Holy shitballs
We can get some from biden
And you deserve e everybody boycotting Amazon!
Wtf is this....some kind of storm?
I thought snow white was Andersen Cooper lol
Maybe Christopher reeves will be there to help
Maybe Christopher reeves will be there to help
So he fails...his paper should read MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
But what if declass shows that aliens are real and among us lol
He's running cover...disinformation
I smell bullshit
Orthodox is the true church...the original
She is telling us to show empathy and compassion towards those in shock once the truth comes out...sometimes the truth is right in your face
No fucking way
Maybe towe get one the is 10 min apart
Disinformation is necessary....
And I give no fucks if they suspend me...ΜΟΛΟΝ ΛΑΒΕ
So if the mercury goes into retrograde and the messenger is dimished=blackout?
And somewhere i read something about looking at the stars...hmm
So if this os the truth and not a diversion then there has been no plan or trap by the president...am I wrong?
Trolling at its finest
The darkness could also be implemented from the left if and after POTUS drops the Intel..they wouldn't want that information getting out to the masses so they might just shut down and that's when presidential alerts would come into play..just another scenario
Wow..if this doesn't say it all!