Supreme court applies but a private company could still require to work... unless you sue them for your rights
Just bookmarked it all for the future. Thankyou fren
No soy is bad.. even for women.. that high of estrogen isnt good for anyone.. that's why all these women are premenopausal these days.. soy in everything! If were were like Asia and only ate soy like in tofu it would be a different story.. they dont eat processed shit like Americans do
No it's not high in estrogen.. but it does have a bad omega 3/6 ratio and it's just unhealthy compared to oils that are naturally occurring.. for example.. oil from olives.. anyone can make that if you have a oil press machine... or fats from meat.. like beef tallow. Very good for you and for testosterone... canola oil is oil from a flower.. the process it undergoes just to be oil is ridiculous.. has to be very long and unable to achieve without high tech machinery. Its literally unnatural.. same with vegetable oils.. how much processing needs to be done to get fat from vegetables?! Try using food that is easily and naturally processed if not processed at all instead.
Canola oil is shit oil.. vegetable oils suck.. make your own mayo with avocado oil and olive oil.. it's super easy in a blender
We should call him and remind him hes a loser everyday. I'm going to 360-902-4111
Exercise, gardening, cooking, and my babies
I take it as based in reality and or facts
The whole plant is edible. You can eat the leave like salad or use in tea. I make dandelion jelly and wine with the flowers. You can saute the leaves like greens
I think he or baron are time travelers. And im being serious
B but more just inflation in prices. Eastern wa