Swordguy5 4 points ago +4 / -0

We... we need a new marker for boat fagging. This is great, and I want so much more of this.

Tell me we get the Cabal assets to draw dick-butts regularly before getting caught. Can... can we do that?

Swordguy5 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have you run them? Is it difficult to learn? Are they faster or slower?

I've never run any OS other than windows and androids, but I am about to try it out. If you have experience give me a recommendation for us newbs.

Swordguy5 6 points ago +6 / -0

Try "shutup 10." Free app another Pede pointed out. That way something not run by microsoft is doing the killing, so they cannot just switch it off at will and call it a "glitche."

Swordguy5 6 points ago +6 / -0

Another pede posted "shutup10." Its a teensy little app that allows you to murder all the outgoing nonsense to microsoft. I just installed it and it runs fine, you might try that as a redundancy.

There are a LOT of different things microsoft uses to spy on us... Short of going to Linux this seems the most secure.

Swordguy5 6 points ago +6 / -0

Thanks for the tip pede! I installed that shit as soon as I read your post.

I know its not enough to be air tight, nothing ever is, but I intend to at least make those bastards WORK to spy on my loopy ass.

Swordguy5 2 points ago +2 / -0

There will be some mercenary type nutbags hired to carry whatever flag the cabal want them too, likely antifa/BLM but honestly its not like they vet their protestors.

Naturally we will have to defend against mercenaries, and when we shoot them down (soldiers or patriots) the media will drag out the old "mostly peaceful protesters" schtick and those with their heads in the sand will believe it.

Same deal in Myanmar. They will be attacked by "civilians" and defense against them will be treated by media as a warcrime. Meh, its a small price to pay.

Swordguy5 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am glad you wizened up, but man, so many of my liberal friends are just detaching from reality right now its painful. They are laughing at us and pretending they feel totally comfortable with where the country is right now.

Swordguy5 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude, move.

Even after we straighten things out, evil is evil, and I can tell you that they will not be "clean for a very long time."

Think Germany in the 1950s, that's what IL and California and so on will be like. Sure they aren't Nazi's anymore... but everything will still suck pretty bad for a while.

Swordguy5 1 point ago +1 / -0


That is probably the first proper use of a covid mask I have seen, being that those are palm trees in the background and it is spring, he is probably using it to keep bugs out of his mouth.

Swordguy5 5 points ago +5 / -0

I liked the dude.

I figure he will be on again as an alt account, no need to give idiots something to bitch about eternally. We have more important things to worry about than whether they "like the mods."

Swordguy5 3 points ago +3 / -0

I got that the first time I came to this site, and deleted my anti-virus immediately.

LOL, why the fuck would I trust them?

Swordguy5 4 points ago +4 / -0


Look at their black uniforms!

Swordguy5 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've never wanted to go to Japan so badly, until this website showed me how based they are. What an amazing culture.

Swordguy5 1 point ago +1 / -0

Both sides don't want it getting out. DS needs to do crisis control and save as much as they can before it all falls apart, so they are strongly motivated to make things appear normal.

Our side just wants to keep people calm. We would win if things got violent, but that's not how we want it.

Swordguy5 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Double Jeopardy." I'm not a lawyer, but I'm pretty sure that would qualify as being tried for the same crime twice.

So it one or the other at a time, and since SCOTUS refused the Tribunal can start, or the Tribunals had already started and that's why they couldn't take the case. Given the "moot" comment, that feels right. Lack of standing or being disqualified is very different than "moot." The word moot means either: a) A subject is debatable b) A subject is disputed

That's uh, not how one would describe a case being tossed out of court without a hearing. It must be debated/disputed elsewhere is my thought.

by Hazzmat
Swordguy5 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the head's up. That would have got me pretty good.

Swordguy5 3 points ago +3 / -0

Another great day starts with my morning WinsAnon Post.

This was a good one, Pede.

Swordguy5 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pelosi hasn't made a single decision or action as speaker of the house since mid January, my guess is the Tribunals started then.

I do not believe tribunals are typically public, but we will know when they make a decision, because there will be a bunch of arrests following it.

Swordguy5 44 points ago +48 / -4

I suspect this shit has been in tribunal since just before the 20th, probably about the last time Pelosi acted as speaker of the house without a speaker pro tempura.

You cannot try a case in both SCOTUS and tribunal, so they don't really have an option. Hence the "moot" comment last time and the lack of comment this time. They would say something if they wanted to shut us down.

Swordguy5 2 points ago +2 / -0

If anyone was surprised, I feel bad for them. Imagine having that hard of a time waking up...

Swordguy5 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice try handshake shill. What a doofuss, if you create an account solely for hurting GAB we aren't going to take you seriously.

Oh no, they were hacked, blah blah. Welcome to reality, everyone gets hacked here.

Swordguy5 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just change passwords anywhere where you used the same password, and you are gtg.

If you don't want the enemy to know your IP address, a VPN is the only way.

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