Cadillac doesn't make trucks anymore
Just cut him in half. That would fix things.
Called it when I first saw it. Groyper accounts are always fed ops.
This retard also wants Greater Israel
can we revoke their citizenship and deport them to, i dunno, an active volcano?
Jew money is a strong tool.
Keep killing CNN.
investments in kiddy porn and body parts are not yet public knowledge.
Worse things happened to my family. Not GITMO-level like Trudeau's, though.
British Columbia is mostly faggots tho. Quebec and Alberta and the maritimes should be fine, they aren't too retarded.
We do not need DST anymore. That mainly was to increase wartime production during the winter. We won't go back!
Just petition Elon to immigrate to America!
But I love bricks! They taste like mud pies!
Nom nom nom, thanks frentard!!
"tard" is my favorite word at this point it describes everyone really well for different reasons.
It's a spotlight you moron. Stop believing verbatim what X users think. If it was a spry it would be cone shaped. This is a spotlight.
this is a spotlight focused on the drone.
They are trying to become the fed version of MAGA
Any 4chan threads on this?
Less likely to actually fall because the internal gyroscope functions.
esoteric larper faggots always have to bring up some random star in the sky and be like "we wuz from there" while actively having the lowest IQ on the internet.
50 billion more to this sick regime