SpartanTrump11 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just want to let you guys know, WA State nursing homes are dumping the current residents they have for illegals. We had to discharge 25 LTC residents to make room for SCA (single-case agreements, that the state / hospital are paying wayyyy more per case than what the medicare/Medicaid residents are paying). It sucks, they are all illegals, none speak English, and all of them are immensely sick. Hospitals pay us $250/day to rent the bed, whether a head is in it or not. They are keeping the beds open for the illegals that are being shipped here. Truly disgusting.

SpartanTrump11 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had the same issue 90 so days ago. I switched to Xfinity mobile. Much cheaper, and better coverage at least.

SpartanTrump11 1 point ago +1 / -0

UCC code. The first executive order by Abe Lincoln. You speak of maritime admiralty law. This law has been hoisted upon us through fraud of the birth certificate. Each certificate is worth 750k on THE NYSE. This is how the IRS makes new money. Each new birth certificate

SpartanTrump11 -1 points ago +4 / -5

Babylon is Satan setting up the ability to read and write. Writing is called what? Spelling? Contracts are a form of spiritual servitude. The ability to read and write comes from the tree of knowledge. Which comes from Satan. I believe even engaging with reading (outside of his word) and engaging in contract and casting spells through writing, is the true Babylon.

SpartanTrump11 10 points ago +11 / -1

Abraham Lincoln created the first Executive Order. In the first executive order, Abraham Lincoln creates a maritime admiralty court and hands it over to Judge Peabody. Judge Peabody then begins to create the "US CITIZEN." We were frauded from get-go. Becoming a "US CITIZEN" is why we are in the trouble we are in. We signed away our rights, and entered into contract with UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, to be their "US CITIZEN" aka government employee.

SpartanTrump11 2 points ago +2 / -0

I will share with you my story. I work in the medical field. Just had our second baby boy. It wasnt really a fight about vaccinations, because I knew what to say.

Decline all vaccinations because you were not provided INFORMED CONSENT. This is legal for "doctors didnt do their job." The doctor must provide any and all INFORMED CONSENT on any medical procedure they recommend. If they fail to do so, you can get their NPI # and turn them into the State. This is threat #1.

All vaccine manufacturers and medical professional that administer vaccines are to give a "safety and efficacy" report to Congress every two years. This is information that is open to the public. In 2018, vaccine manufacturers admitted they are not doing safety reports every two years, as per the Childhood Vaccination Act of 1983? 1986? Tells them to do so.

So when you ask for this paper, they will not be able to produce. DO NOT GIVE CONSENT, UNTIL YOU FEEL THEY HAVE INFORMED YOU SUFFICENTLY.

Next, ask for a study that compares long-term health effects of vaccines vs unvaxxed children. (Note: the medical community deems this type of study on children to be unethical, and therefore an "approved" study does not exist).

Always, always, always, take the legal approach with lazy doctors. Do not argue. Make them prove their claims. You will notice very quickly they cannot. Research things like the farce that is the VITAMIN K shot. Its all lies.

Arm yourself with knowledge. And NEVER NEVER NEVER enter into an agreement with someone where you give permission that they can hurt your baby and not be LEGALLY LIABLE for damages. No sane person would ever enter such a lopsided agreement.

LORD, please place your hands over this family, and all families that wish to buck the system and keep their children safe. LORD, keep us steadfast and strong in your word. Do not let us fall prey to these demons that wish us harm. Thank you LORD for sending your Son to save us. In Jesus name we pray, AMEN.

SpartanTrump11 2 points ago +2 / -0

He ran out of gas on the highway, and was walking to the nearest gas station to get more.