Post wax strain said to have 90% mortality rate in the vaccinated, started hearing about this several years ago and about at the same time as step one was starting...
Sigh, you're right...
Fucking bot account by the looks of it.....................
Clicking on the @elonmusk
Brings me here:
Granted original Musk is gone(hence the 2.0...) but whitehats running X and Musk 2.0 account is the account everyone sees as the verified Musk account(167 million followers and all)...
Where/when did I say anything about killing people, vaccines, viruses or anything else similar being necessary....
This is about finance and currency, killing the DS/Kazahrian stranglehold on finances and debt slavery.
Talk about grabbing a torch to go put out the water.....
Won't be a false flag, will be very real and very necessary no matter how unfortunate, there is no better or less harmful way to do this, other alternatives are worse and will hand DS an advantage(anything more 'benign' and drawn out will give them more time and opportunity to 'game' in and exploit it).
DS will still try to use it but they are NOT behind it and NOT running it...
CBDC won't happen.
Cash will stop being fiat and will be backed by real values. Gold and other real values will be legal tender, a new system for transfer of funds will happen(ISO20022) and part of that will be digital just as it is now(whenever you pay with a card it is digital transfer of funds) but cash isn't going anywhere(as evident by the new gold backed treasury note).
Millionaires will be made and destroyed over night, there will be one hell of a crash but there will also be many boons and opportunities as well...
Private citizens that have money in banks that *aren't' Basel/ISO20022 compliant however have a high likelihood of being the innocent victims in this and run a very real risk of being ruined.
(unlikely to be all and some may get their money back, eventually, but bank executives literally lynched and bank buildings burned to the ground will be meager comfort for those that end up without any money or pension for a year or several and life savings lost before dust settles)
No revolution or birth of anything is without real cost and pain...No matter how good the end result till be...
Betas spend a lot of time trying to convince people that they are an alpha and that others are betas.
Actual alphas roll their eyes and get on with being themselves....
Confidence don't come with an urge or need to prove oneself, lack of it however, does.........................
Masonic compass and square.....
Don't have to line a lot before you have the star of David....
just saying...
Yea, that was where I was going with that.....
Truth be told even most of the people doing some truly horrendous shit aren't that far gone.....Those directing, leading and controlling them however...........
Probably true of the original.
Mask 2.0 however is likely a different matter...
Hate is exhausting, only the truly deranged and evil can maintain it...
Odd, I can see it even in a private(not logged in to twitter) window...
Have been a lot of fuckery on twitter of late, space force is up and running and ensuring communication integrity and preventing information removal/hiding is basically their number 1 job, guess they have their hands full...
Death-metal screamo bull-horn in their ear and fire-hose in their face is for most the only thing that will wake them up.
Rude awakening or crawl back deeper under the covers really are the only 2 outcomes.....
I know, kinda no point in reminding people about it though as they will be straight back to looking for advanced warning 5 min later.....
Second on the ginger, natural anti motion-sickness pills are basically ginger pills and it is an old-timey remedy for nausea
Avoid multivitamins like the plague, they are the ONE supplement most commonly ingested by the most people(quick and easy...) and there appears to be some rather valid links to cancer(if DS were to fuck with one thing....)
Vitamin D and Zinc together with Quercetin or Cloroquinine or Ivermectin(all of them zinc ionophores, meaning they help get zinc into your cells so any one of them should be taken with zinc, zinc increases the strength of cell membranes and thus increase your cells resistance to things)
Vit D/Zinc/ and any of the ionophores(I use quercetin) is the best bet for boosting your immune system, magnesium(magnesium oxide/citrate is preferable, stuff like magnesiumhydroxide often have digestion/absorption issues) is also a good idea as in addition to being involved in cell.division, nerves(ever have cramps, not enough magnesium and...) it helps maintain electrolyte balance which means keeping you hydrated and together with D are the 2 people are the most commonly deficient in(Zinc is still under researched but there are indications it also belong on the list)
People tend to underestimate the use of hand-sanitizer but 95+% of all bacterial and viral transfer into humans are contact spread(shopping cart handles, door handles, stair-rails...).
I'm very rarely sick and basically get a flu/cold drive-by every 3'ish years(start feeling something in the evening, sick day 2 and getting better towards the evening and basically functional again on day 3.... and that is the worst-case, usually day 2 isn't that bad), anyway...
Face diapers were obviously a waste but started using hand sanitizer when all of this shit started, recently had a drive-by and that was at least 2 years overdue..............
Many roads lead somewhere, so much so that they put down a roadblock, and called it 'flat-earth'.
They REALLY do not want people to se what is further down those roads.....
A lot of the comments here makes it clear that many here will have a very rude awakening, and that most of them will be the ones certain that it won't be them............
That headline isn't wrong though, it's just not anything like the whole truth, it is true, but there are other options that are also true....
The tweet that caused it
Implications, what if this isn't just Africa, what if it is more than just properly recording history.
If this was all here was no one would panic, if someone knew that it was FAR MORE than this and that their people/cabal/cult was behind it. PANIC!!!
edit: Look at time, 3 hours between GMT(twitter time) of post and the outage so person pulling the plug was either in Greenland or Brazil.....
Don't follow them as I follow no one(also, why leave that trail and make things easier for anyone...) but they have retweeted my comments a few times now..
By and large ALL top-tier team sports are bread and circus.....
(only sports I ever voluntarily watched are shooting, archery, terrain based motorsports and the occasional combat(fight) sport, all individual sports..)
Tried it with private window(so not logged into any account) and it still worked.
Twitter has been in a bit of a huff last few hours due to something about DS preventing history frombeing recorded properfly(hint's of things to come), caused some 'outages' and what not(why the space force had to be up and running before they could start doing anything, to ensure that DS can't stop information spread...)
Looks like someone is working really hard at keeping this out of view in some areas of the planet(assuming North-America)...
You joke but never underestimate stupid in large groups, being the smartest man in a crowd of idiots can be lethal if you speak up...
There are people and groups of them that will kill what they perceive as a threat(and what their subconscious envies and hate), in the very scenario in the meme.
And if tier 2 of this stuff happens and has the purported 90% lethality-rate in the vaccinated, flaunting being unwaxxed is NOT a good idea, getting bludgeoned to death by a crowd that will die a few weeeks later due to their stupidity would suck.....
People do stupid shit when they are scared and they will do it rationalizing the act to feel good about doing it....