TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

The irony is this: The U.S. Government already has a mechanism in place to poll the entire population if they wanted to... but they don't. I even sent them a letter 10 years ago explaining how they could do it.

Any U.S. citizen can go online and file their taxes. All they have to do is add one tiny section reserved for polls. They just let you know a new poll is out, what the poll is, and if you are interested you go online and weigh-in. Of course, it only works if you are a U.S. citizen. You only get one vote, you can't be dead, and it doesn't matter where you are or live.

This is not difficult. In a day, the results can be published and everyone has a very real snapshot of exactly what the American public supports.

TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +3 / -2

Well to be fair, the mods do a good job in here and are fair. This isn't the forum for wacky snake oil. To the mod's credit, they allow information that is reasonably arguable and with some substantiation to back it up. Tough role.

The irony here is... this isn't woo-woo or new age science anymore... it is now mainstream consensus. All the sciences point to the same fundamental underlayment and construct. They even had to come up with a new category to house so many new discoveries... called, quantum biology. I wrote The Human Primer to attempt to make all this knowledge comprehensible.

My problem as an author was to explain the science in a way anyone could understand. That's why each scientific element is illustrated through the roles of a human family member that everyone relates to and has experience with. My favorite is "Mom" because it really is true (regarding the energy field around the planet "Mom") "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!"

I was (am) just trying to do my part in elevating the planet's homeostasis to one of peace. My way of doing this is to expose the "how" part that we (human beings) contribute. There is an entirely new dimensional understanding for how we exist as human beings that has intentionally been censored out of our education. Yet, all the knowledge is available and believe me when I say... the bad guys fully understand this hidden aspect of us, humans.

The only force that has sustained their control and pure manipulation in leveraging this knowledge was our ignorance.

It is time that ignorance changed. Every manipulative trick they have played on us over thousands of years are rendered impotent if you know the truth.

...pardon if this sounded like a rant.

TheHumanPrimer 2 points ago +4 / -2

The tell is your own use of free will. Evaluate how you feel and what you think. Is it mostly negative or positive?

I like to use this example. Most people don't understand the difference between joy and happiness. Listen to what most people derive happiness from... it is almost exclusively external to them. If I had this, or if only this would happen, etc. Thus it is based on external circumstances you can't control.

Joy, in contrast, is caused by allowing love to come out of you towards something external. This is something you control 100%.

TheHumanPrimer 11 points ago +14 / -3

Regarding DNA. Consider there is a coming shift in frequencies that will envelope the planet. Your DNA is your antenna to these energies (frequencies). They must be able to resonate. That is the "Protect your DNA" message. Otherwise, it will be "AI" attuned and programmable.

As the global inhabitants align in their thought and emotions, a paradigm shift in frequencies occurs. Your so-called "junk DNA" is connected to this frequency grid. It affects everyone. No exclusion. We have been doing this all along... only in a low frequency, negative way. That is about to change.

Get a copy of The Human Primer to learn more.

TheHumanPrimer 3 points ago +3 / -0

New Caption: "Kamala auditions for her role as a ditsy bar-maid in a show entitled "Pretzel Logic"... playing in theaters soon. The show is Sponsored by American Vodka.

TheHumanPrimer 40 points ago +40 / -0

These are the people who have been orchestrating the businesses of the Cabal. The State Department was the Front Organization to implement the off-shore parts of the plan.

I think we can safely assume, these people are quite ruthless in their fight... back, once this is fully exposed. These level of exposures are showing us we are indeed at war over a hostile takeover that was happening right under our noses.

This leads to a conclusion that the only way this can be truly stopped (to avoid their desperate responses) is to preempt their plan with "mass arrests"... globally. At once.

"You will love how this movie ends!"

TheHumanPrimer 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think this is the likely strategy. But Julian Assange is in the wings, armed to destroy the Clintons through the Clinton Foundation. High caliber ammo that takes Hillary completely out. So then what are you left with. Not big Mike, her husband will be exposed as never been a natural born citizen... illegitimate as it can get.


TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

If it is proven she is not a natural born citizen then she will be forced to drop out. If they try to slip in candidate #3... there will not be time to get the new mail-in ballots printed. This means less ability to cheat... which is unacceptable. Thus providing reason to postpone the election.

Parallel to this, if the "giggler" isn't legit, then the conspiracy regarding Barry (Obama) then becomes a legitimate investigation. He is then, in-turn, ruled to have been an illegitimate President.

At the same time, Julian Assange releases the trove of documents regarding the Clinton Foundation. Another former President and Killdog are exposed.

"By the time this is finished, there will no longer be a democratic party" and "The last legitimate President" then... would be who? President Trump.

Sounds like a good plan to me.

TheHumanPrimer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, to be fair, everything but the young heifers... for the incoming migrant men.

TheHumanPrimer 4 points ago +4 / -0

It IS OKAY to be white! Like we have another choice. Guess I could go to the beach. I don't understand these Brits. In the South, there is absolutely no way people will be arrested here for such insane crap... alive. Somebody will get hurt. Just sayin.

I'll listen to such charges until I start laughing and then dare them to try to arrest me. Not going to happen... and I am a chilled, peaceful soul. Even so, I don't allow insanity on my own property. Jesus. Just insane. Hard to believe such is real. What is wrong with people?

TheHumanPrimer 3 points ago +3 / -0

If they try to swap-out Kamala and Walz for Big Mike and Hillary... the vids are the final nail in the coffin.

TheHumanPrimer 7 points ago +7 / -0

I accidentally wrote a book about how this is harvested. Human use of free will globally... generates a field of energy. Every wonder what all that "junk DNA" is connected to? No exceptions. We are all connected.

Causing this field to sway towards hate and division creates a "hate and division" field. Why do you think they keep chaos and fear in play?

In stark contrast, imagine what control they would NOT have if we were cooperating with each other with no fear!! They lose all control.

The tactics they use to sway this massive use of human free will is a trick! And we have been falling for it for millenniums.

When the world acknowledges this scientific, measurable field of energy exists and see the trick used to manipulate this field... it's game over. ''

...maybe this can only be seen en masse' at the precipice? I don't think that is necessary. We could do it today.

TheHumanPrimer 6 points ago +6 / -0

It is starting to sound like our country is being terraformed into something entirely different behind every rock we turn over.

Just my opinion, but I think the only obstacle in their way is... we are still armed. The Chinese "quanxi" https://x.com/realmuckraker/status/1778394589054812589 is just one small part of this constellation of transforming. The maturity of each silo becomes massive...if coordinated.

Just another opinion, but... I think the military is the only way to dismantle these. ??

TheHumanPrimer 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Perfect Storm. Impeach Joe, Kamala anointed... but completely absent campaigning, put Trump in jail. The D.C. playground is then completely open 7X24. Obama's basement is now full of wattage. They can do whatever they want.

TheHumanPrimer 3 points ago +3 / -0

If so, the question is will the medical community and average American buy-in to this bullshit one more time? I don't think so. Doctors have been suffering from the last hoax and violated their "do no harm" vows. Most can't do that again. Most Americans aren't going to do that again either.

Mass non-compliance is the least chaotic counter measure. In fact, as opposed to lock and loading, we all just laugh at them. The absurdity is indeed laughable. We already predicted the arrival of the play. You fooled us once... nah, ain't happening again.

TheHumanPrimer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Only a true pedophile would do something like that. Let that sink in...

We live in a society that enabled such a man to a position becoming our V.P. He rose to the top... naked and unafraid.

That ecosystem producing him, doesn't represent the majority of people in America nor even the world.

Entire paradigms will need shift in order to solve this problem. Y'all ready for that ride?

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