Remember Q's various "Trust So-and-sos"?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think we have prerty much ID'd all of them as deep state actors except for maybe the original (Sessions). We definitely were told "Trust Wray" and he has been the most untrustworthy slimeball imaginable the whole time.
In retrosepct, Q may have been strategically telling us to trust known bad actors just to make room for the enemy to feel overconfident and slip up...
It's actually the women 65+ that shocks me in these numbers.
And this threat was meant ro deter us from thinking Kash is a good pick? I don't undersrand.
I mean, it SHOULD be a massive scandal, in a sane world. But i's just kinda par for the course for in the current environment though.
That ain't Vincent
I've considered for the last 4 years that IF the Plan involved allowing the 2020 steal, THEN Pence by necessity was an absolute Patriot and knowingly sacrificed his career for the future of the country...
Or, was just a deep state dick who did what he was expected to do.
Not sure we'll ever know.
Ha! Before I read all the way to the "Edit," I genuinely thought you were fighting mail-in fraud with mail-in fraud and driving around mailing multiple DJT ballots from different boxes.
And I was impressed that you had thousands of Patriots joining you in this endeveor. I was picturing the election scene from Gangs of New York, LOL
Repeat after me, Julian: "HIS NAME WAS SETH RICH."
It's worse than that, it's so Trudeau and Canadian Leftists can cheat in OUR election too. The dems are bringing the whole world in on the scam.
Ha. I guess so. I'm leaving it as it is
Dude in case anyone here doesn't already know, Malik has been a straight up patriot anon for a while now. Not kidding, he's posted Barry's actual Kenyan birth certificate on Twitter, he goes around online cracking jokes about Big Mike, he's even quoted Q posts in the past. He's been on our side for a long time.
Malik might be shotposting here on GAW as we speak 😂
What makes me angriest is how the very same governments that would do this, will also lecture you about the damage your truck is doing to the environment and how you should give up more of your income to fight climate change.
This is a more expensive but genuine longterm solution, worked for me and the wife:
Forget "vitamins" per se and find something that is full-spectrum nutrition superfoods, like Juice+ or Brickhouse nutrition or something... there might be something you are lacking in your regular diet that you are unaware of, but is causing sluggishness.
The reason being that when you are eating actual food, your body does a better job of processing and absorbing the various vitamins and nutrients you want.
When you look into it, you'll find a lot of supplements and vitamins we take don't even get processed when we take them in tablet form; we just crap it right back out.
Also, look into minimizing electro-magnetic pollution. Turning off the wifi at night, putting the phone further away, grounding mats - you might be shocked to find your sleep is more restful even though you are getting the same amount.
You also have the effect that population has on the number of representatives you have in office, hence the big fight over the censorship question on the census. If we only counted citizens, California and New York would begin to shrink in the House of Representatives.
If it's cancer then try OD-ing on Apricot seeds first. Amygdalin is the big dirty secret when it comes to fighting cancer.
Scanning the comments around that page is kinda disheartening. It seems that most of the RFK supporters really were just in it to vote for a 3rd option, and are mostly devoting themselves to voting Liberterian, or Green, or stay home regardless.
They've been programed to neuter themselves.
RFK's position in supporting Trump ultimately boils down to, "Hey, me and this guy disagree on a lot of things but we both agree elections should be fair and not rigged. Those bad guys over there are literally tyrants trying to destroy the country and elections altogether, so me and this guys are gonna join forces to take out those bad guys and we'll address our differences later."
That's a friggin logical position. But the Reddit RFK supporters don't seem to hear that at all, they seem to be rushing to the nearest "Throw your vote away and remain ineffective" option they can find.
Hint, hint, Texas.
Kamal's inauguration. Biden is smoked.
Hm he spelled "liddle" like he does for "Liddle Adam Schiff." Spellings matter?
I seem to remember a "Liddle Kids" foundation or something that we were suspicious of some time back...
It's been years since I recall her being seen in public, but the official story is she retired in Jan 21 from her position and is now a senior advisor for a "King & Spalding’s National Security and Corporate Espionage" which is of course probably just a front for CIA ops:
But actual confirmation that she is alive, well, and active? Nah, I haven't seen her since 2020 at least.
whoops, thanks I missed it.
2663: Program dev ongoing under offshore [not domestic] 'tangent' agency? Covert funding? Animals > Humans Humans 1988 71% avg success rate. Targeted (mental) 'criteria' designated as [ , ]. Mental institutions & THERAPISTs > 'program-specialists'….. Cocktail regimen 4x daily brain intercept [administered by ] Hint: WIA military personnel targets of the program? PTSD+ Clandestine Black OPs > zero affiliation (non_stick) Something out of a movie? Fiction? The hole is deep. Q
The key = therapist. Weak minds. Use of symbolism to push strength and belonging to something powerful. Controlled. Duty. Find the link (common denominator). Error made. Name can be found due to filing. Fake? Background? Office? Other patients? Relocation imminent? Conspiracy risk. End (for now). Haspel must find & term clas program. She knows. Q
Whatever happened to the plan to buy Greenland? I was down with that. Large amount of land, minimal added population.