ALL TALMUDIC jews hate non jews.
Hahaha .fuck that guy
We know this
Sounds like an insurance arson to me
Dude has serious chomo vibes
Please let this happen. Clandestine agencies are pure evil..
You are a man
Q started off real and became co-opted to spread doubt.
Not saying we hunt people down but just bar them from any government service or lobbying. If they want to hold dual loyalty they can flip burgers and clean shitters..
Dual citizenship should be banned. At the very least they can not serve in any government position.
First things first. Chomos are not people. Second Many jurisdictions will not arrest and prosecute pedophiles..
A whole lot of fucking idiots being reaped by their moronic trust in government
Anyone who pushed these poison shots deserve to lose EVERYTHING they have. All.of their property and their freedom.
Agent Orange. My name was Agent Orange
She is a Marxist female "of.color".
Imagine being such a pathetic loser you are watching this jackasseey
Yes it does. Scumbaggery
As soon as Elon drops a search engine Google drops by half
Well let's return to that.
I can see where you are coming from but those areas have been shitholes before we were a nation. I understand recently we have not been that great. This is why we promise to stay out of those nations and those people stay out of ours. Win win
Muslims belong in Muslim nations. Period. They should not be allowed to travel to Western nations for any reason. We will pledge to stay out of your Islamic shit holes. Win win
English man. Stand up and take your nation back. Drive the invaders and their protectors into the sea..
Fuck off. Deport them all
Trump had Eric Prince's guys watching the SS last time. He will again I am sure. Let's hope that ALL so called federal law enforcement is disbanded and all members are black balled so they can't work in LE ever again
He should be executed