Try Hunter2.
Exactly. Make them fire you. Never quit in a situation like this.
No joke. Its much cheaper and better for morale to keep the employees that you have, versus trying to find new ones that might not do the job right.
But HR was never known to be smart.
"$0.10 has been deposited into your account. -Winnie the Pooh"
"I wAs jUsT fOLLoWiNg oRdERs!"
Hello John McAfee! :-)
Remember! Diversity is our strength! You can't block unsanitary test kits. That would be racist towards Asians, and you can't do that, especially in our holy month of April Asian Month!
Please do the needful with this contaminated qtip up your nose.
Instead its low tech bacteria. Either way, it goes straight into your brain via the Rona test q-tip.
"Journalists" are our greatest ally! /s
Supernatural is a really good show. The only downside is one hour shows with 20+ episodes per season. Its so much to watch. Its always good tho. It has real staying power
Sub to Netflix, while shorting Netflix in the stock market. Win/win. I watch less than an hour of tv a day. Most of Netflix is trash, their older shows are good though.
As Rush used to say, its hard fighting against Santa Claus. Even if it hurts us tomorrow, it feels good today. You can't easily win against that with sub 100 IQ people.
Announce hangings... there is no other way.
If I stay with the abusive spouse, he/she will get tired of beating me up....
My vote won't count in 2022, 2024, and beyond. CHANGE MY MIND.
Damn! How do you sleep while growing so hard?
(Noticing) the problem, gets you banned... be careful.
Justin Trudeau, is that you?
"VoTe tHeM oUT nExT tiMe"
"That's like your opinion, man."
Respect is earned, not given out.
I think it is from a Netflix show called Lost Girl. I used to watch it a few years ago. There's another really pretty brunette on there too. Edit: Bo is ssooooooo good looking.
I didn't even notice that. I keep it on my phone as a counter to "FauXi said...".
It's more about critical thinking which is shunned today. Follow the herd, don't be an outsider... yet outsiders are the only ones that advance society.