Due To Unworkable Bathroom Policies and LGBT Agenda Driving Away Families, Demoralizing Staff and Drawing Vagrants... IN THE WORDS OF SAMUEL L. JACKSON, WELCOME TO LOS SANTOS MOTHAF*CKA
And no human life was lost.
I'm going to call and bitch at everyone in that fucking courthouse until they threaten to try and find me 🤪
17 page decision huh...
Okay I shall give you the rest.
2017—Q disclosures begin. Why? This intel is a reward for the Anons, but not just that; our work was necessary, further work from us was needed, and Q needed to keep the autistic anons from getting off track. The Q group explicitly stated that our contribution was completely invaluable, and that we do indeed yield a completely ridiculous amount of power. The Q group saw our actions in the HWNDU debacle. They saw the 4chan airstrikes. They saw us create the Nation of the Internet, choosing the name Kekistan, choosing the xenonym Kekistani, choosing the mascot and joking diety Pepe The Frog. Q thanked us for our support and told us there was a long road ahead. More than anything, Q basically deputized the entire internet, acknowledging the digital soldier and how our efforts dwarf even the most professional intelligence agencies because of our sheer size, our lack of red tape and the fact we work for free... during this time Trump is going on a world tour, being coronated as he was on 4chan, as not JUST the president of the USA, but the grandly anticipated leader of The Free World. He went all over the globe... ALL OVER THE GLOBE... he goes to the UAE and is lauded so greatly that it sends a message to the rest of the world.... Saudi Arabia representing the victory of Trump by including him in a Sword Dance in his honor which is STRICTLY reserved for a new incoming ruler over Saudi Arabia.... Trump expressed extreme domination over OPEC. Trump goes also to China, Trump goes also to the pope. Rumor has it, everywhere Trump went, he presented the breadth and scope of the globalists crimes, the local leadership's involvement in it if relevant, along with a forgiveness plan, The Plan To Save The World. Very important to bring the plan from darkness to light in all of these countries in 2017.... 17=Q.... 2017 is the year of Q.
2018—having gotten all the required friendly countries on board, Trump begins turning the heat up, cutting ties with countries where America was getting a Bad Deal. President Xi has China under control, however the CCP is determined to go to proxy war through use of Kim Jong-Un's ego.... North Korean president is successfully convinced to try and scare America... Trump relates to him as a human being, playfully batting back and forth with him on Twitter, and as Rocket Man seems more and more determined to cause chaos in the news, Trump shows North Korea exactly how scared he isn't, and at the same time gives Kim Jong-Un such a precious gift that it risks making Kim a nicer person.... he walks into North Korea WITH NO SECURITY DETAIL OF ANY KIND and just has a casual chat with who is labeled as this crazy murderous dictator, shakes his hand, talks to him like a human being. Fight OVER. The message and implications of this meeting quickly spread all over the globe and strike fear into any who oppose him.
2019—The heat continues to rise as the establishment readies itself for the fight of its life. Trump casually guts a lot of the infrastructure intended to make possible the COVID scamdemic. He eliminates a lot of unnecessary financial bracing for a "mass flu event" and fires the CDC employees we had working with China, then eliminates the post itself entirely. He is cutting a lot of other red tape too, so they did not understand that we saw all of it coming....
2020—in a screeching act of final desperation, the COVID scamdemic having been unleashed in October 2019, the very mediocre flu with a 99% survival rate begins making headlines. FROM THE VERY BEGINNING the anons are screaming ELECTION FRAUD/ MAIL-IN BALLOTS but we are dismissed as insane because "there's no way this could be stretched out all the way to November." How wrong they were.
21-24—we have been effectively watching a movie, where the evil have been forced to become cartoonishly evil, and the prices at the grocery store and fuel pump an absolute joke of a situation, and the country is overrun with foreigners, SIMPLY TO WAKE PEOPLE UP. There are truly a lot of people who cannot handle all of the truth all at once. In fact we want it to be as small a number as possible waking up forcibly. Many will not be able to accept the level of evil they accidentally supported. This entire time it has been our job just to shitpost, shitpost, talk to people in the street and the store, casually point out rising prices without any political tilt, casually point at the arrests of the traffickers and so on without introducing any political tilt. By the end of 2024 anyone with a brain in America will be what would have once been considered a hardcore conspiracy theorist.
2025—I think this is when the grander part of the show is going to kick off. I believe what is going to happen is Trump will win and we will begin stomping all the globalist scum into and beyond the ground. We may not know exact dates, and we may not know the exact events to happen or their order, but Q has told us how this movie ends.
Fun fact: the Q group has always been a matter of public knowledge, 007 has the handler Q for this explicit reason, "oooooh top secret guy how cool," it was only after the first drips of information from Q the mainstream media started denying the existence of Q, with CNN even having done a special segment on the Q group years prior....
So in love with him she has a hyphenated last name 🤡🌎
2011—A new wave of extremely powerful anons, the first wave of full-on Netizens, reaches maturity and begins doing the internet equivalent of Hood Rat Shit. Not just torrenting but hacking. String attacks. Shell injections. Digging into companies. Asking questions. This culminates in the group LulzSec humbling and f*cking over many well-known websites. Everyone downloads LOIC for example.
2012—Benghazi happens. Clinton murders some soldiers via proxy. She blames her murders on America not liking Muslims.
2013—massive civil war begins in the Illuminati, as a massive throng of up-and-coming fledgling Satanists are mysteriously becoming spiritually awakened, and rebels begin sabotaging systems and exposing corruption.... In perfect sync, the NSA has taken this opportunity to begin operations for their complete removal, unbeknownst to us. This skirmish culminates in Edward Snowden's leaking info indicating our govt does bad things and is not as trustworthy as it seems. An eerie awareness of the massive boot of Whoever The F*ck Is In Charge ripples through the whole Internet community. Massive exodus of would-be agents discovering much of the intelligence work we do is terrifying, deadly and often dishonest. The shift is subtle but it is felt all the way down to the street gang level.
