Whoever wrote that ban message sounds like a power-tripping faggot. Further proof that any amount of power and control, even something as small as moding this forum, can lead to tyranny.
I sleep like a baby knowing that I'm not a guinea pig and that it makes people I hate very angry.
This image is like a fever dream lmao
You could use this reasoning to justify any behavior, no matter how disgusting. I'm sorry, but there's literally nothing you can say that will make me agree with the wholesale slaughter of innocent babies.
Abortion is absolutely disgusting and if God clapped the entire human race because of it I wouldn't blame Him.
I can't remember the name but I heard an estimated 3.5 billion people are walking around with this certain species of parasitic worm in them.
These people and organizations have lied to me my entire life. Why would they suddenly change and start telling the truth now? Whatever is happening, you know the MSM isn't giving you the truth.
Sitcoms do the same thing. Watch a sitcom without the laugh track and see how entertaining it is.
There's over a dozen pumpkins in that picture. Mods plz delete this. I need to take my anxiety meds and lay down now 😩
Honestly, good on him. Humble pie can be hard to swallow and he did it publicly to a large audience.
Accurate as fuck. The audience is a bunch of trained seals clapping so they can get a fish from their keepers.
The general sentiment I've heard is people are pissed that he got off on the nursing home scandal and that we are just replacing one corrupt piece of shit with another. I live upstate though, which is heavily conservative. Many people up here fear that if things get really bad in the cities then we could see a huge influx of fleeing city libs into our small communities.
Check out feed the machine by poor man's poison. Great tune written about the plandemic that's also really catchy.
Aww c'mon, the plantation is wonderful! Come on back, it'll be different this time, we promise.
Being awake isn't easy. The truth can be painful and many people would rather have a comforting lie and the illusion of safety.
Boy is that the truth. I've been lucky to get 3 or 4 hours lately. My mind just won't shut down with all the crazy things going on
Absolutely. It's a great comfort knowing that the best possible outcome is not just likely, but garuanteed by the most powerful being in existence.
According to who? God doesn't have fine print or hidden terms and conditions. We are irredeemable fools that are mired in sin. The only one who can save us is Jesus Christ. Its not a merit- based system. He offers salvation for anyone who believes in Him, no matter how wretched or foolish they may be.
You can neither be saved nor unsaved by your own works. Our salvation is entirely in the hands of the Lord. He has a capacity for love and forgiveness that is beyond our understanding and He will never abandon those who love Him in return.
Suicide is a sin in the sense that it's a mistake based on human error. That being said, Jesus Christ has the capacity to forgive all sins if we allow Him to.
Somewhere in Illinois is a family that's wondering where the tablecloth for their picnic went.
I often struggle to grasp just how powerful God is. Trying to comprehend the scope of an infinite being capable of creating from nothing that also knows everything and can be everywhere at once really stretches the limits of the human mind. Luckily for us, this Supreme being loves us and wants nothing but for us to love Him in return.
Take comfort in the fact that evil will eventually lay conquered and broken at the feet of the Lord. Nothing can stop what's coming and spoiler, God wins.
This is where I'm at as well. At its core this is a battle of good and evil and the victor is already decided. God wins in the end, no matter what, so I'm just watching the show.
Gerald Schroeder, Hugh Ross, Norman Geisler, Lee Strobel, William Craig, J.P. Moreland, Michael Behe, and Francis S. Collins.
Go read the books and articles written by these men. If you can look at all the evidence they present and still claim there is no God then you have a volitional objection and not an intellectual one.
The Real Lincoln by Thomas J. DiLorenzo is a great book about what a piece of shit Lincoln actually was.
Those dogs are probably fed a lot of peanut butter. If you get this joke, I'm sorry lol.
That last lame firework broke me lmao