UltraMagaOK 0 points ago +1 / -1

I was an adult in the 90's. I had already stopped watching tv for years by then. Age makes no difference, PBS...nothing has any bearing on it but the reality. I don't care how many people believe in something; if it seems wrong to me I am not going to follow it. Do you realize however that the vast majority of people would think what you are saying is 'wrong' to put it nicely? Even lots of people on this site which is sort of a stronghold for replacement theorists. So your point is not a good one. Oh, there must be something lacking in your perception if you can't see what everyone (incredible exaggeration) else can!

UltraMagaOK 0 points ago +1 / -1

Coming on heavy with the bold print there, thanks. It's like turning on the loudness button when you talk to try to sound more impressive.

UltraMagaOK 1 point ago +1 / -0

Be aware this company is associated with a UFO cult started by French race car driver Claude Vorilhon who alledgedly was contacted by aliens in the 70's and changed his name to Rael. There is a 'free love' element to Raelianism and Vorilhon is said to have bedded hundreds of French girls before high-tailing it to Quebec and eventually the USA.

UltraMagaOK 2 points ago +10 / -8

I can't believe this many people think this. He looks exactly the same, just no longer in pain. Good chance he was treated with psychedelic mushrooms. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8357986/ He has promoted research into psychedelic therapy in the past. https://www.marijuanamoment.net/fetterman-touts-psilocybin-mushrooms-as-mental-health-revolution-that-could-boost-the-economy/

UltraMagaOK 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whoah, you must be incredibly intelligent then. Too bad you waste it. Faith is what religious people have. It has nothing to do with science.

UltraMagaOK 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can say that all you want. I disagree. A lot of people have faith in incorrect scientific theories but that's not the scientific method.

UltraMagaOK 1 point ago +1 / -0

But no one needs confidence in something to factually state a theory is the most accurate model we know of. There would be evidence. This is getting retarded.

UltraMagaOK 1 point ago +1 / -0

I say faith is belief in that which has no evidence. Predicting experimental outcomes better than other theories would tend to indicate there is evidence to support a theory.

UltraMagaOK 1 point ago +1 / -0

What do you mean "correct?" There is no stamp that gets put on the leading theory that says that. Not in pure science. The best they can say is this model predicts the outcome the best that we know of at this time.

UltraMagaOK 1 point ago +1 / -0

What if you only think you can touch things? We can't really prove anything 100%, can we? We can only try our best to find evidence.

UltraMagaOK 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, that is incorrect. There is no faith involved in the scientific method. You may be talking about scienceism, actually a perversion of the scientific process.

UltraMagaOK 2 points ago +2 / -0

How can faith be scientific? Faith is belief without evidence. Pure science is skepticism of everything even that for which there is evidence.

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