The fix Is on in California. Poll canvasser came by at 9pm last night because my mail in ballot had not been signed. I saw red made sure he knew it was fraudulent because Republicans vote in person and slammed the door. Damnit I ran him off before I could investigate further. This post has allowed me to track ballot with a helpful person and I will be at the poles after work tommorow.
Fantasy and balls are the only tru part of that statement
I thought I heard her say that. What a C#@t!
That was the best. She was laughing so hard.
I cut that tie already
At 1:13:00 it starts comming to the side. Nasty. WTF
Cancled last week.
Stallone just put his on market for a crushing 121 million dollars
You know what they say.. Its what you dont say that really matters.
I have for the past 3 weeks. High pitch ring last a few seconds sometimes repeats then gone. I thought i was just getting old. I listen to music super loud so.....
What did kuschner do? I thought he was on the trumps right hand
Midnight or so East Coast timezone. The 17th
My bad. How do i delete a post
Im pretty sure has been warning of this false flag for days now. Strange the way this post is written as if your not really paying attention amd your just trying to incite(insert any number of words here)!
This is awsome
What is that
I noticed that when i was trying to watch it as well. It kept relooping time. I was trying to get to specific points.(lights go down... Cries in the dark)
What is my search peramiters for 8kun if we go dark here? I have it pulled up jist in case.
This is true. All i keep thinkin is how do you move stealthily if u post all ur moves online for the world to see. I imagine some staight ninja shit is going on now behind the scenes.
I typed #15 in search bar and it just rate limited try again. No info
Aint that the truth. All I keep thinking is if they are fighting so dirty when is it our time to fight deadly? Taking the high honerable road is not gonna save this country.
That Kremlin attack looked fake as hell anyway. I just caught video. It looked like a knock off version of a Roman candle. Lol