SorosOrMuskPickOne 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your wheat strategy should already be set, but if you want to change your crop strategy now then act fast I guess. May seems like a dream given recent harvesting schedules but ok. Either way, plan to rely more on local demand.

SorosOrMuskPickOne 8 points ago +8 / -0

Big factory farms operate worldwide, across seasons. They are masters at shifting agricultural outputs and subsidizing losses with government dollars from multiple governments. It's best to think of them as non-country specific NGOs, since that's how they're built. Monsanto is one of the better examples. They will just shift production to Brazil and subsidize American losses to maintain farmland value. Bc farmable land always has value in the long term. They can last bad grow cycles and seasons without profit in an area at this point.

Who can blame them? Farming successfully without worrying about a bad season has been mankind's goal even before government existed.

Bad food quality is important, but a modern luxury.

SorosOrMuskPickOne 4 points ago +4 / -0

The only "advantage" the Chinese have over us is that they can completely impoverish their people and still maintain power. China is our third biggest export market because of agricultural goods, so they're going to target our farmers first like they did last time. It's how we react to that that will be important, because unlike them we have a system where states with larger agricultural outputs have a strong voice in elections.

I'm not saying they have a case, but they know what screws to turn to hurt us. They know what they're doing bc they've done it before in the 2018 midterms. That's why Trump sent that Truth about farmers gearing up for the internal market. He's telling them to get ready. Of course we'll have to subsidize them again to maintain our farms since no one in the US eats that much corn and soybeans. Farmers have already planted their crops, they can't change what they're growing now. But their biggest export to us is consumer electronics, which can be scaled up and down much more nimbly.

China will go back to importing more from Brazil to get around the tariffs, which is why Trump's trade deal with Argentina is a big one to watch to counteract.

SorosOrMuskPickOne 1 point ago +1 / -0

I 100% believe all of those influencers were being exposed with this info. Most of their reactions since have been pretty transparent...more rabble rousing for clicks. Taking smiling photos with redacted names of lives destroyed. Anyone worth their salt would know that physical documents in a binder wouldn't be important. Audio and video is what will lead to convictions, and Pam Bondi was AG during the first Epstein trial so she has more knowledge beyond address book details.

SorosOrMuskPickOne 12 points ago +12 / -0

Whenever someone announces something is going to be released, it's a red flag for me too. But maybe this is the 1 time in 10000 it's true.

SorosOrMuskPickOne 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's how he spells his name at least. It's the result of translating Cyrillic to our Latin alphabet. The French spell Putin as Poutine, since it's more based on translating sounds, similar to how we translate Chinese names. Zelensky, Zelenskyy, Zelenskiy, and Zelenskyi are all correct fwiw.

SorosOrMuskPickOne 1 point ago +1 / -0

The American government is specifically backing crypto. I don't see how you can disagree with this. Invest in what Trump backs. This isnt like $Trump coin. That wasn't even his idea.

SorosOrMuskPickOne 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's Sunday and before this, States and Corporations had their reservations about volatility. A reserve means the American government is buying, stabilizing prices.

SorosOrMuskPickOne 3 points ago +3 / -0

Larval fish monitoring has nothing to do with gender affirmation, and is important to fisherman. The rest is dubious.

SorosOrMuskPickOne 2 points ago +2 / -0

Grok is too focused on trying to act like a real person, rather than a tool. Claude is honestly better at accepting user feedback and turning it into prose writing...as far as I've seen.

SorosOrMuskPickOne 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is probably one of the greatest plays, if not the greatest, I've seen this time around. The goal is to leave NATO and still be relevant to Europe's large consumer and resource market for American goods. This does all of that in spades.

It's what would have worked 1000x better than Brexit for the UK. If you want to have financial freedom, find a valuable niche for independence and negotiate.

SorosOrMuskPickOne 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why would the deep state wait until now to destroy info? Epstein died in 2019...6 years and 3 admins ago.

They've had more than enough time to destroy. We've had more than enough time to catch them.

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