Spring2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Another communist who wants to entrench herself in political office for financial gain and extortion.

Spring2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

This was all planned by Pelosi to get a Trump. Trump knew their plans and that was why he was 30-45 minutes late speaking, to protect his followers. He also said to protest peacefully.

Spring2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

And why are we just now hearing about this. Big business and the media protect the scumbags, because they have money.

Spring2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now the question is will any of these people be held accountable? I don’t care if they are the lowliest poll worker. Fraud is fraud. 10 years minimum in prison for each act. I don’t care if more prisons need to be built to accommodate these cheaters. In Singapore punishment is an eye for an eye-you leave your possession accidentally on a bench and it is stolen, the hand of the thief is cut off. Time to get tough. I am sick of shifty lawyers weaseling clients out of charges and I am sick of a two tier system where the Dems and those with money can buy their way out of charges.

Spring2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

So I assume social security checks are going into the pockets of crooked insiders. Interesting how when someone dies, those agencies can cancel your SS check right away or with Medicaid ask for repayment of premiums from your estate during the year of your death. My sister died several years ago and the local sheriff took her driver’s license and sent it to the state. But now we have 6.6 million over 112 years of age-follow the money. Most SS checks are direct deposit these days. This infuriates me beyond belief. In these days of computers birth and death records should be tied together, likewise auto insurance records/bank accounts-in case of no auto insurance (bank accounts should require a minimum amount to cover accidents) otherwise your driver’s license is null and void, tax records. Everything should be linked to avoid fraud. Every house you purchase and say you live in or every time you rent. That way you can be traced for fraud. You apply for Medicaid, food stamps, social security it can easily be determined if eligible. Invasion of privacy you say? Well the government has no problem invading your privacy with knowledge of your bank account and reporting cash transactions by the bank or how about listening in on your phone conversations and storing the info. without a warrant. Or how about big tech companies reporting pornography on your website to government authorities or using your search results to sell your information to companies. You have no privacy so it should be used to track fraud, which we the taxpayer pay for. You better believe the numbers of individual listed as 112 years old (6.6 million) is fraudulent. These numbers over say 200 years old should automatically be investigatedYEARLY for potential fraud and verified. The investigator should sign off on the verification and be held liable with fines and imprisonment if records are falsified. Accountability is the key and ramifications if the records are fudged. I, as a taxpayer who is honest and pays taxes, am sick and tired of those in government jobs doing illegal things and never being held accountable.

Spring2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where have lawmakers been all these years? Now they suddenly want to see documents. What a worthless bunch in the House and Senate. Throw them all out and revamp a Congress.

Spring2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Climate change is a threat when our government is spraying the atmosphere to alter it! Stop those who are responsible.

Spring2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

This teacher should be fired and lose her license. Who wants a lunatic like this around your children, let alone teaching them?

Spring2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Biden government wants to control the food supply chain-shut off water and destroy salmon, birds, crops. Decrease food supply through shutting off water, shutting off gasoline/diesel fuel that transports food, derail trains and contaminate farm land with toxic materials on the train, buy up land by a China, Bill Gates and others and pollute the land with GMO’s or pollutants/chemicals-all this results in food shortages and higher prices.

Spring2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Saves what? It is NOT a vaccine, it does not meet the criteria for one. More deaths from the jab in 4 months than in 20 years from all vaccines.

Spring2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who cares what Harry thinks. He is a Free Mason and gives Illuminati hand signs. He probably won’t be with us much longer. Don’t forget what his grandfather was and what his uncle is. Now he is part of Hollywood and we all know what they are.

Spring2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

We should allow our youth to be indoctrinated by the likes of the Lincoln Project because why? Because a bunch of pedophiles are such a good influence on our youth!

Spring2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Meta bar in a Louisville, KY will allow you in without a mask, but only if you provide a vaccine card. Say NO to their requirements which infringe on HIPPA and your rights.

Spring2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Crenshaw and Gabbard apparently forgot their military oaths. What a shame-it is over for them.

Spring2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why should those who didn’t submit to a unlawful, experimental shot for a pandemic hoax be honest when our government, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, doctors are not being honest and are ill-informed?

Spring2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Doesn’t open

Spring2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

In the fall when they try to dictate another lockdown and masking, people need to rise up and say,”hell no, not on our watch.”

Spring2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

This has been out there for awhile. If reporters these days ever did investigation and true reporting, they would have asked Fauci how he reconciled this study with now pushing the the Covid shot. Or they would have asked him if he doesn’t consider it a conflict of interest to own 50% of the patent.

Spring2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

So your life is worth a small pack of fries? Pathetic.

Spring2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

The masks DO NOT protect you from anything. The Covid virus is so small it easily penetrates surgical masks. Furthermore the survival rate is 99.9% in those under 65 yo. So why is the union worrying about this? If someone wants to wear a mask, it is their right to do so. If you don’t want to wear one, it is their right not to. I was taught in nursing school in 1971 that masks are ineffective after 20-30 minutes. Masks are harmful-you rebreathe your own oral bacteria-your mouth is the most germ ridden area of your body. Masks cause you to rebreathe your own bacteria and carbon dioxide resulting in lower oxygen levels, throat infection, bacterial lung infections (including bacterial pneumonia), increase in dental cavities, to name a few. If masks are made in China, you also are most likely breathing in asbestos. The CDC still says that Hospitals, airlines and all public transportation must continue to wear masks, so why is the Union even getting involved?

Spring2021 6 points ago +6 / -0

Get a backbone and stand up to Pelosi. Say you ARE NOT GOING TO WEAR ONE, based on CDC guidelines. If you can’t stand up for yourselves, how can you stand up for We The People?

Spring2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is so great to see someone with a brain, not following the main stream media like sheep. I could do without the spicy language, but this man is on fire mad. If he can knock some sense into at least one person, and that person into another person, the ball starts rolling and opens the eyes of those long blinded by the Democrat party. The Democrat Party who was the Ku Klux Clan, who didn’t want an end to slavery and who still want to enslave you through promoting abortion; rewarding those without the presence of a father to emotionally, physically, financially support his children; who want to enslave you through government dependency on food, inferior housing and inferior education; by making it easy to get drugs in the inner city-an enslaved mind is a controlled mind; to destroy you with gang violence. Racism is not the problem in America, government control is. The government has become so entrenched in the lives of Black Americans that government is able to spread it’s deceit. Because Black America is controlled financially by the government, it is able to make Black Americans think it cares about you. But look at the inferior housing, the inferior education, the violence in the inner city where government has kept you in the invisible fence with their handout housing, where government controls your health through “free insurance”-will they allow certain treatments, and where government makes you think you will be happy to stay at home and receive all these freebies. Instead you are living a life of despair and feel hopeless, while government continues to enslave you with your dependency. You are much better than what the government tells you. The everyday citizen is not your enemy and is not the racist. It is your government. Say no to the controlling government. Rise up and say that today it happens. Today I am going to defy the government mask mandate and tomorrow I am going to get a job to lift me out of government dependence, to independence and free thinking.

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