This is Q proof
Sorry but he said the next administration should not think of tearing this wall down. He is not going to do IA. I am sad but hopeful for the future path he started. Best President Ever! Crooked Dems did what Crooked Dems do.
Did they steal it (election) technically yes. They started this in California and it worked so well they rolled it to the national level. Mainly swing states and had non congressional leaders change rules to unlock potential harvesting along with ballot stuffing and more. But factually if courts don’t review and legislators don’t investigate then the reality is we lost. Some how this shit for brains bottom of the class fuckwad will be President. But I think corruption is our savior because they value money over law. To busy collecting it to worry about laws. Besides in 2 short years we slept to the polls again and vote rhinos ? in again. Fucked up ya know.
I use this and never look over my shoulder
Try this For that politico link/thread unroll
Btw. Bout the giza sheets Then bought 2 more sets. Very happy with them
I think his Twitter is still up. Says he is losing followers from a Twitter purge. History is repeating itself with big tech. Anyone remember the railroad wars in our earlier history.
robber barons a person who has become rich through ruthless and unscrupulous business practices (originally with reference to prominent US businessmen in the late 19th century).
Been watching this. Did not know this even existed. But I am sure every enemy nation watches.
Not 100% sure that would mean overturn. Because state legislature would still be a deciding factor. Like ok a crime was committed and the Judge “Pence” sends it to the Jury “ State House “ for the Verdict. At least that was the intent of Trump Lawyers talking to Pence I heard on Bannon War Room
Same eye brow same nose definitely same hair parted look exact.
Scroll this. Q is real