Governors and cities have no authority to "ignore Federal law", yet they've mocked us with sanctuary cities, for how many years.
Just do the same. Cities with power plants, "power sanctuary cities, fuck you".
Anything else is just excuses to cuck out because they like to suck dick, they just don't want people to realize they're gay.
"Max power plant sanctuary State, go suck a fuck."
It's simple, the left has made the precedent. You can ignore federal law as long as you call it "sanctuary".
"waaaahhhh, people aren't buying to propaganda, and the one buying the propaganda aren't able to influence them back into the propaganda anymore, we've lost control of our plebs, waaaahhhh"
- The dying extremist terrorist mainstream media
Never underestimate the ability of the deep state to assassinate your kid's boyfriend.
The most dangerous things to the world are government.
If they could deadlock themselves into a standstill, and we'd all move on, I'd be ok with that.
Note that this would mean actual deadlock, as in, not able to pass budgets.
As in, everything, including the fed, gets defunded and cancelled.
The whole trial is fabricated. It's literally a show, it has no basis in law.
They're "impeaching" a CIVILIAN.
On the other hand, now, the right can impeach ALL DEMOCRATS PAST AND FUTURE and prevent them from running from office.
Can probably do it at the State level too anyways, since laws don't matter.
Texas should impeach Biden.
Lol, they'll just declare anything they want terrorists and arrest everyone who oppose democrats.
Americans, for all the talking of having guns and freedom, sure as fuck don't see to have any of it.
What's the difference between America and France in reality?
Nice try, not going to watch deep state propaganda. I'm out of their shit propaganda system, and I'm not going back.
If anything, now they are just feeling secure in their position, so they are openly gloating.
Or edging their bets against being hung for treason too, when the propaganda links are brought to light.
(Like with greta's slip up.)
Trusting news who say "internet seems to be cut" and following their narrative building will fuck you over even more.
Do we even know if their internet is cut, and who made it "be cut"?
For example, let's say the elite who didn't get in, asked their elite buddies running the ISP to cut the internet, so people get pissed... it wouldn't be the same as the government shutting down the internet.
Note the "appear to have cut". This is to make sure you can't "debunk" by verifying some people still have it.
Then they can move the goalpost to "most", then "lots" the to "some" until it's not relevant to the narrative anymore.
This is how "news" use weasel words to do propaganda.
Show me what actionable action you did, and the tangible impact it had.
If you feel like this is all it takes to "lose you" then I don't think you were "in it" for real.
you can't drag things out and screw with people's heads forever or you'll lose them.
Who are they losing? People who have actionable parts in the plans, or passive spectators who only consume, don't need to act, and can only get hurt by "stray bullets"?
Funny how "OmG We'Re In Ww3! It'S A CiVil WaR", but it all stops on the weekend, for some reason.
Have you ever seen a war take breaks every week end?
On the other hand, entertainment studios take break on the weekend.
Also, it gives them more time to panic, and destroy things, and make it even more obvious that they stole the elections.
Ok, but, why? Why put SO much efforts into what is supposed to be "retards on the internet with conspiracy theories".
I mean, clearly, "random retards on the internet with conspiracy theories" is a threat to them. And the only threat I can see is "We can't do propaganda as we want! We'll have to have better proof than Q or they'll call us fake news even more" or something.
So why call everyone Q-tard, insignificant, while simultaneously be so mad about it.
That's the thing that really doesn't add up for me.
My theory is that the CIA/FBI/Media complex is scared they lost control of the narrative.
Same as any other group that they can't find and doesn't work this way. They just make one up from stereotypes and pretend it's real.
Not like their viewers are not naive anyways.
I think most are spies.
If you include propagandists as spy, then they are about all spies.
Or, they are impeaching him because they actually recognize him as the actual President.
Start floating around that the only reason they can keep saying they can impeach him is because he's the President, and you'll see them try to drop that shit real quick. XD
"Either you try to impeach him because you know he's the president, or you can't have an impeachment because he's a citizen. So which one is it? Why are you still acting like he's the president?"
Sp, yeah, the hidden like dislike, they just put this up to protect Emperor biden, right?
Did they arrest the fuck?
Or she did, and this is how you document without being a journalist who gets arrested for doing journalism if it doesn't turn out the way it's supposed to turn out?
There's no coup in Myanmar, they're just fixing fraud.
Archive it instead. That way no need for a twitter link.