Growng hemp is legal in all 50 state. You can be your own supplier.
Just get the THC part above 15% and were good.
Read a comment from a middle eastern man who was asked why it was so screwed up. He stated that its like street gangs who believe they are the chosen ones and there are hundreds of different gangs.
They get strung out on power trips.
Thats because the feds ate giving them 2000.
You got us.
Black Mamba.........drops mic walks away!
Battle lines have been drawn all over. Its not how we react now but can we forgive them in the future. We have to. They dont know any better. This will make US better humans in the future.
Awesomeness right there
IMO no valid US citizen is being held at tha spa.
I think the Marine Core got their fuck you excuse yesterday. Lol
Dominos falling !
Someone want that juicy steak?
Put em back in the Matrix!
Roll Tide/War Eagle
Fuck that!
No deals
I cruising NEW all day.
Fatherhood video
Fedral criminal enforcement areas
Scary shit.