The Muslims seem very angry about Israel bombing civilian targets in Palestine.
Perhaps if the Palestinian women and children agreed to whatever Israel demands then the bombings would stop?
I want to like Geraldo because he's Jewish, but I get the feeling he just can't be trusted.
This latest Hamas / Israel conflict seems like another in a long line of political theater false flag / controlled opposition bullshit.
I'll be surprised if anything that's being reported is remotely true.
Ever since I learned that Israel's Intelligence Agency's motto was "By Means of Deception", I can't trust a single thing the Israeli government claims.
Your life must be empty if you judge your status by the age of your account.
while JAG decides whether to show compassion or schedule a military tribunal.
Sounds like bullshit because JAG don't choose to follow or ignore military code based on feelings.
Anonymous sources report
That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.
You ignored my rebuttal completely and just repeated your original argument.
I wonder how well your politically correct ideals would survive as a Swedish citizen who's wife and daughter were raped by rapefugees?
Would you be so vitreous about Russian Roulette when you were forced to play, rather than strangers you've never met?
I bet your virtue signalling would end immediately if you were asked to trust a known pedophile to babysit your own children.
It's not totally the normies fault: they fail to comprehend just how evil our mainstream media is and how they are all working together to kill us.
What a crock of shit!
The plane isn't missing: the video just cuts showing the end of the first handrail of the lower segment of the stairs, before the upper stair segment is visible and before the plane is visible.
And Kamala is wearing high heels, whereas in OP's image is of an unidentified person wearing sneakers.
Is this big load of nothing, everything you've got?
Source then please because NOBODY, including you, can identify Kamala Harris from a random pair of sneakers.
Your entire post is a baseless claim that a unidentifiable person in a photo taken at an unknown location at an unknown date is Kamala.
This is a research community not a creative writing forum.
Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
Source??!! Or didn't happen. Link please or didn't happen.
Didn't happen: CONFIRMED
Source or didn't happen.
Also, why should we believe that is Kamala based only on a pair of random sneakers?
For all we know, this is footage from an airline advert or a film.
EDIT: It makes me extra suspicious that all questions about this image without a source featuring an anonymous person wearing sneakers... results in a down-vote.
How do we know this isn't for a film or airline advert?
How do we know that is Kamala based only on her sneakers?
I like your lofty ideals, however they aren't always compatible with reality because reality is not politically correct.
The people of Sweden chose to judge their Arab refugees based on the content of their character rather than their rapist culture and rapist religion and rapist history... and now Sweden is the rape capitol of Europe.
No we are not.
This is just our Bolshevik ruling class attempting to weaken our military from within using faggots, little girls and trannies.
This can be undone by a patriotic POTUS quickly and with a lot of soy boy REEEEEEing.
They know Jesus Christ and our traditional Christian values make us strong.
This is a spiritual attack against our children's minds.
These people are sick.
I hope authorities block the CDC Director and CDC Principal Deputy Director from escaping back to Israel before the shit hits the fan!
Or a Yahoo writer was asked to write something that could be used to promote the white genocide of interracial breeding.
Could have been where his whore / prostitute mother struck him when she was shitting him out.
Pigs at the tax dollars trough.
My cat defecates rainbows. Change my mind.
What is your theory based on, specifically?
I expect very few doctors would risk their careers by diagnosing COVID vaccine injuries or deaths until the holocaust is undeniable.
According to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, animal testing using humanized rodents was cancelled because too many animals were dying from the COVID vaccines.
FTFY: lacks managerial skills and prefers not to have the CCP pull his fingernails off.