2014—Trump is approached by the military and asked to run for office. Obama is raining bombs from drones, and will continue to do so, earning him the nickname President Drone Strike....
2015-16—craziest election of our lifetime. Everyone wanted Bernie Sanders, the Republicans were completely neutered and uninteresting. Then they cheated Bernie Sanders out of the nomination. Everyone on the Internet was arguing who will be chosen candidate. Lots of people prefer Trump. Then in The Great 7 Get on 4chan, it just said "Donald Trump will be the next President of The United States of America." This caused an absolute internet implosion as ever single person rallied behind Trump, some of them joining the meme out of boredom, some of them just very much respecting 4chan tradition, some of them ardent supporters.
I can't finish writing this right now 🤣
To the best of my understanding the Q team is likely somewhere between 7-10 folks
As if I needed anything to add fuel to the fire of the "Time Traveler Barron" theory.... I already suspect it true, and try to tell myself I'm kidding but I'm not..... and now this.
absolutely correct
Every city is good for 100 a day which is all you need to live however in places like Atlanta 350 is achievable on Fridays and saturdays. If you work at night you make a lot more but it's not worth the sacrifice usually. The flexibility you have is golden doing this. Make money on vacation type shit, go to the beach for three months type shit.
You have to recognize the peak busy hours and the richest neighborhoods and drive accordingly. You only really need Uber Eats. Do not do uber x
Do not allow your bitch wife to upset you. I was engaged to a girl just like this. This is what you do.
Foot down. Oh she will kick she will scream but this is your house and if she wants to make an issue and have a divorce over it that's cool BUT YOU ARE NOT LEAVING YOU ARE MARRIED THAT IS YOUR HOUSE.
Don't worry about legal anything. Because the woman is just talking shit she has nothing to back it up with just ignore her and operate with the same bliss they ignore your youngest with. If they ignore her go out somewhere with her idk.
Show genuine boredom in your fights and refuse to engage with it, act as if what she is doing is incredibly dull to you.
Start acting exactly how the fk you want. Acting how she wants will never fix anything. She will only take take take. I was engaged to one of those for a long time. All you can do is put your foot down.
Don't cry don't say you wanna kill yourself none of that you are fine.
Set up Uber Eats, Doordash, and Instacart. If you unlock all 3 you never need a job I drive a 2024 and only drive for one service.
DM me if you need help.
Stop taking her so seriously all the damn time.
She knows what she is doing and takes pleasure in it.
Start listening to Stellar.
I wouldn't characterize marijuana, mushrooms, LSD, DMT or any other nootropics as "drugs" as relates to harmful narcotics.
I would say it is definitely important to consider the "why" of what nootropic you are taking, like what the goal is. Trying to study? Be less of a jerk? Become more laid back of a person? Struggling with suicidal ideation? Smarts aka nootropics may be for you.
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
When did this start? I was wondering where all the constant daily borderline-self-appointed-government-like stickies from ashlandog etc had gone away.
I for one welcome the change. I think the inorganic ranking nonsense is hurtful to the community. If you wanna sticky something, maybe just sticky comments in the ONE sticky thread, cuz it's just a little too much, scrolling past several people's opinions approved by a small group before I can get to the relevant stuff approved by a big group.... and not just any big group, the bros.
I'm going to put some thought into making high-density relevant-now information like this into QR codes and slapping them everywhere. Any help appreciated.
Here's a thought: what if we put QR codes on stories posted to the Snap Map?
They're testing people's reactions.....
Oooooh back when I was an Obama fan in 2012 I loved TYT then when all the Trump stuff happened, it's like they went stupid. Are they waking up?!??
yeah? break that down for me. we were all fed that lie. it doesnt make any sense for it to be a simple abbreviation of their official name for 3 reasons: 1. why would hitler consider the term so deeply offensive 2. The term Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei is nowhere near being abbreviated as "nazi" 3. THERE WAS ALREADY AN ABBREVIATION FOR THEIR PARTY. It was NSDAP, pronounced "nisdap."
Furthermore, we are the Jews. The Jewish religion was brought to completion by Christ. There is in fact a spattering of old Jews who rejected the Christ, but they are vastly outnumbered by the group described in the Bible as "those who say they are Jews but are not."
In WW2 the AshkeNAZI jews used Hitler as their fucken sock puppet to murder off all the regular jews... this is why people mocked Hitler with the term "Nazi" and he despised it so much... the AshkeNAZI who noticed him in his little bar brawl fiasco bankrolled him into the public sphere and then filled the ranks of his SS. This did not go unnoticed by the people of the world, who admired the order of Germany but were laughing at their being led by sock puppet bleeding heart liberal Hitler.
And the numbers of the murdered jews are greatly exaggerated, mathematically impossible, etc!!!! They stomped out a few thousand or so of their own and then accused us of murdering millions of them.
P.s. did you know that it was more than just Jews going to these camps, and did you know that according to the Talmud a Jew can be a mass murderer of Jews and it is acceptable or even funny that he has deceived his fellows. This is a concept also visible in the Old Testament of the Bible where they are constantly murdering their neighbors and each other. And it's all fine and good as long as they follow their jew rules along the way! However if the goyim kill a Jew, they must be put to death.
I would be extremely upset if all the shops owned by foreigners were suddenly forced to pawn their store off to Americans in order to remain open.
Install Uber and only do uber eats don't do uber x. You'll be rich. Trust me.
I just found it really funny because los Santos is the city from GTA5