just the beginning.We will become absolute slaves to their god. For. MILLENNIA.

See that many hidden things are being revealed to humanity right now. Some people see this all as demonic occult manifestations, but it is not. Occult just means hidden. It is the thinning of the MATRIX fabric and the Son is shining through the holes. See that we are being gently shown the dawning of a new world based on love and understanding of our selves, our fellow sentient beings, and the magnificence of Creation by a loving God. Please watch the following video presented by a very brave WARRIOR of GOD.


This is why it is taking a bit longer than anticipated. Don't give up. These monsters are losing cred and that means POWER. They are becoming empty shells and will soon be scattered as withered leaves in the freshening wind of the approaching Storm. The Lord's Hand will be manifest in the sky and on the land. Pray.

This vid should be watched by EVERY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT.



Like ZOLUCKY. They are big on line with adverts next to many many applications. Some merch is advertised as cotton/spandex but when it gets to the buyer, it is incredibly sleazy 100% polyester with very questionable fiber content and possibly very harmful fiber dye applications. I am not kidding here.

There are industry dyes and fiber applications which are VERY harmful in even small doses. And if it ain't on your skin - then blammo - right into the drinking water aquifer or ocean.

ZOLUCKY merch is straight from China and I hate to say it guys, but NEVER, NEVER, EVER pop air-filled pillow packing plastic. Get that shit intact into the trash immediately and definitely DON'T let kids play with it. Stop buying from China if at all possible, especially on-line. Their crap is full of environmental poisons because...

THEY HAVE NO Environmental CONSCIOUSNESS or health restrictions in manufacturing. This is what EVIL does. Degrades, abuses, gobbles-up, destroys, kills, Poisons are delivered in many ways and the worst are those FABRICS that assault your nostrils with pure chemical stench. Smelly harmful chemical particulates go right through the blood - brain barrier and the fucking CCP knows this.

Welcome to a slow but well-hidden inexorable way to make people sick.



The Light of this Truth WILL BE INTENSE like the summer Sun at high noon for those NPC's who tried to hide from it. The Haters and the Complacent, those who fell asleep long ago in front of screens and are now the Walking Dead. Wakey, Wakey will not work with 6 - 10% of the population so we are told. The Truth will not BE for everyone as Q told us.

If you know someone who fits the above demographic even family members as I do, try to wake them. Gently. With Love.

Weiner's Laptop did not go away.

In the following video, the man in the end clip is speculated to be Jeffery Epstein. Does it matter? No. It is time, my brothers and sisters to end this. WWG1WGA


As of February 15, 2021, we in southern Oregon have lost our internet connectivity for nearly 3 days now. CenturyLink is the major provider of internet in Oregon, and only those of us with access to a local network can see anything. Some folks are reporting a global loss of connectivity since CenturyLink is really Level(3) Communications.

Level (3) Communications is based in America and is now operating under the name CenturyLink. It provides Internet service via their Tier 1 network to Internet carriers in Europe, Asia, and North America. This is why we have seen problems with a range of services in the UK, Germany, and United States that all use the Level3 network.

If you are one of the lucky ones who is still connected and able to share information, please be aware that major sections of the west and maybe the globe might be experiencing a cyber attack. This is all I could really find on line on short notice since I should be doing my real job.


I am a 29 year veteran of the US Forest Service. and let me be VERY CLEAR - that means 29 years in the woods because that WAS MY OFFICE.I enjoyed God's weather horizon to horizon or peak to peak weather observation. Because I was occasionally involved in wildland fire support and because I LOVE BIG WEATHER, I am very adept at recognizing and interpreting weather patterns. I have also lived and worked in my same rural community for over 40 years.

I am outraged that this board would equate my innumerable documentation of the purposed capping of developing thunderstorms by targeting the T-cells with high altitude aerosol spraying with flat earth bullshite. I stopped counting the number of potentially majestic regional wetting thunderstorms that were obliterated by targeted manipulation, but the horrendous and unprecedented manufactured drought in southern Oregon and northern California bears witness to my observations that precipitation delivery is controlled by aerosoling which is a tool of GEO-ENGINEERING.

Whatever mod decided to equate observable and documented geo-engineering with flat-earth hypothesis knows nothing. Let me repeat that. How many decades of 10 hour days has this mod(s) spent under skies that became increasingly dirty? Do you know that Crater Lake NP used to have a PRISTINE, CLASS 1 AIRSHED which they lost at the very moment of introduced chemical high altitude emissions from literally dozens of jets per hour outside of flight paths, making X's and circles, starting and stopping the emission which often resulted in a PUS RING AROUND THE SUN.

Do you know that aluminum nano particles HAVE BEEN DOCUMENTED in soils and pine needles thousands of times higher than is healthy? Do know you that highly explosive thermite is composed of metallic nano particles? Have you ever fought fire for decades? Do you recognize that fire intensity and rates of spread which are measurable and documented (not a conspiracy theory) have increased dramatically commensurate with the advent and frequency of what you call "chemtrailing"?

Shame on you that you would degrade or even prohibit this discussion by people who have much more intel on this than you do. CNN does that. Fox news does that. Psaki does that. Or were you just offered a bit of cash to squelch a discussion that MUST happen about this heinous crime AGAINST ALL LIFE.

Are you going to block or marginalize this post as well? Or just enlist your army of pallor-faced shills who spend their entire lives in front of a screen to tell me that eyes on documentation means nothing.

If the HAND OF GOD is NOT on the weather then neither is that blessed loving HAND on the earth. WTFU.

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