Chuck skyrocketed to the top of the organization by literally being the one dude willing to do his job.
I'm glad this fedanon exposed themself with this statement. So in other words, they openly admit that the reason everyone was fired was they were shit at their jobs and unable to follow the new boss' orders. They had to fire multiple levels before clean cut Chuck stepped up to the plate.
Q said Barry would claim Kenyan citizenship in an attempt to escape American prosecution. But who knows, Kenya might be too based and redpilled to want him by then!
Trump & the Patriots really tricked these deep state/cabal schemers into showing their asses. Its amazing to watch as the aftershocks spread and wake up the world.
TBH I have only been messing with Crypto for a short while but if you suspect that Trump will announce no tax on American crypto (like I do), then my hopeful theory is that American-based or American-managed cryptos are the ones to invest in hopes of big wins in the next 4 years.
So look into which ones those are maybe?
That's what I've been doing anyways. I know it's still a gamble, but it was a winning bet right before the election at least. I suppose it could all zap away tomorrow.
Yeah, because these bastards have been facilitating an invasion of our country, and in a sane world an appropriate and proportionately destructive response would be justifiably warranted in response to an invasion. Now that Daddy is home they are all sitting diwn and realizing they are due a massive spanking.
What I'd really like em to do is tattle-tale and give up the names of the people who first proposed and implemented the idea to them. I know Haiti and Venezuela and Honuras, etc did not just decide to do this all at once. We know Soros has funded a lot of it via NGOs, but I want all the names...
The South American countires were approached, likely over a decade ago, by certain Western powers who had decided to serve up the USA on a sacrifical platter for the longterm purposes of creating a NWO. How nice would it be to have THAT conversation exposed and aired out in the open?
I remember making a similar post a couple years ago where I introduced a DJ I had found who wore a MAGA hat during his live streams and played a great variety of freedom-themed music. I thought he would be a good music source to introduce to fellow anons.
It garnered about 100 likes before the post was removed by the mods for having nothing to do with Q.
So congratulations on your sticky, fren!
Did this burn down?
Well shoot we got orbs/plasmoids and drones all over the world lately, who the heck knows what's flying around. I think basically we are under attack from technology we didn't know existed and thus we have a hard time processing it when we see it.
And I'll bet my wallet it is still nowhere close to however much money was sent to Ukraine this week.
Hm that feels like a leap, but maybe so. Would definitely need to see more to that come to that conclusion.
Honestly I think folks at places like Amazon and Facebook are finally reading the writing on the wall and realize they been pissing off over half the country for the sake of snuggling up to a corrupt Leftist Regime that is now on its way down the toilet. They just don't want to get flushed with their previous overlords.
Since they like making money and having jobs, they are now scrambling to "appease the Right" and hopefully score points with the guy they have spent the last 8 years attacking - so that maybe he doesn't investigate them, or use something like EO13818 on them.
That was what I kept telling myself the last 4 years as well. It was necessary to allow the steal, and at the time it was damned scary for those of us with eyes open. And especially if you were a J6er.
But... I got to admit, shit is gettiin even scarier. Drones and orbs, mystery fog, countries prepping for war, media prepping us for a "quademic". I mean, where the hell is the precipice at?
James A Garfield and William Henry Harrison said F U, we ain't pardonin' NOBODY.
It's a good book too, anons should have it handy on their desks frankly to remind themselves the depth of the war we are in.
Why is this stickied? This post has a bunch of irrelevant non-connections. The connections to Stanley McChrystal in this post are possibly notable, but I don't see how any of the other comments are.
I don't see how Enrique Tarrio saying "Jan 6th was a setup" in court is supposed to be an explosive revelation. We all know it was a setup, I'm glad Tarrio and other pointed that out in a court setting. Tarrio was being used by the FBI to commit treason and setup the President - we should want that shit put down in as many court documents as possible!
Ven Miller is just some pro-Trump dude who ended up parking in the wrong section with guns in his car and encountering some over-protective police who were hyped-up over the recent assassination attempts. The media painted him as an anti-Trump assassin, when really he was just a patriot practicing his right to bear arms (perhaps in retrospect, a little stupidly). But he has podcasts and stuff with Ivan Raiklin, this is not some sort of surprising connection, we already knew all this.
As for Anthony Raimondi being invited to a canceled golf club event? What am I supposed to do with that? Is Ariel implying that Flynn was going to hire an aging remnant of the Mob to go after Trump? Seems friggn stupid, doesn't it?
I think the only think worth noting in this post is the fact that two attackers from this weekend - the cyber truck bomber and New Orleans driver - served under the same anti-Trump military commander, Stanley McChrystal. That IS interesting and should be dug into further.
The rest of the post is jumbled gobbeldy-gook.
Whatever happened to the plan to buy Greenland? I was down with that. Large amount of land, minimal added population.
Remember Q's various "Trust So-and-sos"?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think we have prerty much ID'd all of them as deep state actors except for maybe the original (Sessions). We definitely were told "Trust Wray" and he has been the most untrustworthy slimeball imaginable the whole time.
In retrosepct, Q may have been strategically telling us to trust known bad actors just to make room for the enemy to feel overconfident and slip up...
It's actually the women 65+ that shocks me in these numbers.
And this threat was meant ro deter us from thinking Kash is a good pick? I don't undersrand.
I mean, it SHOULD be a massive scandal, in a sane world. But i's just kinda par for the course for in the current environment though.
That ain't Vincent
I've considered for the last 4 years that IF the Plan involved allowing the 2020 steal, THEN Pence by necessity was an absolute Patriot and knowingly sacrificed his career for the future of the country...
Or, was just a deep state dick who did what he was expected to do.
Not sure we'll ever know.
Ha! Before I read all the way to the "Edit," I genuinely thought you were fighting mail-in fraud with mail-in fraud and driving around mailing multiple DJT ballots from different boxes.
And I was impressed that you had thousands of Patriots joining you in this endeveor. I was picturing the election scene from Gangs of New York, LOL
Repeat after me, Julian: "HIS NAME WAS SETH RICH."
It's worse than that, it's so Trudeau and Canadian Leftists can cheat in OUR election too. The dems are bringing the whole world in on the scam.
TBH I don't think the words had any effect anyways. I mean look, it says "Integrity" in bigass yellow letters right there.