If all of the good people decide not to raise children because of a bad world there's no hope in having a bright future. I understand wanting a good world for your kids but have you considered that your kids might be the ones that make a good future for your grandkids or great grandkids? I feel like it's my responsibility to raise the next generation of people with strength and morals. Look around you! How many people having kids are trying to raise them up in a moral fashion? How many people are raised to question the world? Its important to me to make sure there's at least some hope for the next generation
You are assuming the child was just now conceived. Going by the child's due date they would have been conceived back in August. At the time I thought for sure Trump was going to stay in office. Not that any of this matters. It's not your place to tell me whether its moral to have a child or not.
I actually found it myself. https://youtu.be/m55tzTIJwwA Frankly it could be anyone but it would be cool if it was GEOTUS
He actually just made another one https://mobile.twitter.com/SecPompeo/status/1348490896891850754