StormzAComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought it was t-minus two weeks?

StormzAComing 8 points ago +8 / -0


A disease caused by taking an untested drug full of poison and baby pieces.

StormzAComing 4 points ago +4 / -0

The punch line is that no doctor wants you to be independent because then they would be out of a job

StormzAComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

We need to embrace everyone that joins MAGA with open arms. If they are a traitor, the tribunals will make that evident. But until then, we have to be UNIFIED!

StormzAComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

You aren't reading this right.

The average person I talk to (mainly centrists but even some Trump voters) blame Trump (whether partially or entirely, and not necessarily negatively), for Jan 6th.

RFK endorsing Trump despite that belief is a wall breaker.

StormzAComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't do droogs. Probably would be healthier if I did ngl.

I'm just waiting for after the Storm when everything is actually clean and healthy and natural.

StormzAComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is no secret that Jan 6th was a bad day, and it could have been handled better by everyone.

But getting mad at RFK for holding a position that normies hold (that being that Trump was at least partially responsible for Jan 6th) is dumb.

RFK, holding that belief, still endorses Trump. Do ya'll not notice that RFK thus sets the stage for those who consider Jan 6th a make-or-break on Trump to support and vote for Trump as well?

StormzAComing 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hey, ayahuasca is technically natural! Kek

StormzAComing 6 points ago +6 / -0

And Russia is steamrolling Ukraine in the vital Pokrovsk region.

StormzAComing 33 points ago +35 / -2

Chemtrails is on here regardless of what Q says, or what you says. All will be revealed in due time.

Are we wrong about chemtrails? We will find out in due time.

Are we wrong about DEWs? We will find out in due time.

Are we wrong about tunnels? We will find out in due time.

Are we wrong about gay frogs, 5G, and Justin Castro? We will find out in due time.

Heck, the white hats could theoretically come out and say that the Earth is in fact shaped like a donut.

StormzAComing 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't care what shills say. This kid did NOTHING wrong. He was defending this city from marxist NPCs.

StormzAComing 4 points ago +4 / -0

Highly doubtful. Would be a great addition to the movie, but do we really need more outlandish optics at this point in time?

StormzAComing 4 points ago +4 / -0

Instead of cash, let's send them parking manuals.

StormzAComing 3 points ago +3 / -0

6 planets in perfect synchronous orbit, with such a stable system that it could orbit just like that for another 2 billion years with no measurable change.

StormzAComing 3 points ago +3 / -0

But existence is infinite, that is the only way God could exist within it. God is infinite, so He can only create infinity. Infinite size, scale, diversity, life, love, holiness.

StormzAComing 16 points ago +16 / -0

I feel that everything since JFK was assassinated has been a movie. He promised to destroy the DS, and was killed for it. Thus, the patriots realized they had to operate much more covertly. The creation of the Internet greatly aided them in that mission.

Why do you think Q is an online phenomenon? Why do you think Trump's team references Q nearly every day? It had to be clandestine in order to beat [them]. They had to use unconventional, even theoretical, tools. Time travel? Check. Aliens? Check. Hiring a billionaire from New York City to be the front man and inspire millions? Double Check.

The movie, IMO, started after it was proven that the DS could not be destroyed publicly. It had to be this way.

I don't think Q needs to come back. We treat Q like a God sometimes. Q is a group of humans. There is no reason for Q to return. Playbook, timeline, all of it is known. This is the climax of the movie. And it is surely the most glorious movie ever!

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