indeed. but honestly, a person should know how to do most of that before they hit college. And parents should be more involved in their kids education. IMO, home schooling now is the only option. I will teach my kids how to think correctly and how to problem solve on their own. Sure they will learn life lessons as we all do, but they will at least have a bit of a leg up on others. Learning never stops. I learn new things almost daily doing what I do. I love it. No two days are the same for me.
As I posted a few days ago, having actual usable skills (man shxt) is, and always will be, invaluable. I work for a lot of people with plenty of cash. And believe me, they will always need stuff done. If you have basic skills (that you should have been taught in school) you will never go hungry. If you treat people with respect and honesty and always do a good job, you will do well. The youth of today is pretty well doomed. The bigger problem is that I've noticed it's a self perpetuating problem. It's like the "royals" in GB. They keep inbreeding and the next generation is dumber than the last. Same goes for those people here. People who grew up a generation or 2 ago always thought that college was the way to go. And for those who wanted to go into the medical field that was clearly the way to go. But everyone always thought that their kids would get a better life if they went to college instead of doing actual work for a living. Now we get what we have today. The truly smart parents of yesterday understood what was coming and the dads taught their kids the value of true knowledge and skills. There is/was a time that some will see this and try to reverse course. And some will crash and burn. My point about the perpetual problem is that once a generation hasn't been taught anything, then they themselves cannot teach their kids. Then your only hope is that those kids can seek knowledge from someone. But they have to recognize there's a need. Most will not. I don't care if you're a shade-tree mechanic or a plumber, a welder or a tradesman of any kind. Grab some kids in your neighborhood and at least plant the seed. Some kids who don't have that kind of brain will just move along. But some kids have a thirst for knowledge and will want to learn. And if they do, TEACH them!! Let that be your legacy..
Since I'm heading to bed soon, I'll throw this in the "tomorrow" thread..
I was listening to Sean's show and something he spoke about got me to thinking. During CV, I never "locked down". Let me explain further. If anyone I know frequents this site, this may doxx me, but oh well. I worked at a local, high-end furniture store during college and ended up working there much longer than I figured I would. But I was good at it and met a ton of good people. My grandfather always told me to be a good "people person" and you will do well. I grew a reputation as being really good and taking good care of my clients. I did a ton of after hours jobs. I did things for pretty well known people. You would know them if I said their names. After my many years there, I went out and started delivering on my own. Started off as delivering furniture and hanging artwork and just about anything else. Just about every designer in town and store know me. When CV hit, I didn't change a thing. Very few people even looked at me odd for not wearing a mask. I think I had one very old lady who asked if I would, so I did. She was a sweet old lady and I wasn't going to be an ass to her. I was polite and was only in her house for maybe 5 minutes. But aside from that, I never wore a mask and never stopped working. As long as there were businesses open and selling, I was working. And it also grew into basically a "handy man" type business. It never fails. If I'm in a person's home and dropping something off or hanging something, they will ask if I know how to do something else. And being as I started off working doing construction, I know how to do a lot of things around the house. So I'm pretty much my own boss. And I can work 7 days a week if I want to. There could literally be 3 of me and I'd still need help. And to top it all off, I'd say 90% of my work is cash. People pass my number around like crazy. I'm like a jigalow without the action. Not that I couldn't do that too, but that would seriously ruin my reputation. Anyway, my point being is that, as long as there are people with money to pay and things they need done, I will work. No one is "locking me down". No one controls me nor my income. I work for no one. I doubt I ever will again. Hell, I'm not even a business. I'm just a guy who does things. There's a market out there ladies and gents. If you have a truck and some basic tool skills and the will to do things, the need is there, anons. Just throwing is out there. There is plenty of cashola to be made. Men..... Be your own man..
I'll throw this out there as well. I'd do it myself but I'm about to head to work. look into home/property purchase records via county assessors. That's a place I don't think they think to change the names on records, nor do I think they can. If you go back far enough through both of their lives, you may find what you are looking for.
Katy Gale ChevignyDr. Jonathan Michael Chen
ROCHESTER -- Katy Gale Chevigny and Dr. Jonathan Michael Chen were married Sept. 29 in New York City by State Supreme Court Justice Ira Globerman.
Parents are Bell and Paul Chevigny of New York City and Dr. Michael and Alice Chen of Rochester.
The bride is a cum laude graduate of Yale University with a bachelor of arts degree in east Asian studies. An independent filmmaker, she directs and produces documentary films at her company, Big Mouth Productions in New York City. Her husband is a cum laude graduate from Yale University with a bachelor of science degree in molecular biophysics and biochemistry. He received his doctor of medicine degree from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons where he also completed his general surgery training and chief residency. He is currently a senior fellow in cardiothoracic surgery at New York Presbyterian Hospital-Columbia campus. They are making their home in New York City.
I believe the fear of it is why it is being continuously spoken about. The more it's presented and explained how bad of an idea it is, the more people will reject it. I wouldn't be surprised if they try to roll it out and it may even be rolled out for a while, but it will fizzle out quickly.
Cutting it up is all fine and well, but I'd call and cancel the card completely. You never know how easy it is for a card number to get out and cause all kinds of problems, especially if you're not looking for transactions. It is actually sad how few times people actually look at their bank statements anymore. And I am just as guilty as the next person on that fact.
Not to go off on a tangent regarding safety/security, but I TRY to follow much of what Micheal Bazzell speaks about on his Podcast. Be sure to at least download all of your check/savings/credit card statements and store them securely on an external drive. Make copies of your IDs, DLs, credit/debit cards and all other important items and store them there too. Additionally, have those files SECURELY stored and available to provide if needed from your phone or tablet if needed. If God forbid, your home burns or something else happens, you never know when/if you will need those items and how accessible they are.
Anyway, I'm all in on all cash. I've also been hording coins. I actually found a 1925 penny the other day.. And it was in surprisingly good condition.
I miss the old Jeves (SP?) "Ask Jeves" Which I think was before Google. Had the old dude in a tuxedo as the mascot. Seemed legit.
Indeed.. Remove the NFA.
And all those playing their respective "parts" should, in the end, get honorary Oscars, or at least a TRUMP equivalent.
I doubt anyone would be able to count how many were done this way from the same age, if not younger. They know they have to start them young. Fill their brains like a jelly donut. The thing that gets me is how many adults (or those of adult age) are just as easily manipulated. But I think that may be also due to the manipulation of the chemicals in the body over decades. I just wonder how long it will take for it to be corrected. If the shots take out people like everyone thinks, it may be corrected a lot sooner than previously thought. Time will tell.
also, looking at the thermometer in his pocket. I'm sure the food is at exactly the temp its supposed to be. And those pans look pretty well used on the bottom, but the inside looks pretty good. Some of these memes just write themselves.