ThisIsNotMyName 4 points ago +4 / -0

Serious question, what difference does it make any longer what normies think?

What is supposed to occur after some huge societal collapse happens and normies wake up?

Becoming aware of what is going on isn't going to magically put them on the same side as us. Obviously some will agree with our side, but there are plenty of people that will willingly side with evil.

But I have legitimately lost the plot here on this one.

Why are we still waiting for normies to wake up? What is supposed to change so drastically when they do? What is so huge that it's worth it to cripple society to make it happen?

I would really appreciate it if someone could explain some of that to me.

ThisIsNotMyName 5 points ago +5 / -0

"There are reports..." Where are these reports? It would be helpful to see the details before getting all worked up over it.

Claiming "There are reports" without citing any holds the same amount of legitimacy as "People are saying".

ThisIsNotMyName 2 points ago +2 / -0

Liberals aren't really having that many kids these days. Kids would just get in the way of drinking, smoking pot, and having fun.

So most of those kids will likely be from good, solid, Christian homes where people still honor God and the family He gives us.

ThisIsNotMyName 2 points ago +2 / -0

It will also put to rest any questions about who is the real CIC of the US.

ThisIsNotMyName 5 points ago +5 / -0

I 100% agree.

I've never understood what these "secret comms" are supposed to accomplish.

Who are they for? Us? What are we going to do with that information?

If comms are this easy to decode, why even bother? It's not like it took a genius to come up with that. And this is hardly a secure site to share secret information.

So what is the point, other than giving some people a hobby, and making them feel like they're accomplishing something important?

Or is the attraction in knowing something other people don't know? Like it's some secret cool kids' club to get involved in decoding typos?

I really don't get it. So if anyone has a rational answer for a) Who are these comms meant for?

b) What exactly are they supposed to do with that information and

c) What is the point of "secret comms" when apparently anyone with a room temperature IQ can decode it, and then proceed to talk about it on a public board that anyone and their uncle has access to and is routinely monitored by several agencies?

Because ain't none of that shit making sense to me.

ThisIsNotMyName 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just how much do you over-value yourself? Why is it that this do-nothing, hang-around attitude always comes from those with no posts? If we delete you, does anyone notice?

It's very noticeable when posts get few replies because you've banned all the people you believe to be useless.

Just look at the posts currently on the "hot" page. Most of them have maybe a dozen or so replies, at best.

What point is there in churning out content, if no one is bothering to comment and have discussions on it?

Isn't that why you keep giving ban amnesties? To try to get more people interacting here? But why would they? You treat the average person here horribly. You expect them to provide material for you, and when they do, you usually just delete it because it's "shower thoughts", or 20 people have already posted about it that day, or it's on a topic you don't like.

And then they get treated to a ban for not being good enough and get petty and snarky comments from you for going to the trouble of trying to please you.

And you wonder why this board is dying. Smh

ThisIsNotMyName 4 points ago +4 / -0

I write for a living, and I'm not interested in using my personal time to write articles here for free.

Now, if you want to hire me to post content here, then feel free to message me so we can discuss my rates.

When you push people to churn out content for you, you're just going to get a flood of "shower thoughts", dozens of similar posts on whatever the day's current news is, and people recycling old posts.

If there's nothing really happening worthy of being posted about, berating people for not posting isn't going to change that.

ThisIsNotMyName 4 points ago +4 / -0

You know, I'm starting to get the idea that people are hopping onto one of their backup accounts before engaging you here, because they know you'll give them a ban.

Hence why their last comments were months ago and they have no posts.

ThisIsNotMyName 0 points ago +2 / -2

Why are they trusting the mainstream medical industry and forking over a fortune just for them to make the wife even sicker?

I truly don't understand people like this.

ThisIsNotMyName 3 points ago +3 / -0

OMG, Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher was one of the cringiest things I've ever seen.

Cruise produced that movie just so he could play Reacher. He's like 5'5 and 160 lbs, and he's supposed to portray Jack Reacher? He should keep his fantasies to himself in the future.

ThisIsNotMyName 6 points ago +6 / -0

It makes me wonder how long Q is planning on dragging out this part of the plan. I'm surprised that it's gone on this long.

I keep looking at things from every angle I can, trying to understand things, but I'm having trouble seeing anything that's going to change how normies think/act between now and the election.

They've had the better part of a decade of people trying to drill truth into their heads, I don't see what a few more months going to change.

Unless it's something like a sudden and complete financial collapse, I just don't know what will wake them up. The bad part of that is now there's no time for a recovery to begin before Trump is back in office. He'll be blamed for the bad economy, just because he was in office when it was going on.

I don't even know how much hope we can have of that even happening because other than inflation, there's nothing I can see going on that would cause a financial collapse. Inflation is bad, obviously, but we've been through even worse inflation without the system collapsing.

The stock market keeps hitting record highs, which I don't understand at all. I thought that a good economy and good stock market went hand in hand, like it did when Trump was President.

ThisIsNotMyName 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hopefully it passes the WV House of Delegates now. So many bills get celebrated before they're passed because people aren't aware of the process a bill has to go through.

I bring this up because once people think they've won something, like having "In God We Trust" displayed in schools, they forget all about it.

And then it quietly gets axed in the second round of voting, and few people are aware, because they stopped paying attention to it.

It's why whenever we look around and see things wrong in society and ask "When did that happen?" the answer is "When we weren't paying attention".

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