Should i have trolled harder?
Fing excuse me, can we say demoside, false flag and super spreader all in one false flag? Wife n i have been out for bout 5 days. cant say its right to comment this here but daum it getting to be a bit much. Grand solar minimum. Look it up.
Like vaccine mandates...
Better word for it - democide
Devolution much? lol :P
Idk, he kind resembles this in the later photo...:
Well, I will have you in my prayers! Also Yohimbe is a heck of a stimulate! From experience id say it is much more potent than Ephredrine. If you go either route be careful. I would doubt either would help based on what you have said... you may try meditation and introspection to see what hypnotic triggers are causing the issue. Mine is long road trips.. i get super drowsy (pavlovian response... parents put me to sleep with car rides as a kid).
Have you tried dietary changes? I went gluten free years ago and it really made a huge difference. I used to think, in high school, that indegestion was a normal thing... now my joints feel so much better, depression and brain fog resolved and my skin got better (i used to have 'dry' hands that no amount of lotion would fix. Was recently diagnosed with eczema which flares up when i have wheat). Its some type of autoimmune thing that a leaky gut and the gluten protein trigger. Just a thought. Hope you get it sorted out! Happy New Year and Let's go Brandon!
Intedesting to note that almost every computer doing something important is either directly running windows or is connected to a computer running windows. Food for thought...
Honestly, no mental gymnastics needed either. If it were approved and available, the other EUAs would no longer be valid and the Comernaty jab would be the only one anyone could get. Look at the EUAs. It states that these are only valid if another treatment is NOT approved and available.
Maybe some f15s and a couple nukes?
Look up Grand Solar Minimum. What do you do with a population of people that have an unsustainable food supply. These people are SICK.
Look up the connection between selenium and mercury. Mercury posioning and selenium deficiency symptoms mirror each other.