Themessenger777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Followed you fren....

Themessenger777 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree....I felt that today...I just feel so confident that things are changing in our world and the hand of God is the reason. It's almost as if contentment has come over me. Feels good

Themessenger777 6 points ago +7 / -1

It is still considered as a palindrome when leaving off the "20"...many abbreviate and use 3 21 23.... Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed fren? Or just dooming for fun

Themessenger777 4 points ago +4 / -0

3 20 2023...look at the numbers now from right to left...

If you are British you put the day first so it will not be the same for you.

Many here in America omit the first two numbers in the year so the remaining 9 days are...

3 21 23...now read right to left 3 22 23 all the way through 3 29 23

These are the only ones this entire year and they are consecutive..hope this helps

Themessenger777 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you fren for posting this...just an hour ago I cried out to The Lord that His people are losing hope...that evil has to be ridden from this earth....when will His covenant to send the lion to this commence as many are suffering.

I have seen this time and what will come after. Perhaps I am longing for the world I saw after the devastation....

I believe this is God's answer to my prayer as He always does answer. You were the messenger tonight.

Many blessings...

Themessenger777 11 points ago +11 / -0

Congrats!! Had 2 c sections...you're gonna be fine. Now go buy 2 of everything...you are blessed my fren!

Themessenger777 6 points ago +6 / -0

Well Cats many of us "old timers are still here...waiting and praying as instructed. We are in a whirlwind right now, like a tempest in a teapot. We have it all but dont understand it all. We only know for sure that "they" are becoming more desperate and with that comes mistakes.

I describe this war we are in as one not only our souls but the soul of our country and world like a big bucket. One drop at a time is going in it so many dont notice. But those drops add up and when they overflow the bucked, and all hell breaks loose (yes it is going to get worse, much worse) then and only then will you see the power of WIN and all the years spent on this mission come to fruition.

Evil is trying to destroy us from within, we know this......but our gatekeepers are righteous and we have been chosen by God for this time. Yes is is exhausting but we wake every day to fight again knowing GOD WINS!


Themessenger777 6 points ago +6 / -0

I miss my mini farm...the happiest days of my life were spent way out in the middle of nowhere. But I'm old now and can't work a farm by myself so I moved closer to my daughter and granddaughters. Life is full of seasons my fren...


Themessenger777 5 points ago +5 / -0

🤣😂🤣😂...people must have thought I was nuts! I'm sitting there looking at this coincidence giggling. Got a few strange looks!

Themessenger777 9 points ago +9 / -0

Just putting it out there fren. Evil comes as a friend...it's motivation is clear.


Themessenger777 41 points ago +41 / -0

I'm from about 4 miles away...lived there nearly half my life. It's real. I have spoken to many friends and family members. Livestock is dying, chickens, a friends dog, fish are dead in ponds and streams. But people who live in EP are also not well.
I'm sick about it. This little town is surrounded by farms, cattle, sheep and even a large bison ranch. Water is from wells, very rich spring water that may be contaminated now.
My home is now like Chernoble...people are scared.

Blessings for all of them and all of us.

Things will be getting worse...

Themessenger777 6 points ago +6 / -0

Born and bred in that neck of the woods. We're talking farm country with loads of RR crossings in the middle of nowhere. East Palestine, literally has main street with tracks running through it on both ends of a 1 mile street. There are 2 gas station there. One at each end of the main st. Heading out of town is another gas station with a double track system that has a nice curve to it. Must have gone down that road about a million times on my bike to head to WV mountains to ride.

Ohio hasn't kept up its RR system since the steel mills closed in the late 70's early 80's when steel was transported out of Youngstown, OH. There is also a ton of fraking for gas is that area surrounding East P. Due to all of this it wouldn't surprise me that this would happen there.

Also lots of underground mushroom farming goes on. I have been down there because a friend worked in it and would give me the compost once the mushrooms were harvested, it's the gold standard in that area for successful farming, gardening and crop production. Definitely some good shit!!

Blessings frens....

Themessenger777 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think any of my reps will listen...all are deep blue dems! Cory Booker and Bob Menendez are the enemy... don't even get me started on Murphy. Can't wait to leave this state (2 years( and fo back down south. I miss home


Themessenger777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pardon me fren but your post reads to me like you're disappointed the dems didn't take up with McCarthy. What exactly do you want "the dems to get done"? What opportunities do you see that they "crapped all over".

I think the situation played out as it was supposed to. I quite enjoyed the show and feel that the "church committee" that Matt got could be very important. Holding McCarthy's (I don't trust him, but that's inconsequential here) feet to the fire, for the country to see his desperation to become speaker, may work in our favor as time goes on. Perhaps my reading comprehension is off tonight. .....

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