Never cared for israel, but fuck Palestine
Maybe the Muslims are right in his they treat their women. i don't hear any dudes screeching.... just some useful idiot women.
based. I'm on it
St. Gaulin Mafia being real doesnt make these random annonymous claims credible? Which they likely could be, but we'll never actually know.
Ya sorry, i don't just believe words on a screen that validate me feelings. That would make me just like them.
only sometimes!
Just read homie's "manifesto." I kind of reads like a college kid just discovering that the world he believed he grew up in was a lie. A lot of this stuff makes sense and is not at all revelatory, but is certainly not a reason to set one's self on fire.
I mean.......except for that part about Trump is with Hillary, he's not wrong. That's why they hate Trump, he broke kayfabe!
Israel is not Isreal
Let him burn!
What is Isreal?
It is exactly who we are. Joe has no sense of the present, let alone history!
or maybe court is boring as fuck?!?
Pretty sure that air bases is a mil target...
Memphis, TN checking in. I think i speak for anywhere but Texas when I say, BBQ is pork!
Mostly just a news aggregator these days!
Bro, Im buddies w the illegal immigrant custodian at my job. He been here 22 years and cusses the new arrivals everyday. Told me i better vote tor Trump since he cant.
hell ya, thats awesome.
To secure peace is to......
but I'll probably just go to work and bitch about it with my buddies like last time.
Who gives a fuuuuuuuuuuck about their income?!?
massive wave of muzzies incoming