Gonna need some sauce to go with that 'all US compounds will be bombed in 24 hrs'
Reeks like bs & the text even almost glows...
Loose Change in Fall '07
Life hasn't been the same since
Daesh (Isis) is the spawn - recall the drops re barry & arming them...
Who blew up the airport? It wasn't the Taliban...
A good litmus test is if one thinks the state of Israel is 'our greatest ally'
The publicity of Emu-istan (to the victor go the spoils, right? ;) ) is delicious. A woman that piqued my interest a few years back had an obsession w the country & used to get livid when I called their men cucks for giving up their arms - told her one day they would live to regret it & cuck was an accurate adjective bc one day their woman will be fucked (figuratively) while they watch. & here we are...
Money printers go 'brrrr'
They own daesh, though taliban seems to be 'acting in concert with' the US mil. (Really dont want another vassal state, hoping they are allies & not puppets...)
It was daesh, not the Taliban..
My employer made responses mandatory & non-responses result in forfeiture of a portion of annual bonus.
'I looked into the details after injecting the foreign substance in my body. When I finally completed my DD after it was too late, I found that I'm an idiot & now hoping for the best because it's literally all I can do at this point.'
& they call us cultists 😉
Jerusalem /= state out Israel
Geographic location, sure, I'd not argue against that, though Jerusalem is not the modern state of Israel.
Forgive not 7 times but 77.
I pray that they see the light & seek redemption every day, their judgement is reserved for God.
Imho, the modern state of Israel is not where the King will rule from, it is a den of viper & thieves... Maybe after a Sodom & Gomorrah.
What did Christ have to say to those who crucified him? & who was it that crucified him for opposing their doctrine/rule?
I think it was something along the lines of 'your father is not my father' & 'yours is the synagogue of satan'
That sure doesn't sound like something that would be said to 'Gods chosen people'...
The end wont be for everyone & Israel is saved for last for a very specific reason...
Edit: Also, drop 998... I would agree that claiming 'they're all in on it' is ludicrous, though I'm not ignorant enough to be pro-state of Israel nor confuse the happenings of the New Testament (& the Talmud...)
That's what they say when you're correct & effective as they have no valid retort & seek to discourage your furthering of the truth.
This commie tard makes no sense
All double-speak
Would feel bad if the response is the latter
This is the artist's site, he has a good number of tempting prints haha
A term used to squelch conversation & investigation for over a century.
It's basically a badge of honor at this point, just like being called a deplorable or Nazi by the pink haired rubes.