Wonder what would happen if ppl stopped paying taxes before/after/at the same time as not paying debts back to banks... cant fund the bail outs if no tax money and if take money out of banks they cant bail in as well as topple faster.
Australia has this. Think i posted about it a cpl months back (edit: made a liar out of myself, i should have posted). Makes me sick
My brothers response "it is what it is" it doesnt effect him yet and seems to not want to see when it will
Im still confused as to why i need to bridge a divide with the people i never built or burnt a bridge with (the rest of the people in my country) my neighbours maybe (but we're fine), my family (they can apologise and i'll forgive them but havent stopped seeing them, helping them or loving them), my doctor (i chose a good doctor and others should only go with doctors that they can trust at an individual level), politicians and lawyers (never could nor should trust them), teachers (there should be a filter at home for information the teachers try to unload no matter what). A peaceful society is a society that sticks to small communities, trust can only be spread so far, venn diagrams (create chain mail) rather than pie graphs (making a hollow point). Everyone else should fail (if they chose incorrectly) and build themselves back up and join communities again as real people who have a genuine interest in being better (perhaps apologise genuinely to those they've wronged) not just virtue signalling, if they do that the others will understand and move forward together
Woken up and ready to fight unfortunately arent the same, they are correlated to a degree but being built up just to be beaten down destroys morale even harder similar to when Reek thought he was going to be free from Ramsey in game of thrones only to find out everyone was against him that is what truly broke him (sorry to use a fictional example but it was the first that came to mind).
Thankfully the guns havent been taken and one thing i dont see people saying is that even tho trump has had 2 attempts against him he is still not against the population having guns which is a huge point in his favor (among the others)
I do not wish this to be true but to push it aside in favor of a dream (not that you are) would not help preparation and actions that would most likely need to be immediately inacted if true.
Best part about rope... its reusable