I read all your response, and I do believe you may be right. This caution very well could've been made prior to covid. I do believe I am, (like all of us with a fallen nature), prone to read signs under a bias perspective that can, and often has, lead to misinterpretations. And that is expeciallh true when it comes to "vaccines" in 2022.
I hope my post doesn't lead anyone to believe that it is a fact that the c19 jabs are shedding, and subsequently avoid jabbed people for that particular reason, as I'm sure they will find many other reasons. I believe that question will be uncovered in the near future as the effect of these jabs grow. I hope it only makes me eat my words on this one!
Regardless of whether or not this label was meant for covid jabs, what a shame it is that children are prevented from schools and daycares without vaccines. I wonder if there are any pre-covid med labels that warn people to avoid the unvaccinated. I doubt it! But, of course, am open to being corrected.
Thanks! This will be our 6th :)
Yes, but "newly vaccinated person?" Also both Johnson and Johnson and AstraZeneca use Adenoviral vectors which "are genetically engineered forms of the virus." (Sauce) I would think that qualifies as live.
Yes, but "newly vaccinated person?" Has anyone ever seen this label precovid? Also both Johnson and Johnson and AstraZeneca use Adenoviral vectors which "are genetically engineered forms of the virus." (Sauce) I would think that qualifies as live.
Yes, but does "newly vaccinated?" Has anyone ever seen this kind of label pre-covid? Also both Johnson and Johnson and AstraZeneca use Adenoviral vectors which "are genetically engineered forms of the virus." (Sauce) I would think that qualifies as live.
Yes, but "newly vaccinated person?" Also both Johnson and Johnson and AstraZeneca use Adenoviral vectors which "are genetically engineered forms of the virus." (Sauce) I would think that qualifies as live.
The doc screened her for flu and others first as he doesn't want to pat the rona stats if he doesn't have too. But all were negative but the covid one
Thanks for the advice! She will drink more fluids!
Prednisone steroid
Yes we are :)
Easy man. She's had a bad head ache the last few days that seems to be getting worse. She's done a lot of natural remedies that haven't touched it. This steroid is apparently better for pregnant women than ivermectine. She wants to keep the little parasite alive and well :) Which is why we are also avoiding libs
It's just our local small town pharmacy.
Prednisone steroid. Our Dr would've prescribed Ivermectine but thought this would be better beings she's pregnant.
Yes! Schism means to cut. The Novus Ordo (New Order) Mass, rooted in Jewish Masonry, cut itself off from the traditional mass of the apostles and early church. In the 1960's, the Jewish Kabala controlled freemasons succeeded in creating a giant schism, cutting millions off of the soul saving traditions necessary to pass on (tradere) the apostolic faith.
Exactly. The holy gift of Fear of the Lord is replaced by a sinful fear of the world. If fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge (see proverbs), then fear of the world is the beginning of foolishness and ignorance. The mask is their external sign of the internal fear of the world.
America is a laughingstock stock of the world>
Any Anons want to decode this? I don't believe this was a typo.
I am a life insurance agent and have seen major changes in the industry these last 2 months. First traditional life insurers are leaving in droves Second Starting Jan-1, 2022, all permanent life insurance policies industry wide are required to increase the cost or potential cost of insurance. the new policies appear the same on the surface, but they give the insurers a lot of room to keep death benefit low or premiums high. I imagine the terms will follow.
If that's the case, so will DJT
I've been seeing a lot more chemtrails myself. Thought maybe I just wasn't paying attention before.
Well said Zuby. Liberalism has become a mental disorder.
You gave me a lot to address, and I addressed most of it. If this forum is about seeking the truth, I'm happy to address it on a mere natural level. However, I won't waste my time with superficial bathroom talk that gets no one anywhere. You took this discussion to the supernatural level by addressing supernatural things like the church. I only gave a glimpse into how deep the truth actually goes. And how far back liberalism has gone to try to destroy it. However, what seems to piss off liberals the most is the truth, based on your last comment, it seems you have that in common with them as well.
