TheMAGAnificent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great post! Never new this info... Including Trump really good front of the wall, no president ever reading in front of the wall, and the CIA director being deeply insulted. That's awesome!

TheMAGAnificent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why do we want this? Trump is destroying Biden.

Having someone like Newsome step up means liberal voters now have someone to unite against trump, instead of spreading their votes across West, Stein, and RFK.

TheMAGAnificent 21 points ago +21 / -0

This is huge news. Agencies spoke the ATF and their sweeping powers to stupidly ban stuff would/could not be curtailed.

TheMAGAnificent 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah, no need for sympathy from media trying to defend Biden from Trump's attacks.

TheMAGAnificent 10 points ago +10 / -0

There is an INSANE amount of people on my Instagram feed watching this debate. Many Trump haters, many Trump lovers, but ZERO Biden lovers 😂

It's crazy howany young people are watching this debate, and sharing memes or thoughts. Usually non political people, and even left leaning people. It's crazy!

TheMAGAnificent 12 points ago +12 / -0

The fact that he's absolute dumpsterfire garbage tells me Q is truly in control. He wasn't given Adderall or uppers... Dudes as sleepy as ever 😂😂

TheMAGAnificent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Like it or not Instagram its what all the cool kids use. Also it's been a great boon for small business and the gun/2a community. And it's where I and able to share a lot of spicy memes and "theories"

TheMAGAnificent 3 points ago +3 / -0

Larry Silverstein, World Trade Center owner anshis son Roger and daughter Lisa: The three of them including 196 out of 200 employees that work in their office every day did not show up for work on 9/11. Robert Mueller, hired as FBI director 4 days before 9/11, did not question them

TheMAGAnificent 0 points ago +1 / -1

She doesn't bring any new voters to Trump. Arizona is actually kinda turning on her.

The blues already hate her, and the reds don't like that she's gotten nothing done about the election in Maricopa, and she's flip flopped on abortion. I used to love her but I always am wary of anyone riding the red wave to become popular cough * Tulsi * cough

She's not a wise choice as she changes nothing for Trump.

TheMAGAnificent 6 points ago +6 / -0

Her last night, "I don't think Donald should have been president" could be a subversive meaning:

Without Q, he never should have won. It was clearly Hillary and the entire cabal machine behind her. She should have won.

So in a way she's speaking truth while coming across as centerist. Smart

TheMAGAnificent 3 points ago +3 / -0

DEO hires seem like Q plants as of the last 6 months. Lots of pro-gun decisions going out way (except today but that was a strange case).

TheMAGAnificent 5 points ago +5 / -0

Is there an actual source for this? Something outside of a conservative blog? Not challenging you, but genuinely curious

TheMAGAnificent 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah, people don't truly understand the implications of Elon buying Twitter.

Twitter was a tool wielded by Trump to connect to his base, and also build a base long before running for Presidency. It was his way of getting his true message out to us.

Twitter also, as we all know, was a propaganda machine that censored, boosted, throttled accounts and posts, depending on which topics X employees wanted to show or hide.

And Twitter was also mentioned in the Q posts.

For Elon to buy it for what, $40b+, and lose half of that in value? Not a smart business move.

Which tells me it wasn't about business. Elon is probably the single biggest military contractor in history. As a person, he's made more money being a weapon/tool for the military through his various technology developments, which are disguised or passed off into consumers. So Elon buying Twitter and losing so much money tells me the military/Q probably helped fund Elon enough for him to be confident that any losses would be covered, and that the world would be a better place with a freed Twitter.

So yeah, I agree with you: a free Twitter reflects a HUGE cleaning of the cabal, and a huge iron fist removed from the free Republic.

TheMAGAnificent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well that's too bad. I haven't started season 4, I've had inkling that the message will get worse.

They already ruined Star wars, new series the acolyte is getting destroyed. The real Lord of the Rings with rings of power. They ruined wheel of Time with their terrible writing. The ruined Ghostbusters, marvel, basically everything they get their hands on.

TheMAGAnificent 4 points ago +4 / -0


Can't believe these people are our overlords choice of useful idiots to control the populations

TheMAGAnificent 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wow, my condolences. I lost $35k in the market, but to outright have $90k stolen would drive me mad. Stay strong, fren. It's a lot of money, but not enough to make a life altering decision over. We're here for you.

TheMAGAnificent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah can't you literally look up people's names and find their address as public records?

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