Trumpternal 4 points ago +4 / -0

Give her NVDA stock to the J6 victims who've been locked away in the D.C. gulag without any due process.

Trumpternal 4 points ago +6 / -2

Did anyone notice that when you click on it, it actually brings up a game you can play vs other people? "Shall we play a game?" Weird stuff

Trumpternal 2 points ago +2 / -0

No not all of them, but a majority of them. There's a reason why they've been expelled from countries109 times, and it's reoccurring theme throughout history.

Trumpternal 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's not antisemitic, he just plays both sides as international jews like him normally do.

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right wing media companies like Tenet, or whatever company they don't like really. They'll weaponize it against whoever they want, you know how corrupt these people are.

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gums and lozenges will stop nicotine withdrawals that's it, it won't automatically fix an addiction to smoking.

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

From my personal experience, absolutely yes. Nicotine is absolutely addictive on it's own, anyone that tells you otherwise is lying.

I quit smoking cigarettes in 2012 and then strictly vaped Nicotine E juice with vegetable glycerin, or Propylene Glycol for 4 years. Then I quit vaping in 2016, and I can tell you with absolute certainty my body and mind was physically dependent.

Then in 2019, I heard claims that nicotine wasn't addictive, and heard claims of neuroprotective abilities. I decided to try using smokeless tobacco products, and smokeless nicotine products. And I got addicted all over again, and had to detox and go through hellish cravings again. It sucks. Nicotine is absolutely addictive, and is poison to your body.

Trumpternal 5 points ago +5 / -0

They're just going to use this EO to claim Russia, and Iran interfered in the election. Watch.

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pure nicotine, I mean no, products on the shelves will always have fillers, and delivery by products that enable the body to absorb chemicals. Do you know of one product for sale anywhere that is pure nicotine?

Trumpternal 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just so you all know Dr. Byran Ardis started off as a Chiropractor, and does not have a legal medical degree in anything. But if you want you can buy overpriced supplements on his website, This dude is selling 30 N-acetyl L-cysteine pills for 35 dollars, you can buy 6 months worth of NAC for 30 dollars elsewhere

Trumpternal 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes, just like every single vegetable you buy at the store contains traces of arsenic. Nicotine is present in plants because it acts a pesticide and deterrent to bugs who would eat it. Which is why Nicotine was used in rat poison to kills rats. There's no doubt that Nicotine may be useful in killing parasitic viruses, but putting in your body every day as way to be "Healthy" is likely to harm just as much to help you.

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

https://x.com/i/status/1793351315881685108 At the end of this clip he straight up says that Nicotine would have prevented anyone from getting sick from Covid-19. What a bunch of nonsense. IF that were true then smokers, and tobacco users wouldn't be catching colds as often as they do. All the smokers I've known in my life typically get sick way more often than non smokers. However I do agree that a neurotoxic poison such as nicotine, which comes from plants that make this chemical to use as pesticide can be useful in killing parasitic viruses, just as it's useful in kill rats in rat poison. but putting this crap into your body daily to keep you "healthy" is retarded.

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

This guy is a fraud. Nicotine is a addictive neurotoxic poison that was used in Rat Poison. Yes, I agree that nicotine probably does kill parasitic viruses, because it's a addictive neurotoxic poison that will harm you if you take for long periods of time.

I didn't watch this entire video OP, but I watched this https://x.com/i/status/1793351315881685108 and this guy is spewing lies. I can hear the lying in his voice. The woman interviewing him doesn't believe his lies either.

Oh look he's selling a bunch of overpriced supplements on his website, what a surprise.

Trumpternal 3 points ago +3 / -0

He's basing his entire lie that nicotine isn't addictive by one paper written by Harvard by a guy named Israel. IF you think nicotine on it's own isn't addictive, you're fooling yourself. People use nicotine gum to quit using tobacco products. IF nicotine itself wasn't addictive, using gum to quit cigarettes, and chewing tobacco wouldn't work.

Trumpternal 1 point ago +3 / -2

Firstly this guy calls his video "The other "N' word" which is weird to start off with.

Then he starts talking about Nazi's and bases his entire presentation around the quote by Goebbels "IF you tell a lie big enough people will eventually come to believe it" which is wrongly characterized by him right off the bat. So I'm already thinking this presentation is nonsense.

Claiming the "Big lie" is that nicotine is addictive? I don't have time to watch this entire thing, it really shouldn't take 2 hours to make this point.

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

You deleted the comment that claimed you changed your name for a different reason. Maybe that reason you want hidden for whatever reason. Or maybe you were lying then, and you really did lose your password, but how does someone as smart as you forget your password to a website that has simple passwords. Can't you just reset your password?

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh it's a Tesla Cult now, right... You're exactly like the the moronic leftist shitlibs on reddit who call MAGA a cult, and can't pull their heads out of their ass long enough to see Trump is trying to help the country. Just like you can't see that Tesla was trying to help the world, and they wouldn't let him.

His magnifying transmitter worked to send wireless power using different electrical principles which is far far superior to the dogshit infrastructure we're using today.

Why would Tesla spend so much time in Colorado springs working it out, to come all the way back to long island to erect the tower, just for it to not work? I know you're smarter than Nikola Tesla, but there's no way he spent all the time, effort, and money building a tower trying to use induction to send wireless power, he would have known that wouldn't have worked.

The powers that be wouldn't let him implement his systems, this was during war times, and it did not matter what Tesla wanted to do, the FBI demanded his tower be tore down Funny it was so well built, they couldn't even demolish it on the first try, but I'm sure he went through all the trouble to build such a solid tower, cause it didn't work at all... Yea sure. You stupid fuck. Fucking shit shill you are.

Trumpternal 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yea typical response, pretending you're not indoctrinated is a pretty typical of the indoctrinated. Go get another covid booster, retard.

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a lie, because you claimed a different reason in other comments, so either you're lying then or you're lying now. Either way you're a liar, and fraud. And probably a shill.

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh you but you are indoctrinated DeathRayDesigner. Indoctrinated just like the PhD's who talk down to people that refused the Covid Vaccine. waving around their "I'm a doctor, and I automatically know better, if you challenge my opinion you're automatically wrong because I Read books & Journals that you don't" πŸ˜‚

Hahaha That's literally you, you stupid old bastard. Say it isn't, I dare you.
Sad part, you don't have even have PhD, you just claim you worked in the aerospace field, which probably means you're just a Janitor at BoeingπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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