Therealkiwi 2 points ago +3 / -1

Thank you for your great insights! It’s frustrating to me that this topic is on the board and I truly don’t understand why anyone would post it. The community has been so divided this week and this is just another fork in it. If this continues on GAW is going to lose a lot of people, myself included.

Therealkiwi 1 point ago +2 / -1

Look I stand by my comment that this is completely off topic and can be offensive. Yes there are people out there who are on drugs or have been abused that aren’t gay but swing that way. But there are a lot who it wasn’t a choice for. My best friend struggled his entire life with his identity. He finally came out to his family in his late 20s and was disowned. His father died after not talking to him for 2 years. This was not his choice. During the election lead up he told me he hopes trump wins, he saw all the good trump did for his home country Serbia and all the incredible peace he made in the Middle East. I was shocked as most people don’t admit that and where I live is full of lefties. The election made him start questioning everything. I started slowly redpilling him in November and just last week introduced him to GAW. He Screenshot this post and sent it to me captioning “really? This the great awakening, thanks but no thanks?” He’s gone. Forever. Because of this completely off topic and pointless post.

Therealkiwi 2 points ago +3 / -1

This post needs to come down. Seriously why all the upvotes? This has zero relevance to the Q movement and is offending to the gays and lesbians who are in the Q movement! This isn’t a place to air your religious views on gays and it makes this community look stupid to people who are coming to see what it is all about. Move along PLEASE!

Therealkiwi 2 points ago +2 / -0

I completely agree. I’ve never been a strong believer, I’m open to the idea but I’m here for the movement, not god. This isn’t a church and too much of this is only going to turn people away and make this look like a cult.

Therealkiwi 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. I don’t think this article has any place on a Q forum and as someone with a lot Gay friends who have struggled with coming out and the revolt from family, I find the comments here insulting. Just because people don’t understand it doesn’t make it wrong. Hugs ??

Therealkiwi 11 points ago +12 / -1

Yes, there were plenty of posts about it yesterday. To me it just looked like a bunch in her boot.

Therealkiwi 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m with you, I always thought it was a stretch. But this is not just the trees though, it’s the clear green screen or cgi thing going on. The entire video just doesn’t look right.

Therealkiwi 2 points ago +2 / -0

But they are so comfortable! I boycott a lot of companies for political reasons but I just can’t give up my nikes.

by Evspra
Therealkiwi 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed and I think you made the right decision. If they were as close to potus (the real one) and q as they lead everyone to believe they wouldn’t try to profit from It. It would just be an information sauce. We are all an easy target right now, everyone is looking for some hopium....well played George.

by Evspra
Therealkiwi 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would probably disagree with the ban if they didn’t say over and over they will never ask for donations and then have donations on YouTube. It’s completely contradicting and makes no sense.

Therealkiwi 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have to say as a female who has worn boots...they bunch. Not trying to discredit but there’s definitely an explanation

Therealkiwi 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lots of countries use DD/mm/yyyy, Twitter format adjusts to the country you are viewing from

by Evspra
Therealkiwi 2 points ago +2 / -0

To add to that some of there messages on the live chat feed aren’t how first language English people speak. Making $1000 every live chat would be an absolute killing in Asia. A life of luxury for a small group of people.

by Evspra
Therealkiwi 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good work, I’ve been skeptical for awhile. I was keeping an open mind after they had the CPAC livestream and released a Trump statement before it was up on his site but that’s some solid info that points me in the larp direction

Therealkiwi 1 point ago +1 / -0

He said Matt Couch, the guy that’s been investigating Seth Rich from the DC Patriot, had the story first but his ego got in the way. Super interesting.

Therealkiwi 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe the mention was that they were taken to Latin America where the adoption process was easier?

Therealkiwi 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’ve just read thru the entire thing and I have to say, I believe him too. There are too many details, to many connections, it’s so unbelievable it has to be true. Lin is a very experienced lawyer. I’m sure he did his research and it would’ve been pretty obvious to see the extent of yhe torture this guy endured by looking at him. Matt Couch was a surprise in there though. Didn’t realize he was such a fool.

Therealkiwi 5 points ago +6 / -1

CodeMonkeys name on Gab & Twitter is Ron. He wrote the articles for Neon Revolt and posted them on Twitter. The neon revolt 3 part story on Pence for those who didn’t see it on Jan 5/6th. https://www.neonrevolt.com/ Scroll down and start at part 1.

The fact Trump retweeted CodeMonkey the day before he dropped this bombshell article lead me to believe at the time that Trump wanted everyone to know Pence wasn’t going to do the right thing on the 6th. CodeMonkey has gone MIA since late January. If codemonkey is George news then it gives them huge credibility. I have so much hopium right now!

Therealkiwi 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is a great list!

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