I'm sorry if that doesn't give you some excitement. I understand it means nothing in the scheme of things, but it made me smile.
Excellent work, OP! The trailer is perfect for people, like my family, who is interested but not committed to a 2 hour vid. Thank you!
Dr. Shiva - he's fantastic outside of all of this too!
Beautiful! Great work!
Haha!! This is incredible.
My mouth is wide open. Oh. My. Word.
"it's coming and it's coming fast!" Gave me allllllll the chills
So, what are your top 3?
We bought into Dogecoin for fun over 7 years ago and honestly keep forgetting about it until it makes a run. It has been enjoyable watching things fluctuate and grow.
My mom wouldn't let me come visit her work today unless I wore a mask - I said byyyyyyeeeeee.
Wow. These numbers make me sick to my stomach.
Im so sorry you lost your friend.
BEST. VIDEO. EVER. I'm over here living my best life but I NEED some Trump back in my life but I won't lie... My days don't feel quite as complete anymore without hearing little things like this regularly.
I was blocked this morning from sharing too... Getting all my ducks in a row so I can get rid of Fakebook forever.
Not sure which speech OP is referring to, but here is a list of them from right before the election in PA. https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-verizon&tbm=vid&sxsrf=ALeKk00zBZfywgCfmdefMAtXE9vaMsj5fw:1611767143508&q=trump+speech+in+pennsylvania&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjvgrLAzLzuAhUNV80KHR4GDskQ8ccDKAZ6BAgBEEI&biw=412&bih=839&dpr=2.63
This is gold! Specifically the homeschooling and drinking at 10am part. ?
Oh boy ? When comparing body movements too, I think you're onto something...
MAYBE they were able to use this theory to deradicalize the left since we know a lot of them would be first in line!
. Children filing out of the WH in the middle of the night.
How did I miss this?!
Patriots.win is still up
My word. Watching that makes me u comfortable. It's so awkward and unnatural!
Proud vs. scared!
You're spot on. The entire inauguration was this way. Weird stuff.
I should have added more to my link post... This has no hidden meaning other than he is there and working hard for us still. It made me smile and I needed it today. Hopefully, if anything, it can give you some happiness to know he's still around!