ThreeOneFIve 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also 18+ is the 'secret' fantasy of millions of people on porn sites. This is evolutionary.

Yes, a % are darkhats who are exploitative.

But by and large its simply evolutionary fertility at work. Needs to be embraced and channelled into positive reasons.

Family building, nation building, balance of liberty and responsibility.

ThreeOneFIve 1 point ago +1 / -0

The department of education is about to be gone anyways.

A new teenager enlightenment movement, instead of dummies shuffled through pointless classes, would be amazing for future generations.

ThreeOneFIve 1 point ago +1 / -0

Teenage young women have boobs. Boobs are meant to nourish babies and start a family. This is what they did before college was a thing.


Should not be punished if they are old enough.

Muhammed Ali married his 17 year old sweetheart and they stayed together.

Biblical marriages occur around this time.

This needs to be encouraged.

Its part of accelerationism.

Dissolve college and encourage high schoolers to be hard working blue collar types and/or entrepreneurial free thinkers who own bitcoins and start families at age 16-18 (around the age of consent).

THAT would be an awakening.

ThreeOneFIve 1 point ago +1 / -0

How about, eventually, a society that evolves towards not needing prisons anymore?

ThreeOneFIve 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah it is. Good overlap with Joker (The first one). Also an awakening movie for how society needs to be nicer to people.

ThreeOneFIve 3 points ago +3 / -0

So in other words, yeah, ban the list of ingredients that are poison. Fuck em.

We are already dissolving cancerous government agencies.

May as well do the same with cancerous ingredients that dont belong in our bodies.

ThreeOneFIve 1 point ago +1 / -0

Additionally these poisons are harming the environment which ALSO poisons us which Also HARMS gdp

and harms animals, who are innocent and necessary for sustaining the biosphere that is earth

WIthout them, we collapse.

Everything is all interconnected.

You can't have an economy, baby boom, without healthy food being the only options.

ThreeOneFIve 1 point ago +1 / -0

I disagree.

Anything that is a known poison should not be labelled as "food" nor sold as such. To do so would be deceptive.

All they are doing is taking industrial chemicals known to kill people and renaming them as a 'food product'.

This violates false advertising laws anyways.


Health = economy.

Healthy people work more, have better babies, make more money. This is proven.

So its a collective GDP death to allow poisons to be named as food.

Its a massive economic boom to eliminate poisons from food.

Food is food.

The ingredients can still exist AS THEY ARE, just DON'T CALL THEM FOOD because THEY ARE NOT.

Humans are evolved to eat food that grows naturally in nature. Only that, nothing else. Anything else is just a remix for aesthetics or taste.

ThreeOneFIve 1 point ago +1 / -0

Josh Brolin admitted when he released SICARIO, when asked about the border, that "Trump is Doing some good here" And Benicio Del Toro made this movie and the film Traffic.

So be mindful, not everyone in hollywood is a trump critic nor a bad person.

Steve Mnuchin funded MAD MAX and the AVATAR movies.


ThreeOneFIve 2 points ago +2 / -0

Iron Workers & Mexican workers in NYC are very pro trump. Even some people in wall street.

ThreeOneFIve 2 points ago +2 / -0

They will reshuffle the deck and be forced to reprioritize american vendors and small businesses.

Amazon's shipping logistics, lets not forget, did play a role in delivering food to people.

Combined with the USDA they could be turned into a force for good.

Either that, or some other meaningful competitor could arise thats only 100% US based.

ThreeOneFIve 1 point ago +1 / -0

I actually disagree with the Joaquin Phoenix mention.

He created an anti-pedophilie and andti-human trafficking movie "You were never really here". Similar to "The Equalizer" but with a somber 'Taxi Driver' tone, he plays a military veteran who kills pedophiles and rescues young girls.



Its not a straight action film but is very violent and has a deep mood.

Additionally people who have met and talked to Mr Phoenix see him as really friendly quirky and humble in person.

ThreeOneFIve 4 points ago +4 / -0

This popped up on everyone's phones today in Georgia near Atlanta. No joke. What's going on?

ThreeOneFIve 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have 6 of kamalas agents jumped in on this thread? Very interesting.

ThreeOneFIve 2 points ago +2 / -0

details are in the video on the twitter link. But it should be obvious by now. Starvation, Wars, Abortion, Another pandemic, Etc.


ThreeOneFIve 2 points ago +2 / -0

Details are in the twitter post regarding Schwab. And the article.

The fact that kamala wants people to die is not spoken overtly but her policies clearly illustrate this. Abortion. War. Etc.

ThreeOneFIve 1 point ago +1 / -0

I respect your viewpoint. And ultimately you can't control people.


Culture does matter. Its thugs. Not skin color.

A black person in south chicago, or compton

is not the same

as a black british person

or a black person living in south africa, or jamaica.

There are a lot of respectable black people.

But also stereotypes are perpetuated that black men are tougher, have bigger 'bbc's etc.

Which statistically isnt true, thats a health issue not a skin color issue.

Its not skin color that bothers me so much as stereotypes and women getting a fetish based on a false premise.

Or the classic 'ditching a white guy' to go bang a thug.

Even Candace Owens and similar black female commentators noted this.

White suburban women fly to the carribbean for some BBC action while they cheat on thier husband with thugs and black guys.

Or michigan women driving to chicago to get coked up and bang thugs because they are bored.

Or cancun. Pretty much anything in cancun.

Its a cliche.

And it pollutes the waters.

So its not so much skin color.

As it is bad taste.

There is a difference between a white woman dating, for example, WIll Smith or Denzel Washington

And a white woman LOWERING HER STANDARDS to fulfill a false fantasy based on arbitrary cultural stereotypes shoved down the pipe of mtv or tiktok or instagram.

ThreeOneFIve 2 points ago +2 / -0

Again, the issue is distribution. When a linux phone is so easy to get that you can find it at wall mart and it has the same sex appeal and 'why should I buy one" question answered, you've got it made

It would take a someone like Elon to launch a Linux Phone to make it popularized.

That would change the game.

Petition Elon. See if he will do it.

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