Almost punched a hole in the phone I HATE the fake America loving people.
Not sure how that doesn’t have 10 billions views yet !!!
Well done please fill free to make more !!
Good stuff we’ll done !
He still a piece of dung he all in on the all seeing eye
Well read the words you wrote then if you believe that a tin foil plane could bring down the towers that I help build and understand every inch of what and how it was constructed then you to would know what I know then you would know that planes are not the cause of the collapse. Thank you for your time.
Well she might as well be pelosi because she is cashing in on the vaccines just like the rest of the worthless scum in DC
Might be the stupidest thing I’ve ever read.
Be scared vote democrat that’s why we are where we are
Sorry but tired of see this same post either get or don’t its YOUR decision
Not sure but the Child looks very nervous
Sorry but Tucker is a piece of dung
A great reminder we still have the greatest country on earth !
Work for Norfolk Southern hope they follow suit but guna throw 17 ! years down the tubes if they don’t tho !!!
Love it keep up the great work people WE ARE WINNING BIGLY !
Still waiting to see a picture from when Big Mike was pregnant 👀👀
Well said I have a small butcher shop now I’m getting ready to get fired from Railroad for not taking to death jab that butcher shop is going to be a life saver !
I work for one of the major Railroads which have all been mandated to get the death shot at first we had a big pack that said hell no but as time ticks down there dropping one by one just me and my real brother out of a group of 30 are willing to throw it all away for freedom. It’s a sad day to see so many strong men cave in. BUT I WILL NEVER GIVE IN NOR WILL MY BROTHER. WWG1WGA
Don’t talk to me like that I just posted a meme chill out dude
Wow what a great video thanks for sharing hope everyone in the world watches !!