Sorry this is so long, but I lack the virtue to make it short. In addressing the Church in general, the bride of Christ, for all eternity, has no "spot or wrinkle or any such thing.."(Eph-5:27) It is the body of Christ, and like Christ, subjects itself to sinful man. It is a divine institition that is often (especially today) in the hands of sinners, just as Christ was, but specially in his passion. He was no less perfect during the passion, just as the Church founded by Christ, (which has since the beginning been known as the Catholic Church), will never be imperfect. Yet it is clearly in the hands of some of the most despicable human beings, just as Christ was. Yet "even if Catholics faithful to Tradition are reduced to a handful, they are the ones who are the true Church of Jesus Christ." (Athenasius- whom we have to thank that we are not all Arian, the Jahovas witnesses of the 5th century). It is tradition that is being crucified, both secular but especially within the Church. Progressivism, liberalism, and communism, are all ideals that wage war on traditional Christianity, which, in it's most traditional form is Catholic. Conservatives get their name from trying to conserve these traditional values, but we have fallen so far that conservatives today are fighting to conserve the liberal ideals of yesterday. The same is true in the Christian world. Protestants laid the foundation for liberal ideology by rejecting traditional Christianity. That being said, the tradition of indulgences stems back to the early church. The principles are articulated by St Paul when he said, "...whereof, I, Paul, am made a minister. Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you and fill up those things that are wanting of the sufferings of Christ, in my flesh, for his body, which is the church. (Col-1:23-24) Paul was explicitly offering his sufferings to the members of the Church. Why would he do that if it wasn't necessary? It is true, that Christ's suffering and death is sufficient for our salvation. The sacrifice of God the Son to God the Father on behalf of the Church, is of infinite value. It wipes away a stain we could never remove by our own merits. However, God is perfectly just. Every evil we do in this life must be made right. If we steal a car, it is not enough that we repent, we must also return the car. So, what happens if we repent, but die before returning the car? What happens if we die while being guilty of "lesser sins" or having not repaired all the works of injustice we committed throughout our life? "He therefore that shall break one of these least commandments, and shall so teach men shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. But he that shall do and teach, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, that unless your justice abound more than that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." (Mat-5:19-20) Heaven is a place where we see God as He Is. We see justice in it's entirety and there is no room for injustice or vice of any kind. No one with a sense of justice would believe that a mass murderer who repents right before dying would have a perfectly just soul without undergoing any sort of suffering in reperation for the evils he committed. On the other hand, God's sacrifice was infinite in value, there is no repent sinner too evil for Him to forgive. That is why St Paul said, "Every man’s work shall be manifest. For the day of the Lord shall declare it, because it shall be revealed in fire. And the fire shall try every man’s work, of what sort it is... If any mans work burn, he shall suffer loss: BUT HE HIMSELF SHALL BE SAVED, YET SO AS BY FIRE. (1-Cor-3:13,15) In the Old Testament, Judah Maccabee finds the bodies of soldiers who died wearing superstitious amulets during one of the Lord’s battles. Judah and his men “turned to prayer, beseeching that the sin which had been committed might be wholly blotted out” (2 Macc. 12:42). Judah also “took up a collection, man by man, to the amount of two thousand drachmas of silver and sent it to Jerusalem to provide for a sin offering. In doing this . . . HE MADE ATONEMENT FOR THE DEAD, that they might be delivered from their sin” (2 Macc. 12:43, 46). This idea that man must be made just in this life or the next did not originate with the later Catholic Church. The Church is the body of Christ, it is the storehouse of Justice and we can only make ourselves just by uniting ourselves with Christ in His mystical Body, the Church. It is by the grace of God that St Paul could endure such suffering in order to contribute to the justice of the Church. It is the great martyrdoms of the past and the heroic virtue exemplified by the Christians of the past that we celebrate. Yet, their virtue came only by the grace of God, just as St Paul articulated that it was God working in Him. These men and women, by the grace of God, conquered sin, and the temptations of the devil, the world, and flesh. Who do you think would want to suppress their stories? Who do you think would want to tear down their legends? Who, today, tears down the statues of America's founding fathers? Or denigrates the stories of the men and women who showed heroic virtue in making our society good? No, my friend, it is no God's work to tear down the statues of Christians who, by the grace of God, lived heroicly virtuous lives... We do not worship the saints as though they are God, we ask them to pray for us so we can be united to God as they are? Do you ask a Satanist to pray for you, or someone you think is holy? Or has a good relationship with Christ? The selling of indulgences and worshipping saints are formally condemned by the Church. Those, like all lies, are perversions of the truth. We venerate saints as America venerates good men. We ask for their prayers because they are united to the One we want to be united with. We beg to God to receive the grace we need to become holy (sanctus, Sanctified, saints) ourselves. And if our time is cut short and we cannot repair all the damage we have done, we ask God to look, not on our sins, but on the faith and good works of the Church, of the saints, tapping into the storehouse of grace, (grati, gratuitous gift) of God, whom He worked through the church and the saints, so that we can be justified to enter the gates of Heaven. That, my friend, is why we need the Church, and all it has merited through Christ.
One thing you have in common with "pope" Francis" is you both condemn proseletysm. You both dislike the idea there is one true faith and a one true Church. Q serves to reveal natural truth so that people can wake up and see reality for what it is and live accordingly. God established a Church, His bride, to teach the divinely revealed supernatural truths necessary for our salvation. He entrusted the deposit of faith to his apostles and their successors. It is absurd to turn away from Jesus and the apostles because of Judas, just as it is absurd to believe we can have Jesus but reject His Bride. It is a historical fact that protestantism originated with people blindly following priests and bishops who turned away from the traditional teachings and practices of the Church. That same apostasy is happening on a grand level (great apostasy perhaps) formally beginning in the 1960's, with Vatican II & the New Order Mass (brainchild of Masons & protestants) for the New World Order.. And now, most "Catholics" are, like protestants, offended by the faith of our fathers. They have blindly drifted into apostacy without knowing it, just as the protestants did the last 500 years. The farther you dive into the war on Christianity, the more you will find it's a war on Catholicism. Trump seems to see that as well
I agree, by virtue of being public heretics and/or apostates they lose their God-given authority, just as a father loses his authority if he becomes an idulterer or formally turns against the family. There is no greater scandal to a family than a vicious father, just as their is no greater scandal to the world than apostate bishops and priests. However, their apastacy is a turning away from traditional Christianity, which is unarguably Catholic. What makes them apostates is precisely what makes protestants protestant. They turned against the very traditions that God established and the Church preserved. The very traditions that preserved the faith and the faithful, and includes their office. It wasn't an accident. Read Taylor Marshall's "infiltration" (which even Trump promoted) or many others to learn how it was an intentional Judeao Masonic conspiracy.
No diatribe. We need to seek and convey the truth in all things. That is how God, the highest Truth, will lead us out of this mess.