TwoPhish 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's who I thought it was too. They're all startin' to look alike. By the way, has anyone heard from Joe? Hunter?

TwoPhish 3 points ago +3 / -0

Right? There's no down-vote option!!

TwoPhish 1 point ago +1 / -0

Works for me via Chromebook. I know I was having issues with it last week though. Getting prepared for 'cyber-attack' I reckon.....

TwoPhish 1 point ago +1 / -0

All political theater. I think the almost 100-year-old Jimmy Carter's year-long hospice-health is all theater too. In fact, I don't believe ANYTHING anymore. There are more lies than truths being reported these days. The media has been weaponized for too long now and it all needs to come to an end.

TwoPhish 2 points ago +2 / -0

LOL. Sadly that's very true. And because info comes out so fast and so often now, time feels like it's sped up now.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow are all blurred together. Very little delineation, divergence or distinction between the days or really, ANYTHING anymore.

TwoPhish 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's it? No link? Who's reporting this?

TwoPhish 6 points ago +7 / -1

Joe Rogan is very entertaining and intelligent (not smart) and I do like him, but I never trusted him. He's a tool. Always been, always will be. Besides, Disney owned him for decades. They still might today. Who knows how 'contracts' work?

TwoPhish 8 points ago +8 / -0

That too (and MAYBE, Barbara Bush is Aleister Crowley's son). I think many many political (celebrity/high profile) women are really men. Sick world. Hopefully, this is coming to an end and that's why it seems to be taking soooooooooooooooooooo long.

TwoPhish 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe Justin is a Castro as much as I believe Chelsea is a Hubbell and JFK Jr is/was an Onassis. (wish we could link photos in these posts)

TwoPhish -3 points ago +2 / -5

I'm not buying into anything. As I stated in another post, you cannot believe in Q and believe Trump got shot as well. It's that simple. Trump is either 100% protected or he's not. I don't believe the immigration influx is as bad as they say either. It's ALWAYS been this bad and it's always been a political talking point.. The media hypes it up. And Nino did too seeing he lives on the border.
Nino is an entertainer (boxer) and a multi-millionaire but he's certainly not 'highly intelligent' as Jan stated once.

TwoPhish -6 points ago +2 / -8

He wasn't. Can't say it any clearer. I believe it was all staged. Most everything post-2020 is staged except the reaction.

You can NOT believe in Q (which most of us here do) and believe Trump got shot too. The two can't coincide/coexist.

Either Trump is 100% insulated and we're watching a movie or.........we're not.

When I first saw the coverage when he got shot, my gut reaction was, 'That ain't real'. This was within the first few minutes so I wasn't influenced by anything I read. I can only go on my instincts and after 65 years, I trust my hunch.

Deception works both ways. Usually, it's for bad intent but Trump is deceiving the world simply by pretending Biden is Biden (which we all know is not the real Biden). So by definition, Trump is 'deceiving' us but for the better good. The same applies to this 'assassination' attempt.

TwoPhish 7 points ago +7 / -0

Seeing this has never happened before, it's really anyone's guess. But it appears the playbook is, all debt will be forgiven. It almost has to be. We don't reward bad (or illegal) behavior. Well, unless you're a Democrat but I digress.....

And seeing the Fed Reserve & the IRS, etc are illegal commodities, I would suspect we will be given a clean slate as the illegal United States Corporation comes to an end.

I know I stopped paying my credit cards this year (ruining my 700+ credit score) but I just can't keep up anymore. And the real weird thing is, I just don't give a sh*t anymore.

TwoPhish -4 points ago +2 / -6

She has said things that made me question her role in all this. For example she has said:

  • Nino was 'highly intelligent' (come on now. He's average at best)
  • Trump was actually shot (which he clearly wasn't)
  • Biden is legally the POTUS (WTF?)

....and other statements that I can't recall off the top of my head but there have been plenty to where I'm very sus of her. And besides, where did she come from? Where has she been the last 6 years? Why is she on the circuit now? IDK. I get weird vibes from her...... Just my .2-cents

TwoPhish 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, are Wray and Bolton WH/good guys pretending to be bad guys to help good guys entrap more bad guys?? Where is Bolton, anyway?? PS- Is Mike Pompeo a white hat?

TwoPhish 7 points ago +7 / -0

True dat! And especially if you believe/follow Q. Everything feels orchestrated to elicit certain outcomes.

TwoPhish 10 points ago +11 / -1

Something tells me this embarrassing spectacle that France put on will lead back to the truth about the Statue of Liberty that they gave us! And that is that she's really a he. In fact, it's ...Lucifer (bearer of light---hence his torch) I believe our entire planet is in the process of waking up from this dark (and demonic) deception that's been ruling our planet for centuries!!

TwoPhish 20 points ago +21 / -1

Wasn't '81 million' the official fake amount...of fake votes.....for the fake Biden...during the fake election?

PS- we're finally out of the eye of the storm. Now comes the turbulence again. But this time we're prepared. Bring it on!!!

TwoPhish 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even though I believe Obama/Barry is 110% gay....this is silly to say that was the inference because we were ALL taking AIDS tests back then especially if we weren't in monogamous relationships. Hell, just dating someone most of the time, required proof of a negative AIDs test. AIDS frenzy back then was the clot-shot frenzy of today. And funny enough, Gates and Fauci were behind both!!! My point, everyone....not just gays..... were taking AIDS tests.